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Practice-Based Research and DevelopmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YZZT0901


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The student recognizes the importance of the knowledge interests of science in research-based development. The student understands the differences between research-based development and scientific research. He/she is able to apply research-based methods for working life development. He/she is able to critically evaluate the chosen development methods and process. The student understands the meaning of research ethics of research-based development.


- Starting points and framework of research-based working life development
- Knowledge intrests of science in research-based development
- Phases of research-based working life development
- Development methods of working life
- Evaluation as a part of research-based workinglife development


Research and development competence achieved in the Bachelor's degree

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 (inadequate):
The student demonstrates understanding of working life research-development and scientific research, the differences and similarities. The student is able to define the purpose and objectives of the development, describe the phases of the development process as well as to select suitable methods for the scope of her/his development work.

2 (satisfactory):
The student demonstrates understanding of the working life research-development and scientific research, the differences and similarities. The student is able to define the purpose and objectives of development. The student describes the phases of the development process and selects suitable methods for his/her development work, and examine and evaluate their suitability for making use of the literature.

3 (good):
Students compare working life research-development and scientific research, the differences and similarities. Students define and limit the development purpose and objectives. The student describes the reasons for the development process phases, the development work applies appropriate methods and examines and evaluates their suitability by making use of the literature.

4 (very good):
Students compare a wide range of working life, research-development and scientific research, the differences and similarities. The student defines and circumscribes precisely the purpose and objectives of development. The student describes the reasons for the development process phases,in the development work applies appropriate methods and examines and evaluates their suitability for critical and utilizing the literature.

5 (Excellent):
The student can compare critically research-based working life development and scientific research, their differences and similarities. The student defines and justifies the purpose and objectives of development. The student describes and justifies phases of development process, applies appropriate development methods. He/she evaluates their suitability for working life development in his/her own field.