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Plant production planning (5 cr)

Code: LMSB4200-3006

General information


01.08.2022 - 31.05.2023


30.08.2022 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 60

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries


  • Ulla Heinonen
  • Juho Pirttiniemi


  • ZJA22SLNO1
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 1, Verkko
  • ZJA22SLNO2
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 2, Verkko
  • ZJA23KLNO3
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 3, Verkko


The purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will be able to draw up a meaningful field cultivation plan based on the needs and starting points of the farm.

Course competencies
agricultural know-how

Course competence
You can take into account the perspective of sustainable farming when planning arable farming for a Finnish farm. You will be able to plan arable farming and crop rotation, taking into account production regulations, the purpose of the crop, the conditions of the location of the farm and the resources available on the farm. You can plan a crop rotation and cultivation plan with cultivation planning software. You can calculate the field balance. You can determine the quality factors of different crops in practice. You can use professional journals to search for information.


Agricultural planning:
Starting points for sustainable growth production, crop rotation, cultivation plan, cultivation planning software, different plant species and varieties, crop use, machine stock sizing, workload timing, crop quality, media monitoring.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Pietola, L. 2018. Mitä ilmastokeskustelu tarkoittaa Suomen näkökulmasta? Tallenne Pellon käytön optimoinnilla ratkaisuja ilmastonmuutokseen –seminaarista 5.2.2018.
Mokkila, M. (toim.). 2015. Tiekartta Suomen proteiini-omavaraisuuden parantamiseksi. Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, VTT Visions 6. ISBN 978-951-38-8286-0 (verkko)
Hakala, K. 2018. Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutus maatalouteen ja viljelijän mahdollisuudet sopeutua –esityksen tallenne Maankuivatus ja ilmastonmuutos –seminaarista 17.10.2018.
Regina, K. 2018. Hiilen sidonta peltomailla –esitystallenne. Maatilaverkoston etäluento 25.1.2018.
Korpela, P. 2018. Elintarvikkeiden alkutuotannon hygieniavaatimukset kasvintuotantotiloilla – täydentävät ehdot –esitys sarjassa: Tieto itää! Verkkoluento III: Kasvinsuojelu ja kasvintuotantotilojen elintarvike- ja rehuhygienia –verkkoluento 25.1.2018.
Korkalainen, K. 2018. Ajankohtaista kasvintuotantotilojen rehuhygieniasta –esitys sarjassa: Tieto itää! Verkkoluento III: Kasvinsuojelu ja kasvintuotantotilojen elintarvike- ja rehuhygienia –verkkoluento 25.1.2018.
Ruokavirasto Elintarvikkeiden alkutuotanto –verkkosivut.
Seppänen, A. ym. 2019. Kierrätyslannoitus : Suunnittelu, käytännöt ja mahdollisuudet tulevaisuudessa. Helsinki: Luonnonvarakeskus. ISBN 978-952-326-759-6 (Verkkojulkaisu).
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2019. Kaikki irti lannasta - Opas hyvään lannankäsittelyyn.
Mavi, 2008. Ravinnetaseet Ympäristötuen lisätoimenpide lannoituksen ja sadon ravinnemäärien seurantaan. Maaseutuvirasto.
Jalli, M. 2017. Kasvitaudit muuttuvassa ilmastossa –tallenne.
Jalli, H. ym. 2016. Resistenssi - Kasvintuhoojien torjunta-ainekestävyys. Luonnonvara- ja biotaloudentutkimus 17/2016. Helsinki: Luonnonvarakeskus. ISBN: 978-952-326-200-3 (Verkkojulkaisu).
Perunantutkimuslaitos internetsivut: Viljelyohjeet.
Kasvintuhoojakuvasto, Peruna-alan yhteistyöryhmä, PAYR.
ProAgria, Viljan myynti- ja laatuvaatimukset. Tieto tuottamaan 108.
Ruokaviraston internetsivut: Viljan laatu ja turvallisuus.

Teaching methods

This is a multimode implementation, so the emphasis is on independent study. In the learning environment, students study using video lectures, videos and written material. The student receives feedback on each completed assignment.

Practical training and working life connections

The course includes a cultivation plan and a crop rotation plan, which can be done either on the model farm or on the right farm.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no course exam.

Student workload

The course covers 135 hours of student work.

Further information for students

The grade of the course is determined on the basis of continuous evaluation, i.e. the assignments to be returned are evaluated.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Enough 1:
You can take into account the perspective of sustainable farming when planning arable farming for a Finnish farm. You will be able to plan arable farming and crop rotation, taking into account production regulations, the purpose of the crop, the conditions due to the location of the farm and the resources available on the farm. You can plan a crop rotation and cultivation plan with cultivation planning software. You can calculate the field balance. You can determine the quality factors of different crops in practice. You can use professional journals to search for information. Exercises have been approved, but they contain shortcomings.

Satisfactory 2:
You can take into account the perspective of sustainable farming when planning arable farming for a Finnish farm. You know how to plan a diverse field and crop rotation, taking into account production regulations, the purpose of the crop, the conditions due to the location of the farm and the resources available on the farm. You can plan a crop rotation and cultivation plan with cultivation planning software. You can calculate the field balance. You know how to determine the quality factors of different crops in practice and you understand what Quality Factors affect. You use a wide range of professional journals to search for information. Exercises have been returned in accordance with the assignment.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3:
You can apply the perspective of sustainable farming when planning arable farming for a Finnish farm. You will be able to plan a diverse and appropriate field cultivation and cultivation cycle, taking into account the production regulations, the purpose of the crop, the conditions due to the location of the farm and the resources available on the farm. You can plan a versatile crop rotation and cultivation plan with cultivation planning software. You can calculate the field balance and evaluate the result you get. You know how to determine in practice the quality factors of the yield of different crops and you know how they can be influenced technically. You use versatile and active professional journals to search for information. Exercises have been returned in accordance with the assignment and applying the study material.

Commendable 4:
You can apply and justify the perspective of sustainable farming when planning arable farming for a Finnish farm. You can reasonably plan a diverse and appropriate field cultivation and cultivation cycle, taking into account the production regulations, the purpose of the crop, the conditions due to the location of the farm and the resources available on the farm. You know how to plan a versatile crop rotation and a detailed cultivation plan with cultivation planning software. You can calculate the field balance and evaluate the result you get. You can determine the results of analyzing the quality factors of different crops in practice, understanding the effects of cultivation techniques on them and the effects on the price or feed values ​​obtained from the crop. You use versatile and active professional journals to search for information. The assignments have been returned in accordance with the assignment and in a versatile way.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5:
You can apply and justify the perspective of sustainable farming in many ways when planning arable farming for a Finnish farm. You will be able to analytically plan a diverse and appropriate field cultivation and crop rotation, taking into account the production regulations, the purpose of the crop, the conditions due to the location of the farm and the resources available on the farm. You know how to plan a versatile crop rotation and a detailed and versatile cultivation plan with cultivation planning software. You can calculate the field balance and evaluate the result you get and make development suggestions to improve the balance. You can determine in practice the results obtained by analyzing the quality factors of different crops, understanding the effects of cultivation techniques on them and the effects on the price or feed values ​​obtained from the crop. You make versatile and active use of both domestic and foreign trade journals in the field to gather your knowledge about crop production. The assignments have been prepared in accordance with the assignment, without errors and using diverse sources.


You know the basics of arable farming, ie you know the characteristics of different crops and you know the purpose of using production inputs. You know how to dimension the machine chain of plant production and you know how to estimate labor costs to plan the timing of work.