Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Web Programming (4 cr)

Code: TTMS0500-3007

General information


09.05.2022 - 12.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology


  • Ari Rantala


The student is able to design and implement dynamic web applications concerning in particular the functionality in web browser. The student understands the network constraints and the possibilities of implementation of web applications in web environment. The student is able to work in a project group and produce documentation related to project work. The student is able to create documents on web application production.


• Web browser as programming environment
• JavaScript programming language
• DOM based document scripting
• HTML5 ja JavaScript programming interfaces
• Ajax and use of external data sources.
• Data communication formats e.g. JSON and XML
• Map applications programming
• Topical subject-specific program libraries (e.g. JQuery and React)
• Documentation and communication in group work

Location and time


Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Opintojakson verkkosivut (luentomateriaali, videoluennot, harjoitukset ja kotitehtävät)

Teaching methods

Etäopiskelu (Videoluennot, omatoimiset harjoitukset, harjoitustyö)

Student workload

Etäopiskelu 108 h (Videoluennot, omatoimiset harjoitukset ja harjoitustyö) Yhteensä 108 h

Content scheduling

Harjoitustehtäväsarjoja (9kpl) palautetaan noin 1-2 viikon välein opintojakson alusta lähtien.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Sufficient 1: The student knows project work and the documentation related to it. The student knows and understands the principles of design and implementation of a web application, however, it is difficult for the student to create the implementation independently. The student has taken part in creation of the project documentation and the seminar presentation.

Satisfactory 2: The student is able to work in a group and apply his/her learning to implementation of a small and dynamic web application. The required documentation contains information on user interface design of the application, implementation of interactions, communication on server side and programming methods. The documentation is partly insufficient and faulty. The seminar presentation has been given.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3: The student masters project work and the documentation related to it. The student is able to design and implement dynamic web applications. The student is able to create applications utilizing the most essential technologies of the course contents. The required documents contain the most essential and important information on user interface design, implementation of interactions, forming of communication to server side as well as programming methods on client side. The student is able to analyze their own solutions in a seminar presentation.

Very good 4: The student masters responsible project work and the high-quality documentation related to it. The student is able to design and implement web applications that concerning their architecture are easy to maintain. The student is able to create applications utilizing the technologies of the course contents widely. The required documentation contains extensive information on user interface design, i.e. mockups, implementation of interactions, forming of communication to server side and programming methods of client side. The student is able to assess and validate their own solutions in a seminar presentation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: The student masters responsible project work and the high-quality documentation related to it. The student is able to design and implement dynamic web applications that concerning their architecture are easy to maintain and extend. The student is able to create applications utilizing the technologies of the course contents very widely. The required documentation contains expensive and faultless information on user interface design of the application, i.e. mockups, implementation of interactions, forming of communication to server side, programming methods of server side as well as programming methods to client side. The student is able to assess and validate their own decisions critically in a seminar presentation.


Basics of IT, basics of Programming, basics of Web technologies