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Qualitative ResearchLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YZZZ0130


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sari Järvinen, Hyvinvointiyksikkö
  • Heidi Neuvonen, Liiketalous


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


15.01.2025 - 18.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Restonomi
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Tradenomi
  • Heidi Neuvonen
  • YMJ22S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ21S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YJH24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, tradenomi
  • YHO22S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ23S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YJM24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, restonomi
  • YHO23S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Online 100%

Learning materials and recommended literature

Patton, M. 2002. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 3. painos. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications

9781483349800 The Sage handbook of qualitative research. 2017. Toim. N. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln. USA: Sage. 978-0-19-958805-3 nidottu Bryman, A.

Teaching methods

Qualitative research is an online course. You study in the Moodle learning environment. In Moodle you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also attend webinars. In webinars, you reflect and share what you have learned communally with your peer students.

During the first three weeks of the study period, each student does an orientation assignment, which confirms your attendance at the study course.

You will receive guidance in the Moodle learning environment (e.g. question and answer forum) and webinars. You will also receive guidance from your peer students.

You will receive qualitative evaluation and feedback on your learning assignments.
You give feedback on the course (final feedback) on the implementation).

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

No exam

International connections

During the course, you will utilize international research literature.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with 17§ of Jamk's degree regulations when considering the recognition and recognition of course competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during the 5-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Orientation to the course 10 h
Studying with learning materials 52 h
Completing learning assignments 62 h
Online lectures and webinars 8 h
Self-assessment and feedback 3 h

Content scheduling

In the course, learning takes place by participating in webinars, independent information search and by completing the learning assignments.

Timetable of the learning assignments in the Moodle workspace.

Completing and returning the orientation assignment is a sign of your participation in the course.

Further information for students

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamk's rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions.

Open UAS number of places 5

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


30.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Juha Ruuska
  • ZJAYMJ23S1
    Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-polut, Matkailu ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
  • ZJAYHO23S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • YMJ23S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO23S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Learning materials and recommended literature

Laadullisen tutkimuksen kirjallisuutta

Yleisiä tutkimuskirjoja

Vilkka, H. 2021. Tutki ja kehitä. 5.painos. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Hirsjärvi,S., Remes, P. & Sajavaara, P. 2019 tai 15 uudempi painos. Tutkija ja kirjoita. Helsinki:Tammi.

Metsämuuronen, J. 2011. Tutkimuksen tekemisen perusteet ihmistieteissä 2 - opiskelijalaitos.

Laadullisen tutkimuksen kirjallisuutta:

Alasuutari, P. 2011 tai 4.uudempi painos. Laadullinen tutkimus 2.0.Tampere: Vastapaino.

Eskola, J. & Suoranta, J. 2014 tai uudempi painos. Johdatus laadulliseen tutkimukseen. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Puusa, A., Juuti, P. & Aaltio, I. 2020. Laadullisen tutkimuksen näkökulmat ja menetelmät. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Tutkimusmenetelmien verkkokäsikirja. 2021. Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto.

Silverman, D. 2022. Doing Qualitative Research. London: SAGE.

Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. 2013. Strategies of qualitative inquiry. 4th edition. Thousands Oaks, CA:SAGE.

Tuomi, J. & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Tammi.

Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. (toim.) 2015 (tai uudempi painos). Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 1. Metodin valinta ja aineistonkeruu: virikkeitä aloittelevalle tutkijalle. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. (toim.) 2015 (tai uudempi painos). Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökulmia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Eskola, J. & Suoranta, J. 1998. Johdatus laadulliseen tutkimukseen. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Tuomi, J. & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Helsinki: Tammi.

Ruusuvuori, J. & Tiittula, L. (toim.) 2005. Haastattelu: tutkimus, tilanteet ja vuorovaikutus. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Pietikäinen, S. & Mäntynen, A. 2019 (tai vanhempi painos 2009). Uusi kurssi kohti diskurssia. Tampere: Vastapaino

Patton, M. Q. (2002 tai myöhemmät painokset). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 3. painos. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Braun, V. & Clarke. V. 2021. Thematic Analysis. London: SAGE.

The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Fifth Edition. 2017. Toim. N. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.

Klenke, K. 2018. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership. Bingley: Emerald.

Creswell, J. & Poth, C.N. 2018. Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches. Fifth Edition. Los Angles: SAGE.


Yin, R. K. 2018. Case study research and applications : design and methods. Thousands Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Jokinen, P., Bamberg. J. & Laine, M. 2018. Tapaustutkimuksen taito. Kuudes painos. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Liiketalouden näkökulma

Erikson, P. & Kovalainen, A. 2015. Qualitative methods in business research. 2nd Edition. London: SAGE?.

Ghauri, P.N., Gronhaug. K. & Strange, R. 2020. Fifth Edition. Research methods in business studies. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Teaching methods

Study methods
Research-based development is an online course. You study in the Moodle learning environment. In Moodle you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also attend webinars. In webinars, you reflect and share what you have learned communally with your peer students.

You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in learning assignments done in group works or individually.

You will receive guidance in the Moodle learning environment (e.g. question and answer forum) and webinars. You will also receive guidance from your peer students.

You will receive both qualitative and quantitative evaluation and feedback onto your examination, group work and reflective assignments.

You give feedback on the course (mid-term and final feedback on the implementation).

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

This course has a research project, which can be done for a case organisation.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Online exam will be done at informed time.
An unsuccessful online exam can be done again in two sessions.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international research literature.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with 17§ of Jamk's degree regulations when con-sidering the recognition and recognition of course competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during the 5-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Orientation to the course 20 h
Studying with learning materials 40 h
Completing learning assignments 60 h
Online lectures and webinars 8 h
Self-assessment and feedback 7 h

Content scheduling

The study course is divided into three parts as follows:

Tämä on kesken..

2 ECTS: Orientation onto theoretical foundation of qualitative research and qualitative research process
2 ECTS: Qualitative data analysis, interpretation and reporting of qualitative data analysis
1 ECTS: Reporting qualitative research, and credibility and ethical considerations

Each part includes individual learning tasks and exams

Further information for students

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamki rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


30.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Tarja Niemelä
  • ZJAYMJ23S1
    Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-polut, Matkailu ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
  • YMJ23S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Learning materials and recommended literature

Laadullisen tutkimuksen kirjallisuutta

Yleisiä tutkimuskirjoja

Vilkka, H. 2021. Tutki ja kehitä. 5.painos. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Hirsjärvi,S., Remes, P. & Sajavaara, P. 2019 tai 15 uudempi painos. Tutkija ja kirjoita. Helsinki:Tammi.

Metsämuuronen, J. 2011. Tutkimuksen tekemisen perusteet ihmistieteissä 2 - opiskelijalaitos.

Laadullisen tutkimuksen kirjallisuutta:

Alasuutari, P. 2011 tai 4.uudempi painos. Laadullinen tutkimus 2.0.Tampere: Vastapaino.

Eskola, J. & Suoranta, J. 2014 tai uudempi painos. Johdatus laadulliseen tutkimukseen. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Puusa, A., Juuti, P. & Aaltio, I. 2020. Laadullisen tutkimuksen näkökulmat ja menetelmät. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Tutkimusmenetelmien verkkokäsikirja. 2021. Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto.

Silverman, D. 2022. Doing Qualitative Research. London: SAGE.

Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. 2013. Strategies of qualitative inquiry. 4th edition. Thousands Oaks, CA:SAGE.

Tuomi, J. & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Tammi.

Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. (toim.) 2015 (tai uudempi painos). Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 1. Metodin valinta ja aineistonkeruu: virikkeitä aloittelevalle tutkijalle. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. (toim.) 2015 (tai uudempi painos). Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökulmia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Eskola, J. & Suoranta, J. 1998. Johdatus laadulliseen tutkimukseen. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Tuomi, J. & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Helsinki: Tammi.

Ruusuvuori, J. & Tiittula, L. (toim.) 2005. Haastattelu: tutkimus, tilanteet ja vuorovaikutus. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Pietikäinen, S. & Mäntynen, A. 2019 (tai vanhempi painos 2009). Uusi kurssi kohti diskurssia. Tampere: Vastapaino

Patton, M. Q. (2002 tai myöhemmät painokset). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 3. painos. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Braun, V. & Clarke. V. 2021. Thematic Analysis. London: SAGE.

The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Fifth Edition. 2017. Toim. N. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.

Klenke, K. 2018. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership. Bingley: Emerald.

Creswell, J. & Poth, C.N. 2018. Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches. Fifth Edition. Los Angles: SAGE.


Yin, R. K. 2018. Case study research and applications : design and methods. Thousands Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Jokinen, P., Bamberg. J. & Laine, M. 2018. Tapaustutkimuksen taito. Kuudes painos. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Liiketalouden näkökulma

Erikson, P. & Kovalainen, A. 2015. Qualitative methods in business research. 2nd Edition. London: SAGE?.

Ghauri, P.N., Gronhaug. K. & Strange, R. 2020. Fifth Edition. Research methods in business studies. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Teaching methods

Study methods
Research-based development is an online course. You study in the Moodle learning environment. In Moodle you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also attend webinars. In webinars, you reflect and share what you have learned communally with your peer students.

You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in learning assignments done in group works or individually.

You will receive guidance in the Moodle learning environment (e.g. question and answer forum) and webinars. You will also receive guidance from your peer students.

You will receive both qualitative and quantitative evaluation and feedback onto your assignments, group work and reflective assignments.

You give feedback on the course (mid-term and final feedback on the implementation).

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

This course has a research project, which can be done for a case organisation.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international research literature.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with 17§ of Jamk's degree regulations when con-sidering the recognition and recognition of course competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during the 5-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Orientation to the course 20 h
Studying with learning materials 40 h
Completing learning assignments 60 h
Online lectures and webinars 8 h
Self-assessment and feedback 7 h

Content scheduling

The study course is divided into three parts as follows:

Tämä on kesken..

2 ECTS: Orientation onto theoretical foundation of qualitative research and qualitative research process
2 ECTS: Qualitative data analysis, interpretation and reporting of qualitative data analysis
1 ECTS: Reporting qualitative research, and credibility and ethical considerations

Each part includes individual learning tasks and exams

Further information for students

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamki rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


20.11.2023 - 31.03.2024


01.04.2024 - 20.06.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Sari Järvinen
Teacher in charge

Sari Järvinen

  • YSU23KM
    Monialainen kuntoutus (YAMK)
  • YSV23S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, verkostojohtaminen
  • YSB23S1
    Projektijohtaminen YAMK
    Avoin AMK, sote, Monialainen kuntoutus, YAMK-polku
  • ZJAYSB23S1
    Avoin AMK, sote,Projektijohtaminen, YAMK-polku
  • ZJAYSV23S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, Verkostojohtaminen, YAMK-polku
  • YSH23S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
  • ZJAYSH23S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, YAMK-polku


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Implementation time 1.4-20.6.2024 (Moodle open)

I Webinar 16.4.2024 time 16-19
II Webinar 25.4.2024 time 16-19
III Webinar 14.5.2024 time 16-19
A seminar day where the final assignment is presented online 4.6.2024 time 8-15

Learning materials and recommended literature

Holloway, I. & Galvin K. 2017. Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare.
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. 4th ed. ebook

Kyngäs, H., Mikkonen, K. & Kääriäinen, M. 2020 The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research. Springer Nature, Switzerland. eBook


Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.


Klenke, K. 2008. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership. Great Britain: Emerald.


Creswell, J. & Poth, C.N. 2018. Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. 2011. Handbook of qualitative research. 2011. Lincoln. 4. edition. London: Sage.
Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. 2001. The practice of nursing research. Conduct, Critique, and Utilization. 5th edition or the latest. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders cop.
Elo, S. & Kyngäs, H. 2008. The qualitative content analysis process. Advanced Nursing 62(1), 107–115.
Resnik D. B. 2011. What is Ethics in Research & Why is It Important? National institute of health science. Available at:
Silverman, D. 2014. Interpreting qualitative data. Methods for analysing talk, text and interaction. 5.painos. London:Sage.
Gerrish, K. & Lathlean, J. 2015. The Research process in Nursing. Wileys & Blackwell. Section 4 and chapter 34. Ebook
Tuomi, J, & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Uudistettu laitos. Helsinki: Tammi.

Teaching methods

Blended-learning, which utilizes online learning, and also there is independent learning and peer support.

Student workload

Webinars 14 h
Online seminar introducing the "mini-study" 7 h
Independent work: getting acquainted with literature, working on learning tasks and preparing a seminar presentation 114 h

A total of 135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


22.01.2024 - 14.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • YMJ22S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ21S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO22S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Scheduled online implementation

Learning materials and recommended literature

Dodd, S-J. & Epstein, I. 2012. Practice-based research in social work: a guide for reluctant researchers. London; New York: Routledge.

Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.

Yin, R. K. 2018. Case study research and applications : design and methods. Los Angeles: Sage.

Ethical principles and ethical review in human sciences. 2020. Finnish National Board on Research Integrity.

Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland. 2012. Finnish National Boa

Teaching methods

Individual learning assignments
Group working
Lectures and webinars
Online exam

Alternative completion methods

You can complete the course by combining study and work, by studification. Agree on studification of the course with the lecturer in charge of the course. For more information on studification, see the degree regulations and study guide

Student workload

lectures/online lectures 24 h
- learning tasks and group working 79 h
- studying the course material 20 h incl. online exam

Total 135 hours

Content scheduling

The study course proceeds in four stages during which the student works on a mini-research on the chosen topic.

Further information for students

Student can participate in the course even if the topic of the thesis is not yet clear of found.

Various evaluation methods are used in the evaluation of the study course performance. The mini-study is evaluated by using qualitative evaluation criteria and the online exam with quantitative criteria, which together consist the overall evaluation of the study course.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


15.01.2024 - 30.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Sari Järvinen
Teacher in charge

Sari Järvinen


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Implementation time 1.1.2024 - 30.3.2024 (Moodle open)

I Webinar 16.1.2024 time 16-19
II Webinar 30.1.2024 time 16-19
III Webinar 20.2.2024 time 16-19
A seminar day where the final assignment is presented online 19.3.2024 time 8-15

Learning materials and recommended literature

The Sage handbook of qualitative research. 2017. Toim. N. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln. USA: Sage.

Holloway, I. & Galvin, K. 2017. Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare. 4. painos. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Pope, C. & Mays, N. 2020. Qualitative Research in Health Care. Wileys Blackwell, 4th edition. ebook.

Hackley, C. 2020. Qualitative research in marketing and management : doing interpretive research projects. Roudledge, 2nd edition. ebook

Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.

Klenke, K. 2016. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership. Great Britain: Emerald.

Creswell, J. & Poth, C.N. 2018. Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.

The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research. 2018 or 2020. Toim. H. Kyngäs, K. Mikkonen & M. Kääriäinen, M. Cham: Springer. ebook

Tuomi, J, & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Uudistettu laitos. Helsinki: Tammi.

Additional material:

Elo, S. & Kyngäs, H. 2008. The qualitative content analysis process. Advanced Nursing 62(1), 107–115.

Resnik D. B. 2011. What is Ethics in Research & Why is It Important? National institute of health science. Available at:

Silverman, D. 2014. Interpreting qualitative data. Methods for analysing talk, text and interaction. 5.painos. London:Sage.

Gerrish, K. & Lathlean, J. 2015. The Research process in Nursing. Wileys & Blackwell. Section 4 and chapter 34. Ebook

Teaching methods

Blended-learning, which utilizes online learning, and also there is independent learning and peer support.

Student workload

Webinars 14 h
Online seminar introducing the "mini-study" 7 h
Independent work: getting acquainted with literature, working on learning tasks and preparing a seminar presentation 114 h

A total of 135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


11.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • ZJA23SH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • YHO22S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Scheduled online implementation

Learning materials and recommended literature

Dodd, S-J. & Epstein, I. 2012. Practice-based research in social work: a guide for reluctant researchers. London; New York: Routledge.

Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.

Yin, R. K. 2018. Case study research and applications : design and methods. Los Angeles: Sage.

Ethical principles and ethical review in human sciences. 2020. Finnish National Board on Research Integrity.

Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland. 2012. Finnish National Boa

Teaching methods

Individual learning assignments
Group working
Lectures and webinars
Online exam

Alternative completion methods

You can complete the course by combining study and work, by studification. Agree on studification of the course with the lecturer in charge of the course. For more information on studification, see the degree regulations and study guide

Student workload

lectures/online lectures 24 h
- learning tasks and group working 79 h
- studying the course material 20 h incl. online exam

Total 135 hours

Content scheduling

The study course proceeds in four stages during which the student works on a mini-research on the chosen topic.

Further information for students

Student can participate in the course even if the topic of the thesis is not yet clear of found.

Various evaluation methods are used in the evaluation of the study course performance. The mini-study is evaluated by using qualitative evaluation criteria and the online exam with quantitative criteria, which together consist the overall evaluation of the study course.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


11.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Tarja Niemelä
  • YMJ22S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • ZJA23SM
    Avoin amk, marata


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Scheduled online implementation

Learning materials and recommended literature

Dodd, S-J. & Epstein, I. 2012. Practice-based research in social work: a guide for reluctant researchers. London; New York: Routledge.

Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.

Yin, R. K. 2018. Case study research and applications : design and methods. Los Angeles: Sage.

Ethical principles and ethical review in human sciences. 2020. Finnish National Board on Research Integrity.

Responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland. 2012. Finnish National Boa

Teaching methods

Individual learning assignments
Group working
Lectures and webinars
Online exam

Alternative completion methods

You can complete the course by combining study and work, by studification. Agree on studification of the course with the lecturer in charge of the course. For more information on studification, see the degree regulations and study guide

Student workload

lectures/online lectures 24 h
- learning tasks and group working 79 h
- studying the course material 20 h incl. online exam

Total 135 hours

Content scheduling

The study course proceeds in four stages during which the student works on a mini-research on the chosen topic.

Further information for students

Student can participate in the course even if the topic of the thesis is not yet clear of found.

Various evaluation methods are used in the evaluation of the study course performance. The mini-study is evaluated by using qualitative evaluation criteria and the online exam with quantitative criteria, which together consist the overall evaluation of the study course.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


01.09.2023 - 10.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Sari Järvinen
Teacher in charge

Sari Järvinen

  • YSU23KM
    Monialainen kuntoutus (YAMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, Terveyden edistäminen, YAMK-polku
  • YSC23KM
    Terveyden edistämisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, Monialainen kuntoutus, YAMK-polku


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Implementation time 1.9 2023 - 17.12.2023 (Moodle open)

I Webinar 26.9.2023 time 16-19
II Webinar 10.10.2023 time 16-19
III Webinar 31.10.2023 time 16-19
A seminar day where the final assignment is presented online 30.11.2023 time 8-15

Learning materials and recommended literature

- The Sage handbook of qualitative research. 2017. Toim. N. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln. USA: Sage.
- Holloway, I. & Galvin, K. 2017. Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare. 4. painos. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.
- Klenke, K. 2016. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership. Great Britain: Emerald.
- Creswell, J. & Poth, C.N. 2018. Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Kyngäs, H., Mikkonen, K. & Kääriäinen, M. 2020 The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research. Springer Nature, Switzerland. eBook
- Tuomi, J, & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Uudistettu laitos. Helsinki: Tammi.

Other materials:
- Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. 2011. Handbook of qualitative research. 2011. Lincoln. 4. edition. London: Sage.
- Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. 2001. The practice of nursing research. Conduct, Critique, and Utilization. 5th edition or the latest. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders cop.
- Elo, S. & Kyngäs, H. 2008. The qualitative content analysis process. Advanced Nursing 62(1), 107–115.
- Resnik D. B. 2011. What is Ethics in Research & Why is It Important? National institute of health science. Available at:
- Silverman, D. 2014. Interpreting qualitative data. Methods for analysing talk, text and interaction. 5.painos. London:Sage.
- Gerrish, K. & Lathlean, J. 2015. The Research process in Nursing. Wileys & Blackwell. Section 4 and chapter 34. Ebook
- Tuomi, J, & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Uudistettu painos. Helsinki: Tammi.

Teaching methods

Blended-learning, which utilizes online learning, and also there is independent learning and peer support.

Student workload

Webinars 14 h
Online seminar introducing the "mini-study" 7 h
Independent work: getting acquainted with literature, working on learning tasks and preparing a seminar presentation 114 h

A total of 135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.04.2023 - 26.04.2023


15.04.2023 - 12.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Sari Järvinen
Teacher in charge

Sari Järvinen

  • YSY22SM
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, monialainen kuntoutus
  • YSY22ST
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, terveyden edistäminen
  • YSY22SK
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
  • ZJAYSB22S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, Projektijohtaminen, YAMK-polku
  • YSV22S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, verkostojohtaminen
  • ZJAYSV22S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, Verkostojohtaminen, YAMK-polku
  • YSB22S1
    Projektijohtaminen YAMK
    Avoin AMK, sote, Terveyden edistäminen, YAMK-polku
    Avoin AMK, sote, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, YAMK-polku
  • YSY22SJ
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen
    Avoin AMK, sote, Kliininen asiantuntija, YAMK-polku
    Avoin AMK, sote, Monialainen kuntoutus, YAMK-polku


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Implementation time 15.4-12.6.2023 (Moodle open)

I Webinar 27.4.23 time 16-19
II Webinar 9.5.23 time 16-19
III Webinar 16.5.23 time 16-19
A seminar day where the final assignment is presented 6.6.23 time 8-16

Learning materials and recommended literature

Holloway, I. & Galvin K. 2017. Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare.
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. 4th ed. ebook

Kyngäs, H., Mikkonen, K. & Kääriäinen, M. 2020 The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research. Springer Nature, Switzerland. eBook


Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.


Klenke, K. 2008. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership. Great Britain: Emerald.

Additional material:

Creswell, J. & Poth, C.N. 2018. Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. 2011. Handbook of qualitative research. 2011. Lincoln. 4. edition. London: Sage.
Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. 2001. The practice of nursing research. Conduct, Critique, and Utilization. 5th edition or the latest. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders cop.
Elo, S. & Kyngäs, H. 2008. The qualitative content analysis process. Advanced Nursing 62(1), 107–115.
Resnik D. B. 2011. What is Ethics in Research & Why is It Important? National institute of health science. Available at:
Silverman, D. 2014. Interpreting qualitative data. Methods for analysing talk, text and interaction. 5.painos. London:Sage.
Gerrish, K. & Lathlean, J. 2015. The Research process in Nursing. Wileys & Blackwell. Section 4 and chapter 34. Ebook
Tuomi, J, & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Uudistettu laitos. Helsinki: Tammi.

Teaching methods

Blended-learning, which utilizes online learning, and also there is independent learning and peer support.

Student workload

Webinars 14 h
Online seminar introducing the "mini-study" 7 h
Independent work: getting acquainted with literature, working on learning tasks and preparing a seminar presentation 114 h

A total of 135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.11.2022 - 06.01.2023


10.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
  • Sari Järvinen
Teacher in charge

Sari Järvinen

  • YSY22SM
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, monialainen kuntoutus
  • YSY22ST
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, terveyden edistäminen
  • YSY22SK
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
  • ZJAYSB22S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, Projektijohtaminen, YAMK-polku
  • ZJAYSV22S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, Verkostojohtaminen, YAMK-polku
  • YSV21S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
    Avoin AMK, sote, Terveyden edistäminen, YAMK-polku
  • YSB21S1
    Projektijohtaminen YAMK
    Avoin AMK, sote, Kliininen asiantuntija, YAMK-polku
    Avoin AMK, sote, Monialainen kuntoutus, YAMK-polku


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Time and location

Implementation time 10.1 - 30.4.2023 (Moodle open)

I Webinar 12.1.2023 time 16-19
II Webinar 31.1..2023 time 16-19
III Webinar 8.3.2023 time 16-19
A seminar day where the final assignment is presented 26.4. 2023 time 8-16

Learning materials and recommended literature

Holloway, I. & Galvin K. (2017). Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare.
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. 4th ed. Ebook

Kyngäs, H., Mikkonen, K. & Kääriäinen, M. (2020) The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research. Springer Nature, Switzerland. eBook


Bryman, A. 2012. Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press cop.


Klenke, K. 2008. Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership. Great Britain: Emerald.

Additional material:

Creswell, J. & Poth, C.N. 2018. Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. 2011. Handbook of qualitative research. 2011. Lincoln. 4. edition. London: Sage.
Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. 2001. The practice of nursing research. Conduct, Critique, and Utilization. 5th edition or the latest. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders cop.
Elo, S. & Kyngäs, H. 2008. The qualitative content analysis process. Advanced Nursing 62(1), 107–115.
Resnik D. B. 2011. What is Ethics in Research & Why is It Important? National institute of health science. Available at:
Silverman, D. 2014. Interpreting qualitative data. Methods for analysing talk, text and interaction. 5.painos. London:Sage.
Gerrish, K. & Lathlean, J. 2015. The Research process in Nursing. Wileys & Blackwell. Section 4 and chapter 34. Ebook
Tuomi, J, & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Uudistettu laitos. Helsinki: Tammi.

Teaching methods

Blended-learning, which utilizes face-to-face and online learning, and also there is independent learning and peer support.

Student workload

Webinars 14 h
Online seminar introducing the "mini-study" 7 h
Independent work: getting acquainted with literature, working on learning tasks and preparing a seminar presentation 114 h

A total of 135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


24.10.2022 - 19.02.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Heidi Neuvonen
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ21S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO20SA
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ20S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
  • YHO20S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen


The purpose of the course is that you know how to interpret and evaluate qualitative studies and know how to use qualitative research and its methods in the development and research activities of working life.

- Ethical competence; You know how to implement the principles of good scientific practice and promote their application in your work community
- Learning to learn; You know how to acquire, critically evaluate and produce information taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Proactive development; You know how to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to interpret and explain the theoretical foundations and methods of qualitative research. You can critically evaluate qualitative research and its suitability for research and development work in your own field, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. You know how to plan and implement research or development work, applying different qualitative research and development methods.


Qualitative researches¿ information theoretic basis
Defining the research topic and the research problem and questions
Qualitative research process
The main data collection methods in qualitative research
Different types of literature review
The main methods of data analysis in qualitative research
The reliability and validity of qualitative research
Qualitative research ethical issues

Learning materials and recommended literature

- Eskola, J. 2015. laadullisen tutkimuksen juhannustaiat. Laadullisen aineiston analyysi vaihe vaiheelta. Teoksessa Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökumia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Toim. Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. Juva: Bookwell Oy, 185-189
- Kiviniemi, K. 2015. Laadullinen tutkimus prosessina. Teoksessa Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökumia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Toim. Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. Juva: Bookwell Oy, 74-75
- Kvalimot. Kvalitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien oppimisympäristö. Tampereen yliopisto.
- Metsämuuronen, J. 2011: Tutkimuksen tekemisen perusteet ihmistieteissä 2 - opiskelijalaitos.
- Patton, M. 2002. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 3. painos. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
- Puusa, A.& Juuti, P. 2011: Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat: perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan.
- Rantala, I. 2015. Laadullisen aineiston analyysi tietokoneella. Teoksessa Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökumia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Toim. Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. Juva: Bookwell Oy, 108- 116.
- Solatie, J. 2001. Focusryhmät: Kvalitatiiviset ryhmäkeskustelut strategisen markkinointitutkimuksen apuna. Helsinki: Mainostajien liitto
- Tuomi, J. & Sarajärvi, A. 2018. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Tammi.
- Tutkimuseettisen neuvottelukunna julkaisuja 3/2019. Ihmiseen kohdistuvan tutkimuksen eettiset periaatteet ja ihmistieteiden eettiinen ennakointi Suomessa. hje_2019.pdf.
- Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. 2015. Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin: 2, Näkökulmia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. 4.uud. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus

Teaching methods

100% online course
Moodle - workspace
Online webinars: zoom link can be found on the Moodle workspace

Alternative completion methods

Opintojakso edellyttää kolmen tehtävän hyväksyttyä suoritusta
1. Laadulliseen tutkimukseen perehtyminen (S/hyl) (yksilötehtävä)

2. Aineiston keruu (a) ja sisällön analyysi (b) (S/hyl.) (yksilötehtävä),

3. Metodologia-luku, (yksilötehtävä, 100 % opintojakson arvosanasta),

Student workload

- Osallistuminen webinaareihin 10 h
- Aineiston kerääminen ja analysointi 40 h
- Tehtävien kirjoittaminen 50 h
- Muu itsenäinen opiskelu 35 h

Yhteensä 135 h

Further information for students

Assessment of the 3rd assignment is 100% of the total grade of the course, scale 0 - 5

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student knows the theoretical basis of qualitative research as well as the strengths and weaknesses. He or she identifies different types of qualitative data and methods that are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student understands how to evaluate qualitative research. The student knows how qualitative research has been applied in research and development.

Satisfactory 2
The student applies the theoretical basis of qualitative research. The student is able to identify and select the various kinds of qualitative data and methods, which are applicable to different types of research tasks solving. The student can to apply qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student master the theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to analyze the suitability of different qualitative data and methods, in his/her own field research. The students can analyze the qualitative research and its suitability in his/her field of research and development.

Very good 4
The student is able to synthetize and summarize theoretical basics, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative data and methods. The student is able to create new knowledge by utilizing qualitative research in his/her own field.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student is able to determine critically the reasons for the qualitative research information theoretical foundations and methods. The student evaluates strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. Student can evaluate a variety of qualitative data and methods for the purpose of different types of research tasks solving. Student evaluates critically qualitative research and its applicability in their own field of research and development.