Leadership DynamicsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: YZZZ0220
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Sami Kalliomaa, Liiketoiminta
- Kari Jaatinen, Hyvinvointi
- Marianne Ekonen, Liiketoiminta
- Petri Vauhkonen, Teknologia
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Sami Kalliomaa
ZJA24SHAvoin amk, lita
ZJAYMJ23S1Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-polut, Matkailu ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
ZJAYHO23S1Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
YMJ23S1Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
YHO23S1Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
Ajankohtainen omavalintainen ihmisten johtamista käsittelevä tietokirja.
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Management, Human Relations yms.
Teaching methods
Verkko-opetus, harjoitustyöt, pienryhmätyöskentely, itsenäinen työskentely
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojakso integroidaan valittuun organisaatioon. Se sisältää käytännön harjoittelua.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Kehittämistehtävän voi uusia, jos on saanut hylätyn.
International connections
Kv-materiaalin käyttäminen tehtävissä.
Alternative completion methods
Student workload
Ohjeet, sisältö, tavoitteet, oppimistehtävät, oma perehtyminen, ajankäytön suunnittelu ja oppimisalustan käyttö sekä aloituswebinaari (4 h)
Johtajuusteoriat ja määritelmä: tiedon haku ja omaksuminen, oppimistehtävän tekeminen sekä webinaari (25 h)
Lukupiiri: tiedon haku ja omaksuminen, oppimistehtävän tekeminen sekä webinaari (30 h)
Tunneälykkyyden tutkimus: tiedon haku ja omaksuminen, oppimistehtävän tekeminen sekä tuotoksiin tutustuminen (16 h)
Dialogitaitojen soveltaminen käytännössä: tiedon haku ja omaksuminen, oppimistehtävän tekeminen (25 h)
Yhteisöllinen oppiminen: tiedon haku ja omaksuminen, oppimistehtävän tekeminen ja webinaareihin osallistuminen ja yhteenveto (35 h)
Content scheduling
Verkkoluennot, webinaarit, osaamisen arviointi, johtajuusreferaatti, lukupiiri, dialogiharjoitus, kehittämistehtävä (kehittämis- tai tutkimuspainotteinen) sisältäen itsearvioinnin.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 5
Formatiivinen ja summatiivinen arviointi
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 03.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Kirsi Kemell
ZJAYTH24K1Avoin amk, YAMK-polut, Elinkaaren hallinta, Monimuoto
YTH24K1Elinkaaren hallinta (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Autumn semester 2024:
week 34 Moodle workspace opens, orientation assignment
Sat 31.8. Zoom at 9-14
Fri 13.9. Zoom at 12-15
Fri 27.9. Zoom at 12-15
Sat 5.10. Zoom at 9-14
Final deadline for all assignments Sun 3.11.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Seville, E. 2017. Resilient Organizations. How to Survive, Thrive and Create Opportunities Through Crisis and Change.
Contact lessons materials.
Alternative support references:
Åhman, H. & Gustafsberg, H. 2017. Tilannetaju - päätä paremmin. Alma Talent. Amabile, T. & Kramer, S. 2012. Pienet suuret teot. Opi johtamaan kehitystä. Alma Talent. Hougaard, R., Kalajo, T., Ora, H. 2018. Ajatteleva johtaja. Alma Talent.
Jackson, B. & Parry, K. 2011. A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership. Wilthire: CPI Antony Rowe. Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava. Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava. Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.
Gromov, A. & Brandt, T. 2011. Transformationaalinen johtajuus muutoksessa. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena organisaatiomuutos. Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 1 (11), 65- 83. Yahaya, R. & Ebrahim, F. 2016. Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review 35 (2), 190-216.
Aura, O., Eskelinen, J., Ahonen, G. ja Kuosmanen, T. 2019. Johtaminen ja tuottavuus - henkilöstön johtaminen menestystekijänä. https://www.ossiaura.com/julkaisut.html
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management
Teaching methods
Online working, group work and individual assignments.
Target group: Master's degree program Life Cycle Management YTH
Alternative completion methods
The admission procedures are described in the degree rule and the study guide. The teacher of the course will give you more information on possible specific course practices.
Student workload
One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of five credits is approximately 135 hours.
Further information for students
The assessment of learning during the course is based on learning objectives, quality and criteria, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process. The assessment of the learning assignment supports the development of the student’s competence.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
20.11.2023 - 22.01.2024
04.03.2024 - 26.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
YSU24K1Monialainen kuntoutus (YAMK)
ZJAYSU24KMAvoin AMK, sote, Monialainen kuntoutus, YAMK-polku
YSC24KMTerveyden edistämisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
ZJAYSC24KMAvoin AMK, sote, Terveyden edistäminen, YAMK-polku
YSV23S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, verkostojohtaminen
ZJAYSV23S1Avoin AMK, sote, Verkostojohtaminen, YAMK-polku
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Webinars (with Zoom):
7.3.2024 klo 17.00-18.30
4.4. klo 17-19
29.4. klo 17-19
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
An up-to-date non-personal guide to people management.
Suitable article from e.g. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Työelämän tutkimus, Hallinnon tutkimus -journal.
Teaching methods
Contact and/or e-learning.
Online and contact teaching, assignments, small group work, independent work and literature.
The implementation option can also be the study of work or a Future Factory project.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Ei tenttiä.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Student workload
Face-to-face teaching or online meetings 6-35 h
Independent work and group work 100-129 h
A total of 135 h
Content scheduling
The first webinar instructs and stages the progress of the course.
The central learning task of the course is a work-based development task performed by the student in his / her own (or imagined) work organization during the course. The student can choose a topical development topic related to the themes of the course from his / her own organization. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge to solve a practical problem and to write a project plan-type reflective essay or project report on it.
Further information for students
The assessment of the course is based on the assessment criteria derived from the learning objectives.
Tasks are assessed as accepted / rejected, except for the work-based development task (see above), which is assessed with grades 0-5.
The evaluation of the entire course (0-5) thus consists in practice of the grade of the development task.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
24.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Sami Kalliomaa
ZJAYMJ23S1Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-polut, Matkailu ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
YMJ23S1Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
YHO23S1Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Further information for students
Avoin amk 15 (max) sisältyy paikkamääriin
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
09.01.2024 - 07.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Kristina Grahn
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
ZJAYSG23S1Avoin AMK, sote,Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK), YAMK-polku
YSG23S1Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK)
YSH23S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
ZJAYSH23S1Avoin AMK, sote, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, YAMK-polku
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Webinars (with Zoom):
9.1.2024 klo 17.00-18.30
6.2.2024 klo 17-19
14.3.2024 klo 17-19
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
Ajankohtainen omavalintainen ihmisten johtamista käsittelevä tietokirja.
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Hallinnon tutkimus tai Työelämän tutkimus -lehdistä.
Teaching methods
E-learning, assignments, small group work, independent work and literature.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
No exam.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Student workload
Face-to-face teaching or online meetings 6-35 h
Independent work and group work 100-129 h
A total of 135 h
Content scheduling
The first webinar instructs and stages the progress of the course.
The central learning task of the course is a work-based development task performed by the student in his / her own (or imagined) work organization during the course. The student can choose a topical development topic related to the themes of the course from his / her own organization. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge to solve a practical problem and to write a project plan-type reflective essay or project report on it.
Further information for students
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 24.03.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Kirsi Kemell
ZJAYLO23S1Avoin amk, Logistiikka (YAMK), monimuoto
YLO23S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), logistiikka
YTV23S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), verkostojohtaminen
YSV23S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, verkostojohtaminen
ZJAYTV23S1Avoin amk, Verkostojohtaminen, insinööri, Monimuoto
ZJAYSV23S1Avoin AMK, sote, Verkostojohtaminen, YAMK-polku
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2023 - 15.10.2023
28.10.2023 - 03.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 20
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Kirsi Kemell
- Pasi Lehtola
YTH23K1Elinkaaren hallinta (YAMK)
ZJAYTH23K1Avoin amk, YAMK-polut, Elinkaaren hallinta, Monimuoto
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Spring semester 2023
Learning materials and recommended literature
Seville, E. 2017. Resilient Organizations. How to Survive, Thrive and Create Opportunities Through Crisis and Change.
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Contact lessons materials.
Alternative support references:
Åhman, H. & Gustafsberg, H. 2017. Tilannetaju - päätä paremmin. Alma Talent. Amabile, T. & Kramer, S. 2012. Pienet suuret teot. Opi johtamaan kehitystä. Alma Talent. Hougaard, R., Kalajo, T., Ora, H. 2018. Ajatteleva johtaja. Alma Talent.
Jackson, B. & Parry, K. 2011. A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership. Wilthire: CPI Antony Rowe. Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava. Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava. Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.
Gromov, A. & Brandt, T. 2011. Transformationaalinen johtajuus muutoksessa. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena organisaatiomuutos. Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 1 (11), 65- 83. Yahaya, R. & Ebrahim, F. 2016. Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review 35 (2), 190-216.
Aura, O., Eskelinen, J., Ahonen, G. ja Kuosmanen, T. 2019. Johtaminen ja tuottavuus - henkilöstön johtaminen menestystekijänä. https://www.ossiaura.com/julkaisut.html
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management
Teaching methods
Contact lessons, online working, group work and individual assignments.
Target group: Master's degree program Life Cycle Management YTH
Alternative completion methods
The admission procedures are described in the degree rule and the study guide. The teacher of the course will give you more information on possible specific course practices.
Student workload
One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of five credits is approximately 135 hours.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
26.09.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Marianne Ekonen
ZJAYMJ23S1Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-polut, Matkailu ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
YMJ23S1Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
Ajankohtainen omavalintainen ihmisten johtamista käsittelevä tietokirja.
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Management, Human Relations yms.
Teaching methods
Verkko-opetus, harjoitustyöt, pienryhmätyöskentely, itsenäinen työskentely
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojakso integroidaan valittuun organisaatioon. Se sisältää käytännön harjoittelua.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Kehittämistehtävän voi uusia, jos on saanut hylätyn.
Alternative completion methods
Verkkoluennot, webinaarit, osaamisen arviointi, johtajuusreferaatti, lukupiiri, dialogiharjoitus, kehittämistehtävä (kehittämis- tai tutkimuspainotteinen) sisältäen itsearvioinnin.
Student workload
135 h
Further information for students
Avoin AMK 10 sisältyy max-määrään
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023
11.09.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 25
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
ZJAYSG23S1Avoin AMK, sote,Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK), YAMK-polku
ZJAYSC23KMAvoin AMK, sote, Terveyden edistäminen, YAMK-polku
YSG23S1Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK)
YSC23KMTerveyden edistämisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Webinars via Zoom:
28.9.2023 klo 17.00-18.30
1.11.2023 klo 17-19
30.11. klo 17-19
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
An up-to-date non-personal guide to people management.
Teaching methods
Contact and/or e-learning.
Online and contact teaching, assignments, small group work, independent work and literature.
The implementation option can also be the study of work or a Future Factory project.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
No exam.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Student workload
Face-to-face teaching or online meetings 6-35 h
Independent work and group work 100-129 h
A total of 135 h
Content scheduling
The first webinar instructs and stages the progress of the course and assigns a preliminary task to the first contact.
The central learning task of the course is a work-based development task performed by the student in his / her own (or imagined) work organization during the course. The student can choose a topical development topic related to the themes of the course from his / her own organization. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge to solve a practical problem and to write a project plan-type reflective essay or project report on it.
28.9.2023 klo 17.00-18.30
1.11.2023 klo 17-19
30.11. klo 17-19
Further information for students
The assessment of the course is based on the assessment criteria derived from the learning objectives.
Tasks are assessed as accepted / rejected, except for the work-based development task (see above), which is assessed with grades 0-5.
The evaluation of the entire course (0-5) thus consists in practice of the grade of the development task.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
04.09.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Sami Kalliomaa
ZJAYHO23S1Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
YHO23S1Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
Ajankohtainen omavalintainen ihmisten johtamista käsittelevä tietokirja.
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Management, Human Relations yms.
Teaching methods
Verkko-opetus, harjoitustyöt, pienryhmätyöskentely, itsenäinen työskentely
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojakso integroidaan valittuun organisaatioon. Se sisältää käytännön harjoittelua.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Kehittämistehtävän voi uusia, jos on saanut hylätyn.
Alternative completion methods
Verkkoluennot, webinaarit, osaamisen arviointi, johtajuusreferaatti, lukupiiri, dialogiharjoitus, kehittämistehtävä (kehittämis- tai tutkimuspainotteinen) sisältäen itsearvioinnin.
Student workload
135 h
Further information for students
Avoin AMK 10 sisältyy max-määrään
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023
25.08.2023 - 03.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Kari Jaatinen
YSY22SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
YSB23S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK
ZJAYSB23S1Avoin AMK, sote,Projektijohtaminen, YAMK-polku
YSY22SJSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen
YSH23S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
ZJAYSH23S1Avoin AMK, sote, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, YAMK-polku
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Webinars via Zoom:
30.8.2023 klo 17.00-18.30
3.10.2023 klo 17-19
2.11.2023 klo 17-19
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
A current self-selected non-fiction book about managing people.
Teaching methods
Contact and/or e-learning.
Online and contact teaching, assignments, small group work, independent work and literature.
The implementation option can also be the study of work or a Future Factory project.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
No exam.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Student workload
Face-to-face teaching or online meetings 6-35 h
Independent work and group work 100-129 h
A total of 135 h
Content scheduling
The first webinar instructs and stages the progress of the course and assigns a preliminary task to the first contact.
The central learning task of the course is a work-based development task performed by the student in his / her own (or imagined) work organization during the course. The student can choose a topical development topic related to the themes of the course from his / her own organization. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge to solve a practical problem and to write a project plan-type reflective essay or project report on it.
30.8.2023 klo 17.00-18.30
3.10.2023 klo 17-19
2.11.2023 klo 17-19
Further information for students
The assessment of the course is based on the assessment criteria derived from the learning objectives.
Tasks are assessed as accepted / rejected, except for the work-based development task (see above), which is assessed with grades 0-5.
The evaluation of the entire course (0-5) thus consists in practice of the grade of the development task.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2023 - 28.08.2023
21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 55
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Toni Hiltunen
ZJAYTB23S1Avoin amk, Projektijohtaminen, insinööri, Verkko
YTB23S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), Projektijohtaminen
ZJAYTO23S1Avoin amk, Teknologialiiketoiminnan johtaminen , Monimuoto
YTO23S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), teknologialiiketoiminnan johtaminen
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
16.01.2023 - 14.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
YSY22SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
ZJAYSY22SJAvoin AMK, sote, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, YAMK-polku
ZJAYSY22SKAvoin AMK, sote, Kliininen asiantuntija, YAMK-polku
YSY22SJSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Webinars (with Zoom):
February 14. 2023 from 5 pm to 7 pm
March 16. 2023 from 5 pm to 7 pm
April 13. 2023 from 5 pm to 7 pm
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
An up-to-date non-personal guide to people management.
Suitable article from e.g. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Työelämän tutkimus, Hallinnon tutkimus -journal.
Teaching methods
Contact and/or e-learning.
Online and contact teaching, assignments, small group work, independent work and literature.
The implementation option can also be the study of work or a Future Factory project.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Ei tenttiä.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Student workload
Lähipäivät tai verkkotapaamiset 15-35 h
Itsenäinen työskentely ja ryhmätyöt 100-120 h
Yhteensä 135 h
Content scheduling
The first webinar instructs and stages the progress of the course and assigns a preliminary task to the first contact.
The central learning task of the course is a work-based development task performed by the student in his / her own (or imagined) work organization during the course. The student can choose a topical development topic related to the themes of the course from his / her own organization. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge to solve a practical problem and to write a project plan-type reflective essay or project report on it.
Further information for students
The assessment of the course is based on the assessment criteria derived from the learning objectives.
Tasks are assessed as accepted / rejected, except for the work-based development task (see above), which is assessed with grades 0-5.
The evaluation of the entire course (0-5) thus consists in practice of the grade of the development task.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.11.2022 - 15.01.2023
16.01.2023 - 14.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in High-Technology Business Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Lifecycle Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
- Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Logistics
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge
Kari Jaatinen
ZJK23KSKorkeakoulujen välinen yhteistyö, SOTE
YSU23KMMonialainen kuntoutus (YAMK)
ZJAYSC23KMAvoin AMK, sote, Terveyden edistäminen, YAMK-polku
YSC23KMTerveyden edistämisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
ZJAYSU23KMAvoin AMK, sote, Monialainen kuntoutus, YAMK-polku
ZJA23KSYAvoin YAMK, sote
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Webinars (with Zoom):
February 14. 2023 from 5 pm to 7 pm
March 16. 2023 from 5 pm to 7 pm
April 13. 2023 5 pm to 7 pm
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
An up-to-date non-personal guide to people management.
Suitable article from e.g. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Työelämän tutkimus, Hallinnon tutkimus -journal.
Teaching methods
Contact and/or e-learning.
Online and contact teaching, assignments, small group work, independent work and literature.
The implementation option can also be the study of work or a Future Factory project.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Ei tenttiä.
Alternative completion methods
Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.
Student workload
Lähipäivät tai verkkotapaamiset 15-35 h
Itsenäinen työskentely ja ryhmätyöt 100-120 h
Yhteensä 135 h
Content scheduling
The first webinar instructs and stages the progress of the course and assigns a preliminary task to the first contact.
The central learning task of the course is a work-based development task performed by the student in his / her own (or imagined) work organization during the course. The student can choose a topical development topic related to the themes of the course from his / her own organization. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge to solve a practical problem and to write a project plan-type reflective essay or project report on it.
Further information for students
The assessment of the course is based on the assessment criteria derived from the learning objectives.
Tasks are assessed as accepted / rejected, except for the work-based development task (see above), which is assessed with grades 0-5.
The evaluation of the entire course (0-5) thus consists in practice of the grade of the development task.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
02.01.2023 - 31.03.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
- Kirsi Kemell
Teacher in charge
Petri Vauhkonen
YSV22S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, verkostojohtaminen
ZJAYSV22S1Avoin AMK, sote, Verkostojohtaminen, YAMK-polku
YTV22S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), verkostojohtaminen
ZJAYTV22S1Avoin amk, Verkostojohtaminen, insinööri, YAMK
ZJA22STVEJAvoin amk, Verkostojohtaminen, Monimuoto
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Spring semester 2022.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Seville, E. 2017. Resilient Organizations. How to Survive, Thrive and Create Opportunities Through Crisis and Change.
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Contact lessons materials.
Alternative support references:
Åhman, H. & Gustafsberg, H. 2017. Tilannetaju - päätä paremmin. Alma Talent. Amabile, T. & Kramer, S. 2012. Pienet suuret teot. Opi johtamaan kehitystä. Alma Talent. Hougaard, R., Kalajo, T., Ora, H. 2018. Ajatteleva johtaja. Alma Talent.
Jackson, B. & Parry, K. 2011. A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership. Wilthire: CPI Antony Rowe. Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava. Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava. Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.
Gromov, A. & Brandt, T. 2011. Transformationaalinen johtajuus muutoksessa. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena organisaatiomuutos. Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 1 (11), 65- 83. Yahaya, R. & Ebrahim, F. 2016. Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review 35 (2), 190-216.
Aura, O., Eskelinen, J., Ahonen, G. ja Kuosmanen, T. 2019. Johtaminen ja tuottavuus - henkilöstön johtaminen menestystekijänä. https://www.ossiaura.com/julkaisut.html
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management
Teaching methods
Contact lessons, online working, group work and individual assignments.
Target group: Master's degree program, group YTV22S1
Alternative completion methods
The admission procedures are described in the degree rule and the study guide. The teacher of the course will give you more information on possible specific course practices.
Student workload
One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of five credits is approximately 135 hours.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
01.08.2022 - 30.08.2022
21.11.2022 - 19.02.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 20
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Supply Chain Management
- Eero Aarresola
- Juho Partanen
Teacher in charge
Petri Vauhkonen
YTM22S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), Digitaalinen toimitusketju
ZJAYTM22S1Avoin amk, Digitaalinen toimitusketju, Verkko
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Time and location
Weeks 48/2022 - 3/2023
Learning materials and recommended literature
Seville, E. 2017. Resilient Organizations. How to Survive, Thrive and Create Opportunities Through Crisis and Change.
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Contact lessons materials.
Alternative support references:
Åhman, H. & Gustafsberg, H. 2017. Tilannetaju - päätä paremmin. Alma Talent. Amabile, T. & Kramer, S. 2012. Pienet suuret teot. Opi johtamaan kehitystä. Alma Talent. Hougaard, R., Kalajo, T., Ora, H. 2018. Ajatteleva johtaja. Alma Talent.
Jackson, B. & Parry, K. 2011. A Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership. Wilthire: CPI Antony Rowe. Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava. Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava. Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.
Gromov, A. & Brandt, T. 2011. Transformationaalinen johtajuus muutoksessa. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena organisaatiomuutos. Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 1 (11), 65- 83. Yahaya, R. & Ebrahim, F. 2016. Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review 35 (2), 190-216.
Aura, O., Eskelinen, J., Ahonen, G. ja Kuosmanen, T. 2019. Johtaminen ja tuottavuus - henkilöstön johtaminen menestystekijänä. https://www.ossiaura.com/julkaisut.html
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management
Teaching methods
Lessons, independent studies, group works and individual assignments.
Target group: Master's degree program, group YTM22S1.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
No final exam.
Alternative completion methods
The admission procedures are described in the degree rule and the study guide. The teacher of the course will give you more information on possible specific course practices.
Student workload
One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of five credits is approximately 135 hours.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.
25.08.2022 - 25.09.2022
24.10.2022 - 08.02.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Sami Kalliomaa
YMJ22S1Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
YHO21S1Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
YMJ21S1Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
ZJA22SHAvoin AMK, lita
YHO22S1Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is to learn to understand and master the means provided by leadership competence and emotional intelligence, as well as the interaction skills with which organisations and their staff succeed in an international and digital operating environment.
Course competences
Organisational and financial management
Service business management
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Course learning outcomes:
You understand different theories and models of leadership and the differences between them, and are able to apply them in actual working practice. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You recognise and evaluate your competence in, and the benefits of, leadership, emotional intelligence and interaction skills and name your principal development target. You experiment with practical dialogue skills in interaction and in discussions.
Theories of leadership
Current trends in leadership
Ethical aspects of leadership
Emotional intelligence and emotions
Manager’s interaction skills
Dialogism and dialogue tools
Learning materials and recommended literature
Northouse, P. 2016. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications.
Goleman, D. 1999. Tunneäly työelämässä. Otava tai
Goleman, D. 2005. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books tai
Goleman, D. 2007. Sosiaalinen äly. Otava.
Pitkänen, L. 2017. Nuorten johtajien eettiset profiilit - Q-metodologinen tutkimus eettisestä johtajuudesta uuden sukupolven määrittämänä. Acta Wasaensia, 385.
Rakentavan dialogin käytännön taidot. https://www.eratauko.fi/
Ajankohtainen omavalintainen ihmisten johtamista käsittelevä tietokirja.
Soveltuva artikkeli esim. The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Management, Human Relations yms.
Teaching methods
Verkko-opetus, harjoitustyöt, pienryhmätyöskentely, itsenäinen työskentely
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojakso integroidaan valittuun organisaatioon. Se sisältää käytännön harjoittelua.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Kehittämistehtävän voi uusia, jos on saanut hylätyn.
Alternative completion methods
Verkkoluennot, webinaarit, osaamisen arviointi, johtajuusreferaatti, lukupiiri, dialogiharjoitus, kehittämistehtävä (kehittämis- tai tutkimuspainotteinen) sisältäen itsearvioinnin.
Student workload
135 h
Further information for students
Avoin AMK 15 sisältyy max-määrään
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You understand the differences between different theories and models of leadership. You differentiate between and classify key concepts of leadership. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You recognise the key skills in, and benefits of, emotional intelligence, as well as methods for developing them. You define key leadership practices and describe them from the perspective of your work role. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate your leadership and interaction competence and recognise your principal development target. You write in an illustrative manner, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.
Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of leadership you have delineated. You select and define the key concepts. You utilise key emotional intelligence skills and development methods. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You evaluate and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence with examples. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, but the text exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits numerous different language and style errors.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of leadership and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You analyse key emotional intelligence skills and development methods and understand how you can control your own emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You analyse and substantiate the significance of equitable and ethical leadership. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors.
Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole from the key theories and concepts of leadership and emotional intelligence, which you reflect upon critically. You analyse, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You develop key emotional intelligence skills, interpreting and managing emotions. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality from the point of view of equality. You analyse and substantiate your own leadership and interaction competence and are capable of developing it. You write in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or new knowledge about leadership and emotional intelligence for your own organisation. You assess and interpret critically the development of professional fields and international research knowledge on leadership. You define the key concepts related to the specialised competence in theories of leadership in relation to one other. You show development responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning in your own organisation from the leadership point of view. You create a plan to test how your own emotional intelligence or that of your organisation can be improved. You lead a research, development or innovation project in which you produce and analyse new knowledge and revise operating practices in the changing operating environment of your field. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the leadership and emotional intelligence development process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You reflect upon leadership and ethicality at the societal level. You assess the development of your own leadership and interaction competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way. You write convincingly, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you combine things in a new way. You show an ability for critical and argumentative writing.