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Composition and Arranging 2 (pop/jazz) (5 cr)

Code: KMPM0113-3002

General information


02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021


30.08.2021 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue


  • Juha Kujanpää


  • KPD18S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music


The astudents possess knowledge of the obstacles in creative processes and conditions of success. They are able to work out their musical ideas into musical compositions. If necessary, they are able to write in the chosen style, understanding at the same time the factors influencing the marketing potential of their compositions.

The students are able to sketch, save and correct their compositions and arrangements using DAW systems. They are able to edit their product, and to bring it again to a point where it is easy to listen to, to copy and to distribute as recorded material.

The students have an idea of the diverse forms of music production. They have the basic knowhow to make production budjeting and planning. The students have acquired an overall view of the measures required in the marketing of their own music .


- idea
- development
- revision
- reflection

- melody
- harmony
- rhythm
- form
- text
- arrangement

- basics of DAW program
- project management
- copyright

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaali on opintojakson aikana jaettavaa itseopiskelumateriaalia oppimistehtävineen sekä tietoverkkojen välityksellä saavutettavaa materiaalia. Opintojaksolla käytettävä materiaali on sähköistä oppimateriaalia.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla osallistut lähi- ja/tai etäopetukseen sekä teet itsenäisiä oppimistehtäviä säännöllisesti. Perehdyt myös opintojaksolla jaettuun sähköiseen oppimateriaaliin.

Student workload

- lähi- ja/tai etäopiskelu: 45 t
- itsenäinen työskentely (oppimateriaaliin perehtyminen ja oppimistehtävien tekeminen): 90 t

Yhteensä: 135 t

Further information for students

Arviointimenetelminä käytetään mm. jatkuvaa palautteenantoa sekä itsearviointia säännöllisten oppimistehtävien avulla. Osa itsenäisistä oppimistehtävistä jaetaan ryhmälle ja vertaisarvioidaan.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Pass (S):
The students compose creatively, achieving stylistically and artistically sound musical wholes. They are able, when composing, of examining music from different angles and of making corrections conducive to the desired end. The students adapt in their writing work earlier acquired skills in listening and reading, and develop their work methods constantly.

The students are able to sketch, correct and archive their music using the technology suited to their tasks in such a way that the result is suitable for portfolio and marketing of their own abilities. They are able to schedule, budget and direct a project according to the requirements of work life. Their actions are ethical, acquiring information about factors related to the reality of copyright.

Fail (0):
The students are unable to fulfill the minimum requirements for passing the course.

