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Introduction to Sustainable Gastronomy (5 cr)

Code: MP00BO07-3002

General information


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


03.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business


  • Anne-Maria Raitio
  • Francesca Allievi


  • MPT22S1
    Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • ZJAMPT22S1
    Avoin AMK, marata, AMK-polut, palveluliiketoiminta, päivätoteutus


In this course you will be introduced to the framework and basic concepts of sustainable gastronomy. You will learn the broad definition of gastronomy focusing on issues on food culture and identity. You will understand the difference between food system and food chain. You will understand what is meant by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the dimensions of sustainability in connection with food. After completing the course, you will have learned the basic tools for systems thinking and needed to delve deeper into the themes of sustainable gastronomy.


The course contents provide you with the basic concepts of and create the framework for sustainable gastronomy. You’ll define gastronomy including issues on food culture and identity, food system vs. food chain, the dimensions of sustainability, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in connection with food, and systems thinking central in sustainable development.

Time and location

Luennot sisältäen esityksiä, keskusteluja ja ryhmätyötä. Lisäksi ryhmäohjausta sekä yksilöohjausta.

Learning materials and recommended literature

UN Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge platform. Viitattu 15.2.2021.

Kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet - YK:n alueellinen tiedotuskeskus. Viitattu 15.2.2021.

Ruoka2030 - Ruokapoliittinen selonteko. 2017. Viitattu 15.2.2021

Allievi, F., Antonelli, M., Dembska, K. and Principato, L. 2019. Understanding the Global Food System. 3-24. & Piselli, D., Loni, S. S., Colyard, K. and Nordquist, S. 2019. The Role of Youth in Achieving the SDGs: Supporting Youth-Led Solutions for Sustainable Food Systems. 229-245. Teoksessa Valentini, R., Sievenpiper, J.L., Antonelli, M. and Dembska, K. (Toim.). 2019. Cham: Springer.

Teaching methods

Interaktiiviset luennot, projektiopinnot, caset, luennot, akateemisten opiskelutaitojen harjoittelu.
Sekä yksilö- että ryhmätehtävät, lähdeviitteiden käytön harjoittelu ja reflektointi.
Sekä yksilö- että ryhmäohjaus ja palaute.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Ei tenttejä, sekä yksilö- että ryhmätehtävät

International connections

Teemoja tarkastellaan sekä globaalissa että kansallisessa viitekehyksessä.
YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet globaalit.

Alternative completion methods

Osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen (sisällyttäminen tai korvaaminen)
Muulla tavoin hankittu osaaminen


Student workload

Luennot 21t
Ryhmätyöskentely, koutsaus 40t
Ryhmätehtävät 20t
Yksilötyöskentely, oppimistehtävät ja reflektointi 54t

Content scheduling

Interaktiiviset luennot, joissa esityksiä, keskusteluja ja ryhmätyöskentelyä. Ryhmätyöskentelyn koutsaus. Yksilö- ja ryhmäoppimistehtävät annetaan opintojakson alussa ja etenevät ajallisesti rinnakkain opintojakson aikana.

Further information for students

Evaluation scale 0-5. Evaluation based on the set learning goals. Feedback from the teachers. Regular reflection and self-assessment. Peer assessment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize the framework for sustainable gastronomy. You understand what is meant with gastronomy and food system. You recognize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the dimensions of sustainability.

Satisfactory 2
You recognize the framework and central concepts for sustainable gastronomy. You understand what is meant with gastronomy and sustainable food system/food chain. You recognize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the dimensions of sustainability in connection with food.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You understand the framework and central concepts of sustainable gastronomy. You understand what is meant with gastronomy and the relationship of sustainable food system in relation to food chain. You recognize and understand the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the dimensions of sustainability in connection with food. You are aware of the role of systems thinking in sustainability.

Very good 4
You understand and are able to analyze the framework and central concepts of sustainable gastronomy. You understand the broad definition of gastronomy and the relationship of sustainable food system and food chain. You recognize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the dimensions of sustainability in connection with food and you are able to apply them in your actions. You recognize the meaning of systems thinking in sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand analyze the shared framework and central concepts of sustainable gastronomy. You understand the broad definition of gastronomy and the relationship of sustainable food system and food chain. You recognize the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the dimensions of sustainability in connection with food and you are able to apply them in your actions. You understand the importance and the central role of systems thinking in sustainable development.

Further information

The course is essential for students in food studies (sustainable
gastronomy). It is available also for exchange students and students in Open UAS.