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Expertise of the Business Environment (5 cr)

Code: LMSY0200-3001

General information


02.11.2020 - 30.11.2020


25.02.2021 - 06.05.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 50

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries


  • Juho Pirttiniemi
  • Mari Hakkarainen


  • LMS20KM


The student understands the structure and operation of national economy. He/she develop an overall picture of Finnish national economy and its development prospects. The student knows significant local and global development trends. He or she understands the ethical principles and earnings logic of economic activity. The student knows the objectives and means of agricultural, forest, rural, land use and regional policy. The student knows the EU farm subsidy system, their application and supervision prosedure. The student knows the structure, functions and methods of the organizations involved in the development of rural areas. He or she is aware of the possibilities to contribute to the development of their field. The student is able to assess the needs to develop activities, caused by changes in the rural business environment, as well as the impact of internationalization on the development of companies and the entire sector.


• EU and national farm subsidies, their application and supervision
the basic concepts and operation of national economy
• the state and development prospects of Finnish national economy
• local and global development trends
• the ethical principles and earnings logic of economic activity
• the objectives and means of agricultural, forest, rural, land use and regional policy
• the organizations involved in the development of rural areas
• opportunities for social influence
• the effects of changes in the business environment on the development of companies and the entire sector

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan kevätlukukaudella 2021 tammi-huhtikuun aikana. Kontaktiopetus toteutetaan Biotalousinstituutissa Saarijärvellä, ja osallistuminen on mahdollista myös etänä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Pohjola, Matti. 2014. Taloustieteen oppikirja.
Verkko-oppimisympäristön materiaalit mm. EU-tuista

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan tavoitteiden mukaisia aihepiirejä kontaktiopetuksessa ja itsenäisesti tehtäviä suorittaen. Keväällä 2021 osallistutaan myös maatalouspolitiikan korkeakoulukonferenssiin.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojakson suoritukset muodostuvat kontaktitunneilla tehtävistä osatenteistä (pistareista) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavista tehtävistä. Näiden yhteenlasketusta pistemäärästä muodostuu arvosana, jota aktiivinen osallistuminen voi korottaa. Arvosanaa on mahdollista korottaa suorittamalla itsenäinen verkkotentti.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit 40 tuntia
Tentti 4 tuntia
Opintoretki tai itsenäinen tehtävä 16 tuntia
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tehtävät 75 tuntia
Yhteensä 135 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson arvioinnin perusteena on kontaktitunneilla tehtävät osatenteistä (pistareista) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavista tehtävistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1. The student knows the basic concepts and operation of national economy. The student knows EU and national farm subsidies, their application and supervision prosedures.
2. In addition to earlier criteria the student knows organizations involved in the development of rural areas, their missions and ways of operation.
3. In addition to earlier criteria the student knows the objectives and means of agricultural, forest, rural, land use and regional policy and
the student knows the ethical principles and earnings logic of economic activity, the state and development prospects of Finnish national economy local and global development trends.
4. In addition to earlier criteria the student understands the opportunities for social influence in developing his/her field.
5. In addition to earlier the student is able to assess the needs to develop activities, caused by changes in the rural business environment, as well as the impact of internationalization on the development of companies and the entire sector.