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Basics of Plant Production (6 cr)

Code: LMSK0200-3003

General information


07.01.2021 - 31.07.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Virtual portion

6 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries


  • Ulla Heinonen


  • ZJA21KL
    Avoin AMK, luva
    Avoin amk, luva, nuoren viljelijän opinnot
  • ZJK21KL
    Korkeakoulujen välinen yhteistyö, LUVAKO


Opiskelija hallitsee keskeisimmät asiat rehuviljojen ja -nurmen tuotannosta:
- tuntee maalajien viljeltävyyden
- osaa laatia kalkitussuunnitelman
- osaa laatia viljojen ja nurmen lannoitus- ja kasvinsuojelusuunnitelman
- tuntee kylvösiemen laadun tärkeyden kasvintuotannossa
- tuntee viljojen kasvuasteet
- tuntee peltojen kuivatuksen ja kastelun merkityksen ja järjestämistavat
- noudattaa turvallisia viljelytyötapoja
- tuntee viljojen ja nurmien työkoneet, niiden toimintaperiaatteet ja säädöt
- osaa valita viljojen ja nurmen eri tuotantomuotoihin ja oposuhteisiin sopivat työkoneet
- tietää IPM-viljelyn sekä Luomuviljelyn perusteet
Lisäksi opiskelija tunnistaa eri viljelykasvilajeja sekä näiden siemeniä.

The student knows the most important things about the production of grass, fodder cereals and wheat:
- knows the cultivation of the soil
- be able to prepare a burial plan
- be able to draw up a fertilizer and plant protection plan for cereals and grasses
- knows the importance of seed quality in plant production
- knows the growth rates of cereals
- knows the importance and methods of draining and irrigation of the fields
- follow safe farming practices
- knows the machines for cereals and grass, their operating principles and adjustments
- be able to choose the machines suitable for grain and grasses in different production forms and conditions
- knows the basics of IPM cultivation and organic farming
In addition, the student recognizes different crop varieties and their seeds.


feed grains – soil types – field irrigation – field drainage – field liming – basics of fertilisation – basics of plant protection

Learning materials and recommended literature

Seppänen (toim). 2012 tai uudempi. Peltokasvien tuotanto. Opetushallitus, ISBN 978-952-13-5189-1.
Kurppa, S. ym. Arktinen ruoantuotanto – Taustaselvitys ja kiteytysmatriisi. 2015. Helsinki: Luonnonvarakeskus. ISBN: 978-952-326-094-8
Mattila, T. 2017. Maan viljavuus ja kationinvaihtokapasiteetti käytännön näkökulmasta. Tallennettu luento Ravinnepiika -hankkeen kevätinfossa 15.3.2017.
Nordkalk, 2014. Nordkalk Aito KALKITUSOPAS.
ProAgria, 2017-2020, Maatalouskalenteri (yhden vuoden kalenteri riittää).
Seppänen, A. ym. 2019. Kierrätyslannoitus : Suunnittelu, käytännöt ja mahdollisuudet tulevaisuudessa. Helsinki: Luonnonvarakeskus. ISBN 978-952-326-759-6 (Verkkojulkaisu).
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2019. Kaikki irti lannasta - Opas hyvään lannankäsittelyyn.
Tukes, Kasvinsuojelututkinnon materiaali:
Peltonen-Sainio, P. 2005. Viljojen kehityksen ja kasvun ABC. Jokioinen: Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus, Maa- ja elintarviketalous 67. ISBN 951-729-955-9 (Verkkojulkaisu).
Ruokavirasto, Kasvintuotanto –verkkosivut.
Vilja-alan yhteistyöryhmä (Vyr), 2014. Selvitys siemenviljataseen laadinnasta.
Vilja-alan yhteistyöryhmä (Vyr), 2016. Puitavien peltokasvien hyvät tuotanto- ja varastointitavat. Helsinki.
Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö asetus nro 7/2012.
Alanko, A-M. ym. 2013. Integroitu kasvinsuojelu (IPM) ja riskienhallinta viljanviljelyssä. Jokioinen: Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus, www-osoite: ISBN: 978-952-487-467-0.
ProAgria. Maan muokkaus. Tieto tuottamaan 54.
Alakukku, L. ym. Viljelymaan ABC –juttusarja, julkaistu Käytännön maamiehessä vuosina 2016-2017.
Järvenpää, L. & Savolainen, M. 2015. Maan kuivatuksen ja kastelun suunnittelu. 2. päivitetty painos. Suomen ympäristökeskus. ISBN 978-952-11-4517-9 (pdf).

Teaching methods

It is a continuous online implementation, so the course is completed independently. In a learning environment, students study using lecture recordings, videos and written material to complete assignments. The course includes one practical exercise, for which the accessories can be found in the home kitchen. The student receives feedback on each completed assignment.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The course is completed by completing assignments at an acceptable level.

Student workload

The course covers 162 hours of student work.

Further information for students

The grade of the course is determined by continuous assessment, ie the assignments to be returned are evaluated.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient: 1
The student is familiar with the soil cultivation, liming, fertilization, plant protection and drying of fields and the basics of irrigation. The student is familiar with IPM and organic production. She knows how to make cereals and determines the growth rates of cereals, knowing what such assays are needed. The student knows the machine chains of grain and grass cultivation and identifies the safety in farm work. The crops and their seeds are identified at an adequate level. Learning tasks have been restored, but there are some shortcomings.
Satisfactory: 2
The student knows the soil cultivation, liming, fertilization, plant protection and drying of fields and the basics of irrigation. The student is knows IPM and organic production. She knows how to make cereals and determines the growth rates of cereals, knowing what such assays are needed. The student knows the machine chains of grain and grass cultivation and identifies the safety in farm work. The crops and their seeds are identified at an adequate level. . Learning tasks have been repatriated as instructed.

Good: 3
The student knows the soil cultivation, liming, fertilization, plant protection and drying of fields and the basics of irrigation. The student is knows IPM and organic production. She knows how to make cereals and determines the growth rates of cereals, knowing what such assays are needed. The student knows the machine chains of grain and grass cultivation and identifies the safety in farm work. The crops and their seeds are identified at an adequate level. . Learning tasks have been repatriated as instructed and are documented using the learning material.

Very good: 4
The student masters the soil cultivation, liming, fertilization, plant protection and drying of fields and the basics of irrigation. The student is knows IPM and organic production. She knows how to make cereals and determines the growth rates of cereals, knowing what such assays are needed. The student knows the machine chains of grain and grass cultivation and identifies the safety in farm work. The crops and their seeds are identified correctly. Learning tasks have been repatriated as instructed and are documented using versatile sources.

Excellent: 5
The student masters the soil cultivation, liming, fertilization, plant protection and drying of fields and the basics of irrigation. The student is knows IPM and organic production. She knows how to make cereals and determines the growth rates of cereals, knowing what such assays are needed. The student knows the machine chains of grain and grass cultivation and identifies the safety in farm work. The crops and their seeds are identified correctly. Learning tasks have been repatriated as instructed and have been documented correctly and comprehensively using versatile sources.

