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Strategic Management AccountingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YHYYA220


5 op

Responsible person

  • Pekka Pirinen, Liiketalous


The object of the course
Management accounting may have a significant role in supporting the strategic decision making of a company. In this course you have a possibility to study how management accounting becomes strategic.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Proactive development

The learning objectives of the course
In this course you learn how companies can use the methods, facts and skills of strategic management accounting to support decision making. You identify the different tasks of strategic management accounting and apply accounting techniques, methods and tools in different situations. You learn to identify, analyze and solve different problematic situations which are related to strategic management acounting and strategic issues. You learn to evaluate the performance and success of a company by using different measures and ratios.


Generic strategies, strategic management accounting, cost analyses, value concepts, customer profibility, customer value, competitor analysis, performance management, performance management techniques


Bachelor's degree

You know the basic concepts of financial accounting (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement), the basics of financial statement analysis and the basic concepts of management accounting (cost concepts, contribution margin, break-even point, margin of safety, the difference between income statement and cash flow statement), and the use of spreadsheet program (Excel).

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You differentiate between and classify key concepts of strategic management accounting. You understand the theory and methods of the subject area and describe the implementation with reference to them. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You present principal results and development suggestions. You develop the organisation from the point of view of your work role. You take responsibility for your own work. You evaluate your competence and recognise your principal development target. You report illustratively, but the report contains certain illogicalities and shortcomings. You write unstructured text with numerous different repeated language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Satisfactory 2
You apply a theory of strategic management accounting that is delineated from the point of view of your topic. You select and define the key concepts. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You evaluate your own competence with the help of examples. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, but the report exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits many different language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of strategic management accounting and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You evaluate and substantiate your own competence and are capable of developing it. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole of the key theory and concepts of strategic management accounting, which you reflect upon critically. You assess, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect your competence and development. You report in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or knowledge on strategic management accounting. You assess and interpret critically the development of strategic management accounting by also making reference to international research knowledge. You reflect upon the topic also at the societal level. You define the key concepts related to the special competence of the field correctly and in relation to one other. You demonstrate taking responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning. You revise operating practices in a constantly changing operating environment. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You assess the development of your competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way, substantiating your arguments. You produce convincing content, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you demonstrate critical thinking and combine things in a new way. Your communications are argumentative and insightful and comply with an error-free formal style.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Pekka Pirinen
  • ZJA24SH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • ZJAYHO23S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • YHO23S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


The object of the course
Management accounting may have a significant role in supporting the strategic decision making of a company. In this course you have a possibility to study how management accounting becomes strategic.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Proactive development

The learning objectives of the course
In this course you learn how companies can use the methods, facts and skills of strategic management accounting to support decision making. You identify the different tasks of strategic management accounting and apply accounting techniques, methods and tools in different situations. You learn to identify, analyze and solve different problematic situations which are related to strategic management acounting and strategic issues. You learn to evaluate the performance and success of a company by using different measures and ratios.


Generic strategies, strategic management accounting, cost analyses, value concepts, customer profibility, customer value, competitor analysis, performance management, performance management techniques

Learning materials and recommended literature

Li, W. S. 2018. Strategic Management Accounting: A Practical Guidebook with Case Studies. 1st ed. Singapore: Springer.
Smith, S. 2017. Strategic Management Accounting: Delivering Value in a Changing Business Environment Through Integrated Reporting. Business Expert Press. First edition.
Sugahara, S., Daidj, N. & Ushio, S. 2017. Value Creation in Management Accounting and Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Aaltola, P. 2019. Strategic thinking and accounting: potentials and pitfalls from a managerial perspective. Journal of Management Control, 30, 3, 323-351.
Rashid, M., Ali, M. & Hossain, D. 2021. Strategic management accounting practices: a literature review and opportunity for future research. Asian Journal of Accounting Research, 6, 1, 109-132.
Langfield-Smith, K. 2008. Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years? Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 21, 2, 204-228.
Ma, Y. & Tayles, M. 2009. On the emergence of strategic management accounting: An institutional perspective. Accounting and business research, 39, 5, 473-495.

Teaching methods

Introductory webinars on the topics of the course, learning assignments.

Mandatory opening and closing webinars in Zoom
Guidance tools of web learning environment (Moodle, Teams, Zoom)

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam in the course.

Alternative completion methods

A corresponding course completed in another university may be accredited partially or completely. Competence acquired through informal learning may be recognized and accredited on the basis of competence test. More precise instructions can be found in Degree Regulations and in Study Guide.

Student workload

Webinars 8 h, independent study and learning assignments 127 h

Content scheduling

Opening webinar (1 h) week 37 (9.-13.9.2024)
Guidance webinar (1 h) week 41 (7.-11.10.2024)
Guidance webinar (1 h) weej 43 (21.-25.2024)
Webinars (2 h, presentations of the group work) week 46 (11.-15.2024) and week 47 (18.-22.12024)
Closing (1 h, recap and feedback) week 50 (9.-13.12.2024)

Further information for students

The assessment in the course is based on the competence demonstrated in learning assignments which are done individually, in pairs or in groups (100 %, 5 ECTS credits). Learning assignments may be quizzes, summaries, essays and/or analyses that are related with the topics of the course.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You differentiate between and classify key concepts of strategic management accounting. You understand the theory and methods of the subject area and describe the implementation with reference to them. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You present principal results and development suggestions. You develop the organisation from the point of view of your work role. You take responsibility for your own work. You evaluate your competence and recognise your principal development target. You report illustratively, but the report contains certain illogicalities and shortcomings. You write unstructured text with numerous different repeated language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Satisfactory 2
You apply a theory of strategic management accounting that is delineated from the point of view of your topic. You select and define the key concepts. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You evaluate your own competence with the help of examples. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, but the report exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits many different language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of strategic management accounting and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You evaluate and substantiate your own competence and are capable of developing it. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole of the key theory and concepts of strategic management accounting, which you reflect upon critically. You assess, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect your competence and development. You report in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or knowledge on strategic management accounting. You assess and interpret critically the development of strategic management accounting by also making reference to international research knowledge. You reflect upon the topic also at the societal level. You define the key concepts related to the special competence of the field correctly and in relation to one other. You demonstrate taking responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning. You revise operating practices in a constantly changing operating environment. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You assess the development of your competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way, substantiating your arguments. You produce convincing content, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you demonstrate critical thinking and combine things in a new way. Your communications are argumentative and insightful and comply with an error-free formal style.


Bachelor's degree

You know the basic concepts of financial accounting (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement), the basics of financial statement analysis and the basic concepts of management accounting (cost concepts, contribution margin, break-even point, margin of safety, the difference between income statement and cash flow statement), and the use of spreadsheet program (Excel).


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


25.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Pekka Pirinen
  • ZJA23SH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • YHO22S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


The object of the course
Management accounting may have a significant role in supporting the strategic decision making of a company. In this course you have a possibility to study how management accounting becomes strategic.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Proactive development

The learning objectives of the course
In this course you learn how companies can use the methods, facts and skills of strategic management accounting to support decision making. You identify the different tasks of strategic management accounting and apply accounting techniques, methods and tools in different situations. You learn to identify, analyze and solve different problematic situations which are related to strategic management acounting and strategic issues. You learn to evaluate the performance and success of a company by using different measures and ratios.


Generic strategies, strategic management accounting, cost analyses, value concepts, customer profibility, customer value, competitor analysis, performance management, performance management techniques

Learning materials and recommended literature

Literature stated by the instructor of the course

Teaching methods

Introductory webinars on the topics of the course, learning assignments.

Mandatory opening webinar in Zoom
Guidance tools of web learning environment (Moodle, Teams, Zoom)

Alternative completion methods

A corresponding course completed in another university may be accredited partially or completely. Competence acquired through informal learning may be recognized and accredited on the basis of competence test. More precise instructions can be found in Degree Regulations and in Study Guide.

Student workload

Webinars 8 h, independent study and learning assignments 127 h

Further information for students

The assessment in the course is based on the competence demonstrated in learning assignments which are done individually, in pairs or in groups (100 %, 5 ECTS credits). Learning assignments may be quizzes, summaries, essays and/or analyses that are related with the topics of the course.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You differentiate between and classify key concepts of strategic management accounting. You understand the theory and methods of the subject area and describe the implementation with reference to them. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You present principal results and development suggestions. You develop the organisation from the point of view of your work role. You take responsibility for your own work. You evaluate your competence and recognise your principal development target. You report illustratively, but the report contains certain illogicalities and shortcomings. You write unstructured text with numerous different repeated language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Satisfactory 2
You apply a theory of strategic management accounting that is delineated from the point of view of your topic. You select and define the key concepts. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You evaluate your own competence with the help of examples. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, but the report exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits many different language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of strategic management accounting and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You evaluate and substantiate your own competence and are capable of developing it. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole of the key theory and concepts of strategic management accounting, which you reflect upon critically. You assess, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect your competence and development. You report in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or knowledge on strategic management accounting. You assess and interpret critically the development of strategic management accounting by also making reference to international research knowledge. You reflect upon the topic also at the societal level. You define the key concepts related to the special competence of the field correctly and in relation to one other. You demonstrate taking responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning. You revise operating practices in a constantly changing operating environment. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You assess the development of your competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way, substantiating your arguments. You produce convincing content, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you demonstrate critical thinking and combine things in a new way. Your communications are argumentative and insightful and comply with an error-free formal style.


Bachelor's degree

You know the basic concepts of financial accounting (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement), the basics of financial statement analysis and the basic concepts of management accounting (cost concepts, contribution margin, break-even point, margin of safety, the difference between income statement and cash flow statement), and the use of spreadsheet program (Excel).


01.08.2022 - 30.08.2022


26.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Pekka Pirinen
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • ZJA22SH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • YHO20S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen


The object of the course
Management accounting may have a significant role in supporting the strategic decision making of a company. In this course you have a possibility to study how management accounting becomes strategic.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Proactive development

The learning objectives of the course
In this course you learn how companies can use the methods, facts and skills of strategic management accounting to support decision making. You identify the different tasks of strategic management accounting and apply accounting techniques, methods and tools in different situations. You learn to identify, analyze and solve different problematic situations which are related to strategic management acounting and strategic issues. You learn to evaluate the performance and success of a company by using different measures and ratios.


Generic strategies, strategic management accounting, cost analyses, value concepts, customer profibility, customer value, competitor analysis, performance management, performance management techniques

Learning materials and recommended literature

Literature stated by the instructor of the course

Teaching methods

Introductory webinars on the topics of the course, independent learning assignments.

Mandatory opening webinar in Zoom
Guidance tools of web learning environment (Moodle, Team, Zoom)

Alternative completion methods

A corresponding course completed in another university may be accredited partially or completely. Competence acquired through informal learning may be recognized and accredited on the basis of competence test. More precise instructions can be found in Degree Regulations and in Study Guide.

Student workload

Webinars 8 h, independent study and learning assignments 127 h

Further information for students

The assessment in the course is based on the competence demonstrated in independent learning assignments (100 %, 5 ECTS credits).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You differentiate between and classify key concepts of strategic management accounting. You understand the theory and methods of the subject area and describe the implementation with reference to them. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You present principal results and development suggestions. You develop the organisation from the point of view of your work role. You take responsibility for your own work. You evaluate your competence and recognise your principal development target. You report illustratively, but the report contains certain illogicalities and shortcomings. You write unstructured text with numerous different repeated language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Satisfactory 2
You apply a theory of strategic management accounting that is delineated from the point of view of your topic. You select and define the key concepts. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You evaluate your own competence with the help of examples. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, but the report exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits many different language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of strategic management accounting and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You evaluate and substantiate your own competence and are capable of developing it. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole of the key theory and concepts of strategic management accounting, which you reflect upon critically. You assess, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect your competence and development. You report in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or knowledge on strategic management accounting. You assess and interpret critically the development of strategic management accounting by also making reference to international research knowledge. You reflect upon the topic also at the societal level. You define the key concepts related to the special competence of the field correctly and in relation to one other. You demonstrate taking responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning. You revise operating practices in a constantly changing operating environment. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You assess the development of your competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way, substantiating your arguments. You produce convincing content, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you demonstrate critical thinking and combine things in a new way. Your communications are argumentative and insightful and comply with an error-free formal style.


Bachelor's degree

You know the basic concepts of financial accounting (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement), the basics of financial statement analysis and the basic concepts of management accounting (cost concepts, contribution margin, break-even point, margin of safety, the difference between income statement and cash flow statement), and the use of spreadsheet program (Excel).


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


21.02.2022 - 21.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Pekka Pirinen
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO20SA
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YHO20S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen


The object of the course
Management accounting may have a significant role in supporting the strategic decision making of a company. In this course you have a possibility to study how management accounting becomes strategic.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Proactive development

The learning objectives of the course
In this course you learn how companies can use the methods, facts and skills of strategic management accounting to support decision making. You identify the different tasks of strategic management accounting and apply accounting techniques, methods and tools in different situations. You learn to identify, analyze and solve different problematic situations which are related to strategic management acounting and strategic issues. You learn to evaluate the performance and success of a company by using different measures and ratios.


Generic strategies, strategic management accounting, cost analyses, value concepts, customer profibility, customer value, competitor analysis, performance management, performance management techniques

Learning materials and recommended literature

Literature stated by the instructor of the course

Teaching methods

Introductory webinars on the topics of the course, independent learning assignments.

Mandatory opening webinar in Zoom
Guidance tools of web learning environment (Moodle, Team, Zoom)

Alternative completion methods

A corresponding course completed in another university may be accredited partially or completely. Competence acquired through informal learning may be recognized and accredited on the basis of competence test. More precise instructions can be found in Degree Regulations and in Study Guide.

Student workload

Webinars 8 h, independent study and learning assignments 127 h

Further information for students

The assessment in the course is based on the competence demonstrated in independent learning assignments (100 %, 5 ECTS credits).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You differentiate between and classify key concepts of strategic management accounting. You understand the theory and methods of the subject area and describe the implementation with reference to them. You discuss the subject from different perspectives. You present principal results and development suggestions. You develop the organisation from the point of view of your work role. You take responsibility for your own work. You evaluate your competence and recognise your principal development target. You report illustratively, but the report contains certain illogicalities and shortcomings. You write unstructured text with numerous different repeated language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Satisfactory 2
You apply a theory of strategic management accounting that is delineated from the point of view of your topic. You select and define the key concepts. You find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You evaluate your own competence with the help of examples. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, but the report exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits many different language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions insufficiently.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of strategic management accounting and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You develop the operations of the organisation by finding an alternative solution. You combine theory and practice. You evaluate and substantiate your own competence and are capable of developing it. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole of the key theory and concepts of strategic management accounting, which you reflect upon critically. You assess, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in strategic management accounting. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect your competence and development. You report in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or knowledge on strategic management accounting. You assess and interpret critically the development of strategic management accounting by also making reference to international research knowledge. You reflect upon the topic also at the societal level. You define the key concepts related to the special competence of the field correctly and in relation to one other. You demonstrate taking responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning. You revise operating practices in a constantly changing operating environment. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You assess the development of your competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way, substantiating your arguments. You produce convincing content, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you demonstrate critical thinking and combine things in a new way. Your communications are argumentative and insightful and comply with an error-free formal style.


Bachelor's degree

You know the basic concepts of financial accounting (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement), the basics of financial statement analysis and the basic concepts of management accounting (cost concepts, contribution margin, break-even point, margin of safety, the difference between income statement and cash flow statement), and the use of spreadsheet program (Excel).