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Service Design projectLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: HL00CL23


10 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Janne-Valtteri Nisula


The purpose of the course is to enable students to use service design competence in service development work.

Service business
Futures research
Acting in work life

Aim of the course

You understand the concept and principles of service design. You learn service design and user-centric development methods. You learn to create a design brief and a project plan with a work breakdown structure. You learn how to do use-centric contextual research. You learn the principles of ethnographic research. You learn how to visualize conceptual work.

You gain competence to use service design in the development challenges of companies and organizations. You will study the principles of service design, service design process and service design methods. You will plan and execute a service design project according to service design process. You will use multiple service design tools in your project. You will build a prototype of your concept. You will create a framework to evaluate the success of your project and future development needs.

After the course you will be able to explain the principles and main aims of service design work. You will be able explain the key phases and methods used in service design process. You will be able to use service design in different development tasks. You will be able to create prototypes, and suitable performance metrics to evaluate the success of a service design project, and estimate the future development needs of the given domain. You will be able to act as a contributing member in a creative group, present and report your work visually according to graphic guidelines. You will be able evaluate your own competence in service design field.


Service design process

Service design methods

Design brief

Project plan and work break down structure

User-centric and ethnographic research


Visual reporting

Graphic guidelines

Impact assessment

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You show knowledge of service design process. You show some ability to use service design methods. You can demonstrate that you understand the basics of user-centric research. You can build a prototype of your concept. You show some ability to create visual material in a service design project. You show some understanding of graphic guidelines in your reporting.

You are able work according to service design process. You are able to use service design methods sufficiently. You show rudimentary know-how in user-centric research work. You are able to build a testable prototype of your concept and plan a testing phase for the prototype. You are able to produce visual materials in a service design project and follow graphic guidelines on a rudimentary level in your reporting.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to work according to service design process and use different service design methods appropriately in your work. You show know-how in user-centric research and ability to use your findings in your development work. You are able to create a testable prototype. You show that you are able to test your prototype. You show sufficient skills to produce visual materials in a service design project. You show ability and know-how in using graphic guidelines in your reporting.

Very good
You work fluently according to the service design process. You are able to use service design methods insightfully and creatively. You show competence in doing user-centric research. You make insightful findings and show how to use them in your development work. You are able to build an insightful prototype and test it accordingly. You are able to produce insightful visual material in a service design project and follow graphic guidelines fluently in your reporting.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You work consistently according to the service design process. You use service design methods skillfully and creatively. You do competent user-centric research. You make insightful findings and use them successfully in your development work. You are able to build a creative prototype and build an insightful testing process for it. You are able to produce creative visual material in a service design project and use graphic guidelines creatively in your reporting.