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Knowledge Management in Health Care and Social Services (5 cr)

Code: YS00BS62-3001

General information


01.08.2022 - 04.09.2022


01.09.2022 - 18.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services


  • Tapio Mäkelä
  • Annina Kangas-Niemi

Teacher in charge

Annina Kangas-Niemi


  • YSY21SM
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, monialainen kuntoutus
  • YSY21SK
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
  • YSV21S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
  • YSY21ST
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, terveyden edistäminen
  • YSB21S1
    Projektijohtaminen YAMK


Purpose of the course
During this course you will focus on knowledge and quality management, their opportunities and tools as part of management and leadership in the field of health care and social services.

Managerial competence
Ethical competence
Learning and information management competence

Learning outcomes
You are able to use research-based evidence in knowledge and quality management in the field of health care and social services.You recognize and apply knowledge management theories and approaches in the field of health care and social services..You are aware of the potential of digital data and you can identify the latest technology opportunities for work community development and leadership support. You manage some of the knowledge management tools for development of work place, learning and leadership in work community.

You know the principles and quality systems of customer-oriented quality development and quality thinking. You identify and conceptualize the different environments to which quality management and the idea of continues quality improvement can be applied. You are able to choose appropriate quality practices for the situation, lead the change, and design solutions that support change.


Interactions and interfaces between different actors in the field of health care and social services and the potential of new technology
Theoretical starting points of knowledge management and the basic concepts and structures of a knowledge intensive collaborative work and learning
Knowledge management and leadership tools in a digital environment
Technologies and tools to enhance the health care and social services organization's ability to create value through knowledge and knowledge.

Theoretical starting points and practices of quality management.Customer-oriented quality as the starting point and result of operations.Key quality recommendations in the field of social and health care. Quality, quality thinking and identification of quality systems. Quality tools as a starting point for quality development. Measurement and continuous quality improvement.

Importance of organizational strategic choices for Information and quality management.The added value of digitalisation for improving productivity and quality of working life. Addressing information security in social and health services.

Scientific and practice based debate of knowledge and quality management in the field of social and health services.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Donabedian, A. (2005) Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care. The Milbank Quarterly, Vol. 83, No. 4, 2005 (pp. 691–729)

Koiste, V., Laurila, T. & Perttula, P. (2021) Datalähtöisten ekosysteemien tulevaisuuden mahdollisuudet ja haasteet terveysalalla. Sitra. Työpaperi.

Kyytsönen, M., Aalto, A-M. & Vehko, T. (2020) Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon sähköinen asiointi 2020-2021. Väestön kokemukset. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Raportti 7/2021.

Suositeltava materiaali

Tiedä ensin, johda sitten. Sote-tietojohtamisen osaamistarpeet sekä kansallisen koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen nykytila.2021. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön raportteja ja muistioita.

Leskelä, R-L., Haavisto,i., Jääskeläinen, A., Helander, N., Sillanpää, N., Laasonen, V., Ranta, T., Torkki, P. 2019. Tietojohtaminen ja sen kehittäminen: tietojohtamisen arviointimalli ja suosituksia maakuntavalmistelun pohjalta. Valtioneuvoston kanslia, Helsinki

Markkio, H-R., Heimovaara-Kotonen, E., Mäkelä, T., Pekkonen, T., 2022. Etäläsnäolorobotiikka: Kohti laadukkaampia hyvinvointipalveluita. JAMK julkaisuja.

Teaching methods

Monimuoto-opetus, jossa hyödynnetään lähi- eli kontaktiopetusta, etä- eli verkko-opetusta sekä itsenäistä opiskelua.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Written exam

Alternative completion methods

Studyfication is an alternative method of course implementation according to JAMK degree regulation.

Student workload

Key lectures 24 hours -, based on lectures and reading the study material 66 hours - reflective assessment of competence and portfolio on students' own competence in management - learning assignment 45 hours Total 5x27 hours = 135 hours

Content scheduling

13.09.22 klo 12-17, online
04.10.22 klo 12-17 online
tentativelyi 01.11.22 klo 12-16 online, expert day, will be specified

Further information for students

Tentti numeerinen arviointi
Oppimistehtävät: palaute optimaan ja numeerinen arviointi

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
The student understands the basics of knowledge and quality management. The student recognises some theories or operating models of knowledge and quality management. The student is familiar with some of the approaches, metrics and practices of knowledge and quality management.
Satisfactory 2
The student masters the basics of knowledge and quality management and the thinking related to the change in the operating environment. The student is familiar with the theories and operating models of knowledge and quality management. The student masters some of the approaches, metrics and practices of knowledge and quality management.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
The student applies the theories of knowledge and quality management in the changing operating environment of the health care and social services sector. The student is capable of utilising knowledge and quality management in their operating environment. The student applies the approaches and metrics of knowledge and quality management in practice.
Very good 4
The student analyses the practices of knowledge and quality management in relation to theory and evidence-based knowledge in the changing operating environment of the health care and social services sector. The student analyses the activities of the work community in relation to the approaches and metrics of knowledge and quality management and uses them to develop operations in practice.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student analyses, critically assesses and draws conclusions from the practice of knowledge and quality management in relation to evidence-based knowledge in the changing operating environment of the health care and social services sector. The student analyses, critically assesses and draws conclusions from the various approaches of knowledge and quality management and the deployment of metrics. Based on them, the student develops operations in a way that supports the strategic choices of the organisation.