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Master's Degree Programme in Project Management: Monimuotototeutus

Code: YSB2020SS

Master of Social Services and Health Care

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services and Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services
Master of Health Care

90 ects

3 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2020

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 Autumn 2020 Spring 2021 Autumn 2021 Spring 2022 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 1. / 2020 2. / 2021 3. / 2021 1. / 2021 2. / 2022 3. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2023 3. / 2023

(Choose ects: 10)

10 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 5
YZZZ0110 Research-based Development 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YZZZ0130 Qualitative Research 5 5 5 5
YZZZ0120 Quantitative Research 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 15)

10 - 15 5 5 5 5 5 5
YZZZ0220 Leadership Dynamics 5 5 5 5
YZZZ0210 Formulating Strategy 5 5 5 5
YZZZ0230 Managerial Accounting 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

15 15 5 10 5 5 5
YZZP0110 Expertise in Project Planning 5 5 5 5
YZZP0120 Project Management and Agile Methods 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YS00BA41 Service Design and Development 5 5 5 2.5 2.5

(Choose all )

30 3 17 10 3 7 10 10 1.5 1.5 7 5 5 10
YZZON100 Master's Thesis 30 3 17 10 3 7 10 10 1.5 1.5 7 5 5 10
YZ00BB05 Maturity Test, Master's Degree 0

(Choose ects: 20)

20 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 2.5
YSZY0210 Professional Ethics 5 5 5 5
YSZY0820 Sexual Health Promotion and Human Rights 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YSZY0510 Digital Expertise in Health Care and Social Services 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YSJZV100 Entrepreneurship Development 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 2.5
YSZY0930 Multicultural Client Work 5 op 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YSZZV320 Health Economics in Health Care and Social Services 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YSZZV700 Financial Management and Economic Assessment in Healthcare and Social Services 5 5 5 5

(Choose ects: 5)

Learning And Competence Development (For Master's Student)

(Choose 21)

0 - 21 8 13 8 8 5 4 4 8 2.5 2.5
Kasvatustieteelliset opinnot

(Choose 16)

0 - 16
AJ00BA18 Understanding Adult Learning 8
AJ00BA19 Education and Society 8
Pedagogisen osaamisen kehittäminen

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
AJ00BA21 Versatile Online Learning Assignments 5
AJ00BA20 Incorporating the Internet into Teaching 5
AJ00BA22 Video as a Pedagogic Tool 5
AJ00BA23 Entrepreneurship Education as a Teacher Competence 5
Total 90 30.5 44.5 35 10 20.5 29.5 15 20 15 10 10.3 10.3 29.5 7.5 7.5 20 7.5 7.5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Master's degree: Common working life competences 2020-2022

Ethical competence

The student
- promotes the implementation of sustainable development principles and social responsibility as a developer of working life
- applies the principles of equality and non-discrimination in their actions and promotes global responsibility
- applies the principles of good scientific practice and open science in their actions.

Research-based Development
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Expertise in Project Planning
Master's Thesis
Professional Ethics
Sexual Health Promotion and Human Rights
Internationalisation and communications competence

The student
- develops transdisciplinary working life communication and interaction
- develops the various communication forms, channels and environments in their field
- predicts the effects of and opportunities provided by internationalisation development in their professional field
- operates in multicultural and international networks and operating environments.

Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Leadership Dynamics
Formulating Strategy
Project Management and Agile Methods
Master's Thesis
Maturity Test, Master's Degree
Professional Ethics
Sexual Health Promotion and Human Rights
Multicultural Client Work 5 op
Learning and information management competence

The student
- evaluates and develops in a goal-oriented manner their expertise by means of continuous learning
- assumes responsibility for their own goal-oriented learning and that of their community as well as competence sharing
- acquires, processes, produces and evaluates knowledge critically and utilises knowledge from various fields in a purposeful manner
- evaluates, utilises and applies digital environments and tools in various kinds of networks.

Research-based Development
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Leadership Dynamics
Formulating Strategy
Managerial Accounting
Expertise in Project Planning
Service Design and Development
Master's Thesis
Digital Expertise in Health Care and Social Services
Health Economics in Health Care and Social Services
Financial Management and Economic Assessment in Healthcare and Social Services
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The student
- is capable of working as a developer of working life in demanding expert and managerial positions or as an entrepreneur
- develops and creates new operations that are customer-driven, sustainable and financially profitable, with due account taken of the foreseen changes in the operating environment
- manages things, people and networks and applied research, development and innovation projects
- develops the operation and occupational well-being of the work communities.

Research-based Development
Leadership Dynamics
Formulating Strategy
Managerial Accounting
Project Management and Agile Methods
Service Design and Development
Master's Thesis
Not grouped
Entrepreneurship Development

Master's Degree: Professional Project Management 2020-2023

Personnel Management Competences

- is able to manage and develop the competence of the staff.
- is able to act as a supervisor in his work community.

No attached course units

Business Development and Management Competences

- use new innovative approaches in the field of strategic management
- develop the organisation's partnerships in a responsible and innovative way
- works constructively and skillfully in networks in various professional interaction situations
- develop the competitiveness of the organization and its network.

No attached course units

Project management competence

- Improves participants' overall knowledge of project topics
- Provides up-to-date information on a project management including an agile project management
- Provides expertise in project management methods, tools and solutions tailored to business needs of your organization
- Increase understanding of project topics in an international environment
- Give a clear idea of the factors influencing project performance
- Enables networking and identifying good practices across boundaries of the certain industries, sectors, or organizations.

Expertise in Project Planning
Project Management and Agile Methods
Service Design and Development
Master's Thesis
Maturity Test, Master's Degree
Strategy Competences

- anticipate, analyze changes in the national and international operating environment and find new approaches to them.
- masters the definition of the goals, core competencies and strategies of his organization and his management in a networked operating environment.

No attached course units

Financial Competences

- understands the connections between strategy and finances and is able to lead the organization taking into account financial aspects.

No attached course units

Not grouped
Research-based Development
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Leadership Dynamics
Formulating Strategy
Managerial Accounting
Professional Ethics
Sexual Health Promotion and Human Rights
Digital Expertise in Health Care and Social Services
Entrepreneurship Development
Multicultural Client Work 5 op
Health Economics in Health Care and Social Services
Financial Management and Economic Assessment in Healthcare and Social Services

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose ects: 10)

YZZZ0110 Research-based Development 5
YZZZ0130 Qualitative Research 5
YZZZ0120 Quantitative Research 5

(Choose ects: 15)

10 - 15
YZZZ0220 Leadership Dynamics 5
YZZZ0210 Formulating Strategy 5
YZZZ0230 Managerial Accounting 5

(Choose all)

YZZP0110 Expertise in Project Planning 5
YZZP0120 Project Management and Agile Methods 5
YS00BA41 Service Design and Development 5

(Choose all)

YZZON100 Master's Thesis 30
YZ00BB05 Maturity Test, Master's Degree 0

(Choose ects: 20)

YSZY0210 Professional Ethics 5
YSZY0820 Sexual Health Promotion and Human Rights 5
YSZY0510 Digital Expertise in Health Care and Social Services 5
YSJZV100 Entrepreneurship Development 5
YSZY0930 Multicultural Client Work 5 op 5
YSZZV320 Health Economics in Health Care and Social Services 5
YSZZV700 Financial Management and Economic Assessment in Healthcare and Social Services 5

(Choose ects: 5)

Learning And Competence Development (For Master's Student)
0 - 21
Kasvatustieteelliset opinnot

(Choose 16)

0 - 16
AJ00BA18 Understanding Adult Learning 8
AJ00BA19 Education and Society 8
Pedagogisen osaamisen kehittäminen

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
AJ00BA21 Versatile Online Learning Assignments 5
AJ00BA20 Incorporating the Internet into Teaching 5
AJ00BA22 Video as a Pedagogic Tool 5
AJ00BA23 Entrepreneurship Education as a Teacher Competence 5