Business Mathematics (3 cr)
Code: HL00BD11-3025
General information
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Piia Leppämäki
Teacher in charge
Teemu Laitinen
ZJAHTL22SIYAvoin AMK, lita, AMK-polut, liiketalous monimuoto
HTL22SIYLiiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
The object of the course
The object of the Business Mathematics course is that you will be familiar with the principal concepts and methods related to business mathematics. You are familiar with the mathematical methods used in practical business work duties.
During the course, you will take responsibility for your study abilities and personal development. You will acquire, process, evaluate and apply knowledge and methods related to business mathematics. You will utilise the digital environments and tools of business mathematics.
Course competences
Learning to learn
Business Competence
The learning objectives of the course
After completing the course, you know the principal concepts of business mathematics. You are familiar with the calculation methods most frequently used in the business world. You are capable of performing simple practical work duties in business mathematics. You are familiar with the digital environments and tools of business mathematics.
Percentage calculations
Calculation of the value-added tax
Simple interest calculation
Interest on interest
Inflation and deflation
Exchange rate calculations
Time and location
Jakson opetus alkaa viikolla 3. Aloitusinfo livenä verkossa viikon 3 alussa. Opiskeltavia teemoja viikoilla 3-12 (ei talvilomaviikolla). Etätentti viikolla 13.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Kolttola Eliisa, Pösö Jarmo & Saaranen Pirjo 2011. Liike-elämän matematiikka. Edita ISSN/ISBN:978-951-37-5605-5
Teaching methods
Jakso koostuu itsenäisesti katsottavista opetustallenteista ja laskuharjoituksista. Jokaiselle viikolle on oma teema ja tehtävät tulee tehdä viikon aikana. Opiskelijoilla on myös mahdollisuus verkko-ohjaukseen. Luentotallenteilla opiskellaan uutta asiaa sekä tehdään uuteen asiaan liittyviä esimerkkilaskuja. Laskuharjoitukset voi tehdä itsenäisesti tai toisten opiskelijoiden kanssa.
Alternative completion methods
Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience: Accreditation, Recognition of informal learning.
Student workload
Jaksolla on yhdeksän (9) viikoittaista teemaa, joihin sisältyy opetustallenteet ja laskuharjoitukset sekä mahdollisuus verkko-ohjaukseen. Luentotallenteiden katsomiseen ja esimerkkien laskemiseen kuluu arviolta 1-2 tuntia per viikko ja laskuharjoitustehtävien tekemiseen noin 2-4 tuntia per viikko. Tenttiin valmistautumiseen on hyvä varata 20 tuntia.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 25 sisältyy max-paikkoihin.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
After completing the course, you know the principal concepts of business mathematics. You are familiar with the calculation methods most frequently used in the business world. You are capable of performing simple practical work duties in business mathematics. You are familiar with the simple digital environments and tools of business mathematics.
Satisfactory 2
After completing the course, you understand the principal concepts of business mathematics. You understand the calculation methods most frequently used in the business world. You are capable of performing simple practical work duties in business mathematics. You understand the simple digital environments and tools of business mathematics.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
After completing the course, you understand the principal concepts of business mathematics and the dependencies between them. You are able to apply the calculation methods used in the business world to practical problems. You are able to apply the digital environments and tools of business mathematics.
Very Good 4
You are able to develop the company’s business by utilising the calculation methods of business mathematics. You are able to apply and assess the digital environments and tools of business mathematics.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to develop the company’s business by utilising the calculation methods of business mathematics. You are able to substantiate, compare, explain and interpret the methods you use.