Administration and Decision-making in Health Care and Social ServicesLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: YSJA0102
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Kari Jaatinen, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
The purpose of the course is that you are able to act in accordance with the operating principles of good public administration in various administrative and decision-making situations in the social and health care sector.
Learning Objective:
The student
- is familiar with the key concepts of public administration and decision-making, as well as legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to assess the factors influencing the decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to perceive the importance of the structures, operating principles and actors of the health care and social service system, as well as the health and social policy in their area of expertise.
- operates in accordance with the principles of good public administration.
- Key concepts and principles of public administration and decision-making
- Legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services
- The structures, principles and actors of the health care and social service system
- Steering mechanisms for health care and social services.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Sufficient 1
The student understands the basics of governance and decision-making in the operating environment. The student recognizes some of the tools for administrative development. He/ she understands the principles of good governance.
Satisfactory 2
The student understands the basics of administration and decision making. He / she is able to think about the change in the operating environment in the context of health and social policy. The student recognizes and is able to use some development tools. The student recognizes decision-making processes in different operating environments.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good 3
The student knows the basics of management and decision-making in the field of health care and social services. He / She is also familiar with some current issues in health and social policy. Based on these He/She is able to think about changes in the operating environment. The student knows and chooses the right tools for administrative development and decision-making. The student knows different methods to improve service processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance.
Very good 4
Students are familiar with the basics of administration and decision-making and are able to form a coherent whole when reviewing changes in the operating environment. The student knows the process of social and health care administration and decision-making and is able to utilize it in everyday management and managerial activities. The student follows the current discussion of social and health policy and is able to link it to the development of his / her own area of expertise. The student is able to apply methods and critically analyze their results to develop services and processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance and is able to describe its core content.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
The student is familiar with the key concepts of administration and decision-making and related legislation and systems in the field, and is able to utilize them in everyday management and managerial activities. He / She critically monitors and evaluates research in social and health administration and decision-making, as well as the current social and health policy debate. He / she is able to combine knowledge and present justified perspectives for developing one's own area of expertise. The student works in accordance with the principles of good administration and is able to justify his / her activities.
Further information
Assessment methods:
Written assigment
Teachers' assessment
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
29.01.2024 - 15.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Riitta Räsänen
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
YSV22S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, verkostojohtaminen
YSB22S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK
YSH23S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
ZJAYSH23S1Avoin AMK, sote, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, YAMK-polku
The purpose of the course is that you are able to act in accordance with the operating principles of good public administration in various administrative and decision-making situations in the social and health care sector.
Learning Objective:
The student
- is familiar with the key concepts of public administration and decision-making, as well as legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to assess the factors influencing the decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to perceive the importance of the structures, operating principles and actors of the health care and social service system, as well as the health and social policy in their area of expertise.
- operates in accordance with the principles of good public administration.
- Key concepts and principles of public administration and decision-making
- Legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services
- The structures, principles and actors of the health care and social service system
- Steering mechanisms for health care and social services.
Time and location
(Ei lukkaritoiveita tähän vaan rytmitys- ja tilatoiveet välilehdelle!!)
Learning materials and recommended literature
Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtaminen. Toim. Rissanen, S. & Lammintakanen, J. 2017. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy.
Salminen, A. 2016. Julkisen johtamisen etiikka. Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja. Opetusjulkaisu 60. Julkisjohtaminen 3. 4.laajennettu painos. Viitattu 20.6.2019.
Zitting, J. & Laulainen, S. & Niiranen, V. Lähi- ja keskijohdon osaamisvaatimukset sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen integraatiossa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):4, 380-392. Viitattu 19.4.2020.
Anttiroiko, A-R., Haveri, A., Karhu, V., Ryynänen, A. & Siitonen, P. 2007. Kuntien toiminta, johtaminen ja hallintasuhteet. Kunnallistutkimuksia. Tampere: Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy.
Heuru, K. 2003. Hyvä hallinto, Helsinki: Edita.
Lehtonen, L., Lohiniva-Kerkelä, M., Pahlman, I. 2015. Terveysoikeus. Helsinki: Talentum Pro.
Mäenpää, O. 2018. Hallinto-oikeus. Helsinki: Alma Talent. uusin painos, josta seuraavat luvut:
- II Yleinen hallinto-oikeus, 1. Julkishallinnon valtiosääntöiset perusteet (s. 81-108).
- II Yleinen hallinto-oikeus, 6. Hallinto-oikeudelliset suhteet ja viranomaisen toimivalta (s. 259-285).
- V Oikeudenkäynti hallintoasioissa, 4, Valitus hallintotuomioistuimeen, josta luvut: Valitusoikeus, Valituskelpoiset hallintopäätökset, Valituskielto ja valituslupa (s. 895-938).
- VI Kunnallinen itsehallinto ja muut itsehallinnon muodot, 9. Oikeusturva kunnallishallinnossa ja kunnan oikeusturva, josta luvut Oikaisuvaatimusmenettely ja Muutoksenhaku kunnan päätöksiin (s. 1217-1221).
Teaching methods
Face-to-face and distance learning, literature, written assignments, dialogue discussions.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
No exam.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Content scheduling
Lessons: (by Zoom)
21.2.2024 klo 9.00-16.00
27.3.2024 klo 9.00-16.00
The course begins with a preliminary assignment and ends with the return of the last learning assignment approximately two weeks after the last webinar.
Further information for students
Self-assessment, peer review, teacher evaluation.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
The student understands the basics of governance and decision-making in the operating environment. The student recognizes some of the tools for administrative development. He/ she understands the principles of good governance.
Satisfactory 2
The student understands the basics of administration and decision making. He / she is able to think about the change in the operating environment in the context of health and social policy. The student recognizes and is able to use some development tools. The student recognizes decision-making processes in different operating environments.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
The student knows the basics of management and decision-making in the field of health care and social services. He / She is also familiar with some current issues in health and social policy. Based on these He/She is able to think about changes in the operating environment. The student knows and chooses the right tools for administrative development and decision-making. The student knows different methods to improve service processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance.
Very good 4
Students are familiar with the basics of administration and decision-making and are able to form a coherent whole when reviewing changes in the operating environment. The student knows the process of social and health care administration and decision-making and is able to utilize it in everyday management and managerial activities. The student follows the current discussion of social and health policy and is able to link it to the development of his / her own area of expertise. The student is able to apply methods and critically analyze their results to develop services and processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance and is able to describe its core content.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
The student is familiar with the key concepts of administration and decision-making and related legislation and systems in the field, and is able to utilize them in everyday management and managerial activities. He / She critically monitors and evaluates research in social and health administration and decision-making, as well as the current social and health policy debate. He / she is able to combine knowledge and present justified perspectives for developing one's own area of expertise. The student works in accordance with the principles of good administration and is able to justify his / her activities.
Further information
Assessment methods:
Written assigment
Teachers' assessment
01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023
13.09.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Riitta Räsänen
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
YSH23S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
ZJAYSH23S1Avoin AMK, sote, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, YAMK-polku
The purpose of the course is that you are able to act in accordance with the operating principles of good public administration in various administrative and decision-making situations in the social and health care sector.
Learning Objective:
The student
- is familiar with the key concepts of public administration and decision-making, as well as legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to assess the factors influencing the decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to perceive the importance of the structures, operating principles and actors of the health care and social service system, as well as the health and social policy in their area of expertise.
- operates in accordance with the principles of good public administration.
- Key concepts and principles of public administration and decision-making
- Legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services
- The structures, principles and actors of the health care and social service system
- Steering mechanisms for health care and social services.
Time and location
Two full-day webinars on Zoom, pre-task, mid-task, post-task.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtaminen. Toim. Rissanen, S. & Lammintakanen, J. 2017. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy.
Salminen, A. 2016. Julkisen johtamisen etiikka. Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja. Opetusjulkaisu 60. Julkisjohtaminen 3. 4.laajennettu painos. Viitattu 20.6.2019.
Zitting, J. & Laulainen, S. & Niiranen, V. Lähi- ja keskijohdon osaamisvaatimukset sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen integraatiossa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):4, 380-392. Viitattu 19.4.2020.
Anttiroiko, A-R., Haveri, A., Karhu, V., Ryynänen, A. & Siitonen, P. 2007. Kuntien toiminta, johtaminen ja hallintasuhteet. Kunnallistutkimuksia. Tampere: Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy.
Heuru, K. 2003. Hyvä hallinto, Helsinki: Edita.
Lehtonen, L., Lohiniva-Kerkelä, M., Pahlman, I. 2015. Terveysoikeus. Helsinki: Talentum Pro.
Mäenpää, O. 2018. Hallinto-oikeus. Helsinki: Alma Talent. uusin painos, josta seuraavat luvut:
- II Yleinen hallinto-oikeus, 1. Julkishallinnon valtiosääntöiset perusteet (s. 81-108).
- II Yleinen hallinto-oikeus, 6. Hallinto-oikeudelliset suhteet ja viranomaisen toimivalta (s. 259-285).
- V Oikeudenkäynti hallintoasioissa, 4, Valitus hallintotuomioistuimeen, josta luvut: Valitusoikeus, Valituskelpoiset hallintopäätökset, Valituskielto ja valituslupa (s. 895-938).
- VI Kunnallinen itsehallinto ja muut itsehallinnon muodot, 9. Oikeusturva kunnallishallinnossa ja kunnan oikeusturva, josta luvut Oikaisuvaatimusmenettely ja Muutoksenhaku kunnan päätöksiin (s. 1217-1221).
Teaching methods
Distance learning, two webinars, literature, written assignments, dialogue discussions.
You will receive an email about the opening of the Moodle workspace approx. 4 weeks before the first webinar. Watch the orientation video on Moodle and do the preliminary assignment for the course.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
No exam.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Content scheduling
Teaching: (implemented as distance teaching via Zoom)
Friday 13 October 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
Fri 10.11.2023 at 9.00-16.00
The course begins with a preliminary assignment approx. 4 weeks before the first webinar and ends with the return of the last learning assignment approx. 2 weeks after the second webinar.
Further information for students
Self-assessment, peer review, teacher evaluation.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
The student understands the basics of governance and decision-making in the operating environment. The student recognizes some of the tools for administrative development. He/ she understands the principles of good governance.
Satisfactory 2
The student understands the basics of administration and decision making. He / she is able to think about the change in the operating environment in the context of health and social policy. The student recognizes and is able to use some development tools. The student recognizes decision-making processes in different operating environments.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
The student knows the basics of management and decision-making in the field of health care and social services. He / She is also familiar with some current issues in health and social policy. Based on these He/She is able to think about changes in the operating environment. The student knows and chooses the right tools for administrative development and decision-making. The student knows different methods to improve service processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance.
Very good 4
Students are familiar with the basics of administration and decision-making and are able to form a coherent whole when reviewing changes in the operating environment. The student knows the process of social and health care administration and decision-making and is able to utilize it in everyday management and managerial activities. The student follows the current discussion of social and health policy and is able to link it to the development of his / her own area of expertise. The student is able to apply methods and critically analyze their results to develop services and processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance and is able to describe its core content.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
The student is familiar with the key concepts of administration and decision-making and related legislation and systems in the field, and is able to utilize them in everyday management and managerial activities. He / She critically monitors and evaluates research in social and health administration and decision-making, as well as the current social and health policy debate. He / she is able to combine knowledge and present justified perspectives for developing one's own area of expertise. The student works in accordance with the principles of good administration and is able to justify his / her activities.
Further information
Assessment methods:
Written assigment
Teachers' assessment
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
16.01.2023 - 14.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Riitta Räsänen
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
ZJA21SSYMAvoin AMK, sote, monialainen kuntoutus, YAMK-polku
ZJA21SSYTAvoin AMK, sote, terveyden edistäminen, YAMK-polku
YSY21SMSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, monialainen kuntoutus
ZJA21SSYPAvoin AMK, sote, Projektijohtaminen, YAMK-polku
YSY21SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
ZJA21SSYVAvoin AMK, sote, Verkostojohtaminen, YAMK-polku
YSV21S1Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
YSY21STSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, terveyden edistäminen
ZJA21SSYKAvoin AMK, sote, kliininen asiantuntija, YAMK-polku
YSB21S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK
The purpose of the course is that you are able to act in accordance with the operating principles of good public administration in various administrative and decision-making situations in the social and health care sector.
Learning Objective:
The student
- is familiar with the key concepts of public administration and decision-making, as well as legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to assess the factors influencing the decision-making in the field of health care and social services.
- is able to perceive the importance of the structures, operating principles and actors of the health care and social service system, as well as the health and social policy in their area of expertise.
- operates in accordance with the principles of good public administration.
- Key concepts and principles of public administration and decision-making
- Legislation and systems for decision-making in the field of health care and social services
- The structures, principles and actors of the health care and social service system
- Steering mechanisms for health care and social services.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtaminen. Toim. Rissanen, S. & Lammintakanen, J. 2017. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy.
Salminen, A. 2016. Julkisen johtamisen etiikka. Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja. Opetusjulkaisu 60. Julkisjohtaminen 3. 4.laajennettu painos. Viitattu 20.6.2019.
Zitting, J. & Laulainen, S. & Niiranen, V. Lähi- ja keskijohdon osaamisvaatimukset sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen integraatiossa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (2019):4, 380-392. Viitattu 19.4.2020.
Anttiroiko, A-R., Haveri, A., Karhu, V., Ryynänen, A. & Siitonen, P. 2007. Kuntien toiminta, johtaminen ja hallintasuhteet. Kunnallistutkimuksia. Tampere: Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy.
Heuru, K. 2003. Hyvä hallinto, Helsinki: Edita.
Lehtonen, L., Lohiniva-Kerkelä, M., Pahlman, I. 2015. Terveysoikeus. Helsinki: Talentum Pro.
Mäenpää, O. 2018. Hallinto-oikeus. Helsinki: Alma Talent. uusin painos, josta seuraavat luvut:
- II Yleinen hallinto-oikeus, 1. Julkishallinnon valtiosääntöiset perusteet (s. 81-108).
- II Yleinen hallinto-oikeus, 6. Hallinto-oikeudelliset suhteet ja viranomaisen toimivalta (s. 259-285).
- V Oikeudenkäynti hallintoasioissa, 4, Valitus hallintotuomioistuimeen, josta luvut: Valitusoikeus, Valituskelpoiset hallintopäätökset, Valituskielto ja valituslupa (s. 895-938).
- VI Kunnallinen itsehallinto ja muut itsehallinnon muodot, 9. Oikeusturva kunnallishallinnossa ja kunnan oikeusturva, josta luvut Oikaisuvaatimusmenettely ja Muutoksenhaku kunnan päätöksiin (s. 1217-1221).
Teaching methods
Webinars, independent learning, literature, written assignments, dialogue discussions.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Ei tenttiä.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Content scheduling
Lessons: (by Zoom)
17.1. klo 17.00-18.30 (orientation webinar)
21.2. 9.00-15.30 o'clock
29.3. 8.30-16.00 o'clock
The course begins with a preliminary assignment (instructed in the orientation webinar,) and ends with the return of the last learning assignment approximately two weeks after the last webinar.
Further information for students
Self-assessment, peer review, teacher evaluation.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
The student understands the basics of governance and decision-making in the operating environment. The student recognizes some of the tools for administrative development. He/ she understands the principles of good governance.
Satisfactory 2
The student understands the basics of administration and decision making. He / she is able to think about the change in the operating environment in the context of health and social policy. The student recognizes and is able to use some development tools. The student recognizes decision-making processes in different operating environments.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
The student knows the basics of management and decision-making in the field of health care and social services. He / She is also familiar with some current issues in health and social policy. Based on these He/She is able to think about changes in the operating environment. The student knows and chooses the right tools for administrative development and decision-making. The student knows different methods to improve service processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance.
Very good 4
Students are familiar with the basics of administration and decision-making and are able to form a coherent whole when reviewing changes in the operating environment. The student knows the process of social and health care administration and decision-making and is able to utilize it in everyday management and managerial activities. The student follows the current discussion of social and health policy and is able to link it to the development of his / her own area of expertise. The student is able to apply methods and critically analyze their results to develop services and processes. The student acts in accordance with the principles of good governance and is able to describe its core content.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
The student is familiar with the key concepts of administration and decision-making and related legislation and systems in the field, and is able to utilize them in everyday management and managerial activities. He / She critically monitors and evaluates research in social and health administration and decision-making, as well as the current social and health policy debate. He / she is able to combine knowledge and present justified perspectives for developing one's own area of expertise. The student works in accordance with the principles of good administration and is able to justify his / her activities.
Further information
Assessment methods:
Written assigment
Teachers' assessment