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Statistical Mathematics (5 cr)

Code: TLXM3550-3002

General information


04.01.2021 - 10.01.2021


01.01.2021 - 31.05.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics


  • Ida Arhosalo

Teacher in charge

Ida Arhosalo


  • TLS19S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics


The students master the concepts and methods included in statistics and probability theory and they can apply them in solving working life related problems by using a computer. The students can handle statistical material and on the grounds of it they are able to estimate risks, make decisions and forecasts.


Basics of mathematical statistics and probability theory; statistical decision making; estimation and tests of hypothesis ; regression analysis; time series analysis; use of computer programs.

Time and location

Luennot etänä Zoomin välityksellä 2*1,5h /vko, lisäksi tarvittaessa konsultaatiotunteja 1h/vko

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaali on Optimassa (verkko-oppimisympäristö). Tukena voi käyttää esimerkiksi teosta Holopainen, Pulkkinen: Tilastolliset menetelmät

Teaching methods

Luennot etänä Zoomin välityksellä, harjoitukset tehdään päasiallisesti Excelillä. Muitakin työkaluja saa käyttää (esim laskin), mutta opetus nojaa Excel esimerkkeihin. Viikottain Optimassa tehtäviä tai Optimaan palautettavia harjoituksia.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Kurssi suoritetaan kahdella välikokeella. Molemmat välikokeet voi uusia Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

Luennot 55-60h (+konsultaatiotunnit 0-14h), harjoitusten teko ja materiaalin itsenäinen opiskelu 61-80h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You have achieved the desired goals. You know a few of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in familiar situations but your reasoning is often deficient and you make mistakes in calculations.
Satisfactory 2
You have achieved the desired goals. You know many of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in familiar situations but your reasoning is sometimes deficient or you make mistakes in calculations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You have achieved the desired goals. You know most of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in familiar situations showing often the ability to reason completely and calculate flawlessly.
Very good 4
You have achieved the desired goals. You know most of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in new situations showing in most cases the ability to reason completely and calculate flawlessly.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You have achieved the desired goals. You know all the concepts and methods and how to apply them in new situations showing always the ability to combine things, reason completely and calculate flawlessly.


The students can use the Excel program.