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Environment for supporting physical activity and functional capacityLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YS00CP51


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sanna Sihvonen


After completing the course, you will be able to:

· define the key concepts used in the course
· explain the effects of various environmental factors on physical activity and functional capacity based on evidence
· correctly identify factors that promote or prevent physical activity and functional capacity from an environmental point of view
· critically and based on evidence assess the accessibility of the environment from the perspective of physical activity and functional capacity
· critically assess the importance of supporting physical activity and functional capacity enabled by the environment in increasing inclusion and find evidence-based solutions for inclusion in the environmental planning phase
· assess the impacts of decisions concerning the environment critically and evidence-based from the perspectives of promoting physical activity and functional capacity


· Key concepts, such as environment, physical activity and functional capacity, and inclusion
· Effects of the environment on physical activity and functional capacity
· Factors that inhibit and promote physical activity and functional capacity in the environment
· Environmental accessibility
· Participation in environmental planning and promotion of physical activity and functional capacity
· Technological solutions for promoting physical activity and functional capacity
· Ex-ante impact assessment (EVA)

Further information

Implementation in network of integration of rehabilitation and sport by Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences