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Plant Production Planning (6 cr)

Code: LMSK0300-3003

General information


07.01.2021 - 16.05.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries


  • Ulla Heinonen


  • ZJA21KL
    Avoin AMK, luva
    Avoin amk, luva, nuoren viljelijän opinnot
  • ZJK21KL
    Korkeakoulujen välinen yhteistyö, LUVAKO


The student is familiar with the cultivation technique of the main crops and knows the importance of the factors affecting crop production in qualitative and quantitative terms to produce good crops. The student is able to define the quality of grain and potato crops and evaluate the usefulness of the harvest. The student is able to prepare a crop and crop rotation plan using the crop planning program. The student recognizes the most important weeds, plant diseases and pests. The student is able to plan the balanced chains of farms in a variety of cultivation so that the work can be done on time and in accordance with sustainable cultivation. The student knows the power needs of working machines and energy consumption.


plant production, quality criteria for harvest and their determination, cultivation plan, crop rotation, machinery and chains.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Pietola, L. 2018. Mitä ilmastokeskustelu tarkoittaa Suomen näkökulmasta? Tallenne Pellon käytön optimoinnilla ratkaisuja ilmastonmuutokseen –seminaarista 5.2.2018.
Mokkila, M. (toim.). 2015. Tiekartta Suomen proteiini-omavaraisuuden parantamiseksi. Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, VTT Visions 6. ISBN 978-951-38-8286-0 (verkko)
Hakala, K. 2018. Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutus maatalouteen ja viljelijän mahdollisuudet sopeutua –esityksen tallenne Maankuivatus ja ilmastonmuutos –seminaarista 17.10.2018.
Regina, K. 2018. Hiilen sidonta peltomailla –esitystallenne. Maatilaverkoston etäluento 25.1.2018.
Korpela, P. 2018. Elintarvikkeiden alkutuotannon hygieniavaatimukset kasvintuotantotiloilla – täydentävät ehdot –esitys sarjassa: Tieto itää! Verkkoluento III: Kasvinsuojelu ja kasvintuotantotilojen elintarvike- ja rehuhygienia –verkkoluento 25.1.2018.
Korkalainen, K. 2018. Ajankohtaista kasvintuotantotilojen rehuhygieniasta –esitys sarjassa: Tieto itää! Verkkoluento III: Kasvinsuojelu ja kasvintuotantotilojen elintarvike- ja rehuhygienia –verkkoluento 25.1.2018.
Ruokavirasto Elintarvikkeiden alkutuotanto –verkkosivut.
Seppänen, A. ym. 2019. Kierrätyslannoitus : Suunnittelu, käytännöt ja mahdollisuudet tulevaisuudessa. Helsinki: Luonnonvarakeskus. ISBN 978-952-326-759-6 (Verkkojulkaisu).
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2019. Kaikki irti lannasta - Opas hyvään lannankäsittelyyn.
Mavi, 2008. Ravinnetaseet Ympäristötuen lisätoimenpide lannoituksen ja sadon ravinnemäärien seurantaan. Maaseutuvirasto.
Jalli, M. 2017. Kasvitaudit muuttuvassa ilmastossa –tallenne.
Jalli, H. ym. 2016. Resistenssi - Kasvintuhoojien torjunta-ainekestävyys. Luonnonvara- ja biotaloudentutkimus 17/2016. Helsinki: Luonnonvarakeskus. ISBN: 978-952-326-200-3 (Verkkojulkaisu).
Perunantutkimuslaitos internetsivut: Viljelyohjeet.
Kasvintuhoojakuvasto, Peruna-alan yhteistyöryhmä, PAYR.
ProAgria, Viljan myynti- ja laatuvaatimukset. Tieto tuottamaan 108.
Ruokaviraston internetsivut: Viljan laatu ja turvallisuus.
Nurmela, T. Konedata, traktorit –internetsivusto.

Teaching methods

It is a continuous online implementation, so the course is completed independently.In the learning environment, students study using video lectures, videos and written material. The student receives feedback on each completed assignment.

Practical training and working life connections

The course includes a cultivation plan and a crop rotation plan, which can be done either on the model farm or on the right farm.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The course is completed by completing assignments at an acceptable level.

Student workload

The course covers 162 hours of student work.

Further information for students

The grade of the course is determined by continuous assessment, ie the assignments to be returned are evaluated.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient: 1
The student is familiar with the cultivation technique of the main crops and knows the importance of the factors affecting crop production in qualitative and quantitative terms to produce good crops. The student is able to define the quality of grain and potato crops and evaluate the usefulness of the harvest. The student is able to prepare a crop and crop rotation plan using the crop planning program. The student recognizes the most important weeds, plant diseases and pests. The student is able to plan the balanced chains of farms in a variety of cultivation so that the work can be done on time and in accordance with sustainable cultivation. The student knows the power needs of working machines and energy consumption. Learning tasks have been returned, but there are some shortcomings.

Satisfactory: 2
The student knows the cultivation technique of the main crops and is able to evaluate the significance of factors influencing crop production in qualitative and quantitative terms to produce good crops. The student is able to define the quality of grain and potato crops and evaluate the usefulness of the harvest. The student is able to prepare a crop and crop rotation plan using the crop planning program. The student recognizes the most important weeds, plant diseases and pests. The student is able to plan the balanced chains of farms in a variety of cultivation so that the work can be done on time and in accordance with sustainable cultivation. The student is able to evaluate the use of power tools and the energy consumption of working machines. Learning tasks have been repatriated as instructed

Good: 3
The student knows the cultivation technique of the main crops and is able to evaluate the significance of factors influencing crop production in qualitative and quantitative terms to produce good crops. The student is able to define the quality of grain and potato crops and evaluate the usefulness of the harvest. The student is able to prepare a crop and diverse crop rotation plan using the crop planning program. The student recognizes the most important weeds, plant diseases and pests. The student is able to plan the balanced chains of farms in a variety of cultivation so that the work can be done on time and in accordance with sustainable cultivation. The student is able to evaluate the use of power tools and the energy consumption of working machines. Learning tasks have been repatriated as instructed and are documented using the learning material.

Very Good:4
The student master the importance of the cultivation technique of the main crops and the importance of the factors affecting crop production in qualitative and quantitative terms to produce good crops. The student is able to define the quality of grain and potato crops and evaluate the usefulness of the harvest. The student is able to prepare a crop and crop rotation plan using the crop planning program. The student recognizes the most important weeds, plant diseases and pests correctly. The student demonstrates how to control the balance chains of diverse farms so that work can be accomplished on time and in accordance with sustainable cultivation. The student is able to evaluate the use of power tools and the energy consumption of working machines. Learning tasks have been repatriated as instructed and are documented using versatile sources.

Excellent: 5
The student master the importance of the cultivation technique of the main crops and the importance of the factors affecting crop production in qualitative and quantitative terms to produce good crops. The student is able to define the quality of grain and potato crops and evaluate the usefulness of the harvest. The student is able to prepare a crop and crop rotation plan using the crop planning program. The student recognizes the most important weeds, plant diseases and pests correctly. The student demonstrates how to control the balance chains of diverse farms so that work can be accom


Basics of field agriculture