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Rehabilitation to Work (5 cr)

Code: SZXX2017-3001

General information


04.01.2021 - 10.01.2021


15.03.2021 - 21.05.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 20

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy


  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Teppo Karapalo


The purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will know the goals and opportunities, services, service processes and pathways for the rehabilitation of the unemployed. You know the practices and methods for assessing working and functioning ability, as well as the different forms and methods of counselling and support.

Course competencies
Promoting well-being and empowerment
Client competence in the social and health care
Ethical competence

The competence aim of the course
You will identify unemployment-related phenomena and opportunities for rehabilitation to promote the employment, quality of life, participation and working and functioning ability of the unemployed. You know the legislation and unemployment benefits related to unemployment services. You are familiar with the methods and practices of assessing the working and functioning ability of the unemployed. You can describe the employment services of the unemployed as well as social and health services. You can describe the appropriate service path of the unemployed and analyze the critical points of the service path and the factors that promote rehabilitation or employment. You know how to use participatory and resource-based counselling methods. You can describe the importance of peer support and experiential expertise in the rehabilitation of the unemployed.


Unemployment and related phenomena. Organization and legislation of services related to the rehabilitation of the unemployed: social work, social rehabilitation, TE services, public employment services, multidisciplinary service for employment (TYP), health care. Service paths and service processes for the unemployed. Unemployment benefits. Health services for the unemployed and assessment of working and functioning ability. Rehabilitative work activities, workshops, work coaching. Participatory and resource-based approach and counselling. Peer support and experiential expertise.

Time and location

Opintojakso ajoittuu välille 15.3.-21.5. 2020.
Opintojakso toteutuu kokonaan verkossa Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen,A-L., Rajavaara, M. & Ylinen, A. (toim). 2016. Kuntoutuminen. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Lindh, J,. Härkäpää, K. & Kostamo-Pääkkö, K. (toim.) 2018. Sosiaalinen kuntoutuksessa. Lapland University Press.;jsessionid=E28437E1B0BCD4F93CA09E02B385185B?sequence=...

Kuntouttava työtoiminta.2020. THL.

Kyky viisari.

Oivo, T. & Kerätä, R. (toim.). 2018. Osatyökykyisten reitit työllisyyteen - etuudet, palvelut, tukitoimet. STM.n raportteja ja muistioita 43/2018.

Pikaopas työttömyysturvaan. 2020. Kela.


Työkykyä tukevat toimet ja menetelmät. 2020. OSKU hanke.

Työllisyyspalveluihin liittyvä lainsäädäntö

Teaching methods

Opintojakso on kokonaan verkossa: itsenäinen oppimateriaaliin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen, webinaarit ja verkkokeskustelut, oppimistehtävät

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintjaksolla ei ole varsinaisia tenttejä.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

Suoritusvaihtoehtoina on oppimistehtävien tekeminen tai oman työn opinnollistaminen.

Student workload

Orientaatiowebinaari 4 h; pakollinen osallistuminen, samalla opintojaksolle osallistumisen varmistaminen
Webinaarit 2 x 4 h
Oppimistehtävät 40 h
Kurssimateriaaleihin perehtyminen, webinaareihin valmistautuminen ja muu verkossa tapahtuva työskentely 83 h

Yhteensä 135 h (5 op)

Content scheduling

Sisältöalueiden ja oppimistehtävien jaksotuksesta ja ajoituksesta keskustellaan aloituswebinaarissa.

Further information for students

Open University 10
CampusOnline 10

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can describe the phenomena related to unemployment and the possibilities of rehabilitation to promote the employment, quality of life, participation and working and functioning ability of the unemployed. You can describe the legislation and unemployment benefits related to the services of the unemployed. You will identify methods and practices for assessing the working and functioning ability of the unemployed. You can describe the employment services of the unemployed as well as social and health services. You can describe and justify the unemployed person's appropriate service path and analyze the critical points of the service path and the factors that promote rehabilitation or employment. You know how to use participatory and resource-based counselling methods. You can describe the importance of peer support and experiential expertise in the rehabilitation of the unemployed.