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Environment, safety and resource efficiencyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YTNK0200


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Hannariina Honkanen
  • Matti Siistonen


The student is familiar with the terminology and principles of environment, safety and resource efficiency and their meaning to management and business. Student is able to recognize, evaluate, develop and measure related risks, possibilities and processes. Student knows the basic principles of risk communication. Student knows principles of systematic and continuous development and significance of management role in development work,


Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency in organization. Material and energy efficiency. Circular economy.
Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency tools and indicators. Life cycle management of a product.
Continuous improvement and process development. Risk evaluation methods and application. Risk Communication.


Student has EQF/NQF6 level competence related to the topic.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Evaluation is based on teachers' feedback, self assessment and peer review.

1 (sufficient):
You know environmental and safety management and resource efficiency concepts and sectors. You are familiar with their significance to strategic management.

2 (satisfactory):
You master the basic terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 (good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You connect the development impacts to business.

4 (very good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You can apply processed knowledge base in problem solving.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (excellent):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You show expertise and wide spontaneous familiarization to the knowledge base.


01.11.2024 - 31.01.2025


14.02.2025 - 04.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
  • Matti Siistonen
  • Hannariina Honkanen
Teacher in charge

Hannariina Honkanen

  • YTK25K1
    Insinööri (ylempi AMK), kestävä energia
  • ZJAYTK25K1
    Avoin amk,tekniikka, YAMK- Väylät, Kestävä Energia, Monimuoto


The student is familiar with the terminology and principles of environment, safety and resource efficiency and their meaning to management and business. Student is able to recognize, evaluate, develop and measure related risks, possibilities and processes. Student knows the basic principles of risk communication. Student knows principles of systematic and continuous development and significance of management role in development work,


Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency in organization. Material and energy efficiency. Circular economy.
Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency tools and indicators. Life cycle management of a product.
Continuous improvement and process development. Risk evaluation methods and application. Risk Communication.

Time and location

Contact lessons x.x.2025, x.x.2025 and x.x.2025. Independent study and timing of assignments as announced in the course.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Laamanen, K. & Tinnilä, M. 2009. Prosessijohtamisen käsitteet. Teknova.
Laitinen, H., Vuorinen, M. & Simola, A. 2013. Työturvallisuuden ja –terveyden johtaminen. Tietosanoma.
Gregory, R., Failing, L., Harstone, M., Long, G., McDaniels, T. & Ohlson, D. 2012. Structured Decision Making – A Practical Guide to Environmental Management Choices. Wiley-Blackwell.
Karvonen, M-M., Kärnä, A. & Maijala, A. 2006. Tuottajan ympäristövastuu – riskienhallinnasta strategiseen suunnitteluun. Edita.
Leppänen, J. 2006. Yritysturvallisuus käytännössä – turvallisuusjohtamisen portfolio. Talentum.
Pohjola, T. 2003. Johda ympäristöasioita tehokkaasti. Talentum.
Lehtonen, J. 2009. Ettei pahin tapahtuisi – riski- ja kriisiviestinnän perusteet. Mainostajien liitto.
Vähähiiliset tiekartat 2035. 2020. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö.
Kiertotalous energia-alalla. Loppuraportti. Deloitte 2018. Energiateollisuus.
Kiertotalouden nykytilaselvitys 2019. Energiateollisuus.
Kiertotalous ja sen esteet energia-alalla. Raportti. Pöyry 2019. Energiateollisuus.

Teaching methods

Lectures, e-learning, assignments / learning assignments, independent study of study material.

Student workload

Lectures 32 h. Assignments 80 h. Other independent working 23 h. In total 135 h.

Further information for students

Evaluation: Feedback from the assignments, self-assessment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Evaluation is based on teachers' feedback, self assessment and peer review.

1 (sufficient):
You know environmental and safety management and resource efficiency concepts and sectors. You are familiar with their significance to strategic management.

2 (satisfactory):
You master the basic terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 (good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You connect the development impacts to business.

4 (very good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You can apply processed knowledge base in problem solving.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 (excellent):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You show expertise and wide spontaneous familiarization to the knowledge base.


Student has EQF/NQF6 level competence related to the topic.


01.11.2022 - 28.02.2023


22.03.2023 - 04.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Energy Business Management
  • Matti Siistonen
  • Hannariina Honkanen
Teacher in charge

Hannariina Honkanen

  • YTK22S1
    Insinööri (ylempi AMK), kestävä energia


The student is familiar with the terminology and principles of environment, safety and resource efficiency and their meaning to management and business. Student is able to recognize, evaluate, develop and measure related risks, possibilities and processes. Student knows the basic principles of risk communication. Student knows principles of systematic and continuous development and significance of management role in development work,


Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency in organization. Material and energy efficiency. Circular economy.
Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency tools and indicators. Life cycle management of a product.
Continuous improvement and process development. Risk evaluation methods and application. Risk Communication.

Time and location

Contact lessons 25.3.2023, 21.4.2023 and 26.-27.5.2023. Independent study and timing of assignments as announced in the course.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Laamanen, K. & Tinnilä, M. 2009. Prosessijohtamisen käsitteet. Teknova.
Laitinen, H., Vuorinen, M. & Simola, A. 2013. Työturvallisuuden ja –terveyden johtaminen. Tietosanoma.
Gregory, R., Failing, L., Harstone, M., Long, G., McDaniels, T. & Ohlson, D. 2012. Structured Decision Making – A Practical Guide to Environmental Management Choices. Wiley-Blackwell.
Karvonen, M-M., Kärnä, A. & Maijala, A. 2006. Tuottajan ympäristövastuu – riskienhallinnasta strategiseen suunnitteluun. Edita.
Leppänen, J. 2006. Yritysturvallisuus käytännössä – turvallisuusjohtamisen portfolio. Talentum.
Pohjola, T. 2003. Johda ympäristöasioita tehokkaasti. Talentum.
Lehtonen, J. 2009. Ettei pahin tapahtuisi – riski- ja kriisiviestinnän perusteet. Mainostajien liitto.
Vähähiiliset tiekartat 2035. 2020. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö.
Kiertotalous energia-alalla. Loppuraportti. Deloitte 2018. Energiateollisuus.
Kiertotalouden nykytilaselvitys 2019. Energiateollisuus.
Kiertotalous ja sen esteet energia-alalla. Raportti. Pöyry 2019. Energiateollisuus.

Teaching methods

Lectures, e-learning, assignments / learning assignments, independent study of study material.

Student workload

Lectures 32 h. Assignments 80 h. Other independent working 23 h. In total 135 h.

Further information for students

Evaluation: Feedback from the assignments, self-assessment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Evaluation is based on teachers' feedback, self assessment and peer review.

1 (sufficient):
You know environmental and safety management and resource efficiency concepts and sectors. You are familiar with their significance to strategic management.

2 (satisfactory):
You master the basic terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 (good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You connect the development impacts to business.

4 (very good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You can apply processed knowledge base in problem solving.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 (excellent):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You show expertise and wide spontaneous familiarization to the knowledge base.


Student has EQF/NQF6 level competence related to the topic.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


04.02.2022 - 15.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
  • Matti Siistonen
  • Hannariina Honkanen
  • YTK21S1
    Insinööri (ylempi AMK), kestävä energia
    Avoin AMK, tekniikka, Kestävä energia


The student is familiar with the terminology and principles of environment, safety and resource efficiency and their meaning to management and business. Student is able to recognize, evaluate, develop and measure related risks, possibilities and processes. Student knows the basic principles of risk communication. Student knows principles of systematic and continuous development and significance of management role in development work,


Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency in organization. Material and energy efficiency. Circular economy.
Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency tools and indicators. Life cycle management of a product.
Continuous improvement and process development. Risk evaluation methods and application. Risk Communication.

Time and location

Contact lessons 4.-5.2.2022 and 8.-9.4.2022. Independent study and timing of assignments as announced in the course.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Laamanen, K. & Tinnilä, M. 2009. Prosessijohtamisen käsitteet. Teknova.
Laitinen, H., Vuorinen, M. & Simola, A. 2013. Työturvallisuuden ja –terveyden johtaminen. Tietosanoma.
Gregory, R., Failing, L., Harstone, M., Long, G., McDaniels, T. & Ohlson, D. 2012. Structured Decision Making – A Practical Guide to Environmental Management Choices. Wiley-Blackwell.
Karvonen, M-M., Kärnä, A. & Maijala, A. 2006. Tuottajan ympäristövastuu – riskienhallinnasta strategiseen suunnitteluun. Edita.
Leppänen, J. 2006. Yritysturvallisuus käytännössä – turvallisuusjohtamisen portfolio. Talentum.
Pohjola, T. 2003. Johda ympäristöasioita tehokkaasti. Talentum.
Lehtonen, J. 2009. Ettei pahin tapahtuisi – riski- ja kriisiviestinnän perusteet. Mainostajien liitto.
Vähähiiliset tiekartat 2035. 2020. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö.
Kiertotalous energia-alalla. Loppuraportti. Deloitte 2018. Energiateollisuus.
Kiertotalouden nykytilaselvitys 2019. Energiateollisuus.
Kiertotalous ja sen esteet energia-alalla. Raportti. Pöyry 2019. Energiateollisuus.

Teaching methods

Lectures, e-learning, assignments / learning assignments, independent study of study material.

Student workload

Lectures 32 h. Assignments 80 h. Other independent working 23 h. In total 135 h.

Further information for students

Evaluation: Feedback from the assignments, self-assessment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Evaluation is based on teachers' feedback, self assessment and peer review.

1 (sufficient):
You know environmental and safety management and resource efficiency concepts and sectors. You are familiar with their significance to strategic management.

2 (satisfactory):
You master the basic terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 (good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You connect the development impacts to business.

4 (very good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You can apply processed knowledge base in problem solving.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 (excellent):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You show expertise and wide spontaneous familiarization to the knowledge base.


Student has EQF/NQF6 level competence related to the topic.


02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021


01.09.2021 - 15.01.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Energy
  • Matti Siistonen
  • Hannariina Honkanen
Teacher in charge

Hannariina Honkanen

  • YTK20S1
    Kestävä energia (YAMK)


The student is familiar with the terminology and principles of environment, safety and resource efficiency and their meaning to management and business. Student is able to recognize, evaluate, develop and measure related risks, possibilities and processes. Student knows the basic principles of risk communication. Student knows principles of systematic and continuous development and significance of management role in development work,


Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency in organization. Material and energy efficiency. Circular economy.
Environmental and safety management and resource efficiency tools and indicators. Life cycle management of a product.
Continuous improvement and process development. Risk evaluation methods and application. Risk Communication.

Time and location

Contact lessons 24.-25.10.2021 and 12.-13.11.2021. Independent studies and and timing of assignments as announced in the course.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Laamanen, K. & Tinnilä, M. 2009. Prosessijohtamisen käsitteet. Teknova.
Laitinen, H., Vuorinen, M. & Simola, A. 2013. Työturvallisuuden ja –terveyden johtaminen. Tietosanoma.
Gregory, R., Failing, L., Harstone, M., Long, G., McDaniels, T. & Ohlson, D. 2012. Structured Decision Making – A Practical Guide to Environmental Management Choices. Wiley-Blackwell.
Karvonen, M-M., Kärnä, A. & Maijala, A. 2006. Tuottajan ympäristövastuu – riskienhallinnasta strategiseen suunnitteluun. Edita.
Leppänen, J. 2006. Yritysturvallisuus käytännössä – turvallisuusjohtamisen portfolio. Talentum.
Pohjola, T. 2003. Johda ympäristöasioita tehokkaasti. Talentum.
Lehtonen, J. 2009. Ettei pahin tapahtuisi – riski- ja kriisiviestinnän perusteet. Mainostajien liitto.
Kiertotalous energia-alalla. Loppuraportti. Deloitte 2018. Energiateollisuus.
Kiertotalous ja sen esteet energia-alalla. Raportti. Pöyry 2019. Energiateollisuus.

Teaching methods

Luennot, verkko-opiskelu, harjoitustyöt/oppimistehtävät, oppimateriaalin itsenäinen opiskelu.

Student workload

Lectures 32 h. Assignments 80 h. Other independent working 23 h. In total 135 h.

Further information for students

Evaluation: Feedback from the assignments, self-assessment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Evaluation is based on teachers' feedback, self assessment and peer review.

1 (sufficient):
You know environmental and safety management and resource efficiency concepts and sectors. You are familiar with their significance to strategic management.

2 (satisfactory):
You master the basic terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 (good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency. You can evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You connect the development impacts to business.

4 (very good):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You can apply processed knowledge base in problem solving.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 (excellent):
You master the terminology of environmental and safety management and resource efficiency widely. You can critically evaluate related organizational processes and management. You are able to present improvement needs and models for their development. You can start development projects and are able to understand broad ensembles and causal connections. You show expertise and wide spontaneous familiarization to the knowledge base.


Student has EQF/NQF6 level competence related to the topic.