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Expertise and Leadership in Health Promotion (5 cr)

Code: YSEA0200-3001

General information


03.08.2020 - 30.08.2020


31.08.2020 - 18.12.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


15 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services


  • Emilia Lahdenperä
  • Sirpa Tuomi

Teacher in charge

Sirpa Tuomi


  • YSY19ST
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma,Terveyden edistäminen


The purpose is that you get the skills to act as a demanding level expert in health and well-being in public, private and third sector organizations. You will learn how to lead and coordinate the activities of promoting well-being and health in various organizations and in stakeholder cooperation.

After attending the course, you will have the following skills:
Anticipatory development (You know how to leads the development of new, forward-looking solutions and produces new information using various research and development methods)
Learning to learn (You promote your own and your work community's continuous learning and skill development, utilizing knowledge from different fields and the possibilities of digitalization)
Functioning in working life (Your abilities to develop and lead your work community and to reform working life)
Sustainable development (You develop sustainable and responsible operating methods in your work and support sustainability change in your work community and society)

Learning outcomes:
After completing the course, you will know the international requirements for health and well-being promotion expertise and strategic management. You will be able to critically evaluate your own health and well-being promotion expertise and strive for its continuous development, learning together and sharing expertise. You can evaluate future-oriented, critically and sustainable development perspectives, taking into account changes in your own industry and services and their effects on health and well-being promotion activities. You know how to activate and cooperate with networks and stakeholders in order to promote the implementation of the health and promotion strategy and evidence-based activities. You will use evidence-based health promotion management tools when developing and managing well-being and health promotion activities.


Expertise in health promotion management
Health promotion strategies and programme
Network and stakeholder collaboration in health promotion management
Evidence-based health promotion management tools
Evaluation of the effectiveness of health promotion
Sustainable development

Learning materials and recommended literature

Green, J., Cross, R. Woodall, J. & Tones, K. 2019. Health promotion: planning and strategies. Los Angeles: Sage. (Health public policy, Mass communication, Working with communities, Settings for health)

IUHPE health promotion accreditation system. Health Promotion Practitioner.

Jalava, M. 2017. Sidosryhmien kartoitus ja sidosryhmäsuhteiden hallinta. Kandidaatintyö. Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto, tuotantotalous.

Melkas, T. 2013. Health in all policies as a priority in Finnish health policy: A case study on national health policy development. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Viitattu 7.12.2018.

Ottawa Charter. 1986. WHO.

Stakeholder engagement. 2014. RICS guidance not.e. 1st edition

Terveyden edistämisen laatusuositus. 2006. STM julkaisuja 2006:19. Terveyden edistämisen
laatusuositus. 2006. STM julkaisuja 2006:19.

Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa. 2011. Toim. S. Sundqvist & L. Oulasvirta. Kuntaliitto.

TEA-viisari. 2019. Terveyden ja hyvinvoininlaitos.

Hyvinvointijohtaminen kunnassa. 2019. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin kansalliset suositukset ja ohjelmat opiskelijan oman asiantuntijuusalueen mukaan.

Podcast: Vaikutusten ennakkoarvioinnilla kestäviä päätöksiä. Kuntaliitto (23:42)

Tietojen hyödyntäminen suunnittelussa ja johtamisessa. 2019. Verkkokoulutus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

WEBPAGES - applicable parts
Hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistämisen johtaminen. 2019. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.

Health Impact Assessment. WHO/Europe.

Päätösten vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi (EVAUS). 2019.

WHO Health Promotion.


Teaching methods

The course is implemented entirely online. Guidance and feedback takes place in an e-learning environment.

The course has recorded online lectures with test questions as learning assignments.

Dialogical learning and peer support, especially in course webinars and small group assignments

Health promotion expert’s blog or vlogi text for a website

Reflective assessment of one's own health promotion expertise in accordance with international accreditation criteria (IUHPE Health Promotion Practitioner accreditation criteria)

Knowledge tests

Practical training and working life connections

In this course we have alumni visits.

Student workload

Webinars (incl. pre- and post-studies) 12 hours
Online lectures and knowledge tests 6 hours
Self-assessment by using IUHPE accreditation criteria and video presentation 6 hours
Learning tasks and tests 54 hours
Independent studies 57 hours
Total 135 hours

Content scheduling

The eLearning environment is modular, each module takes 2-3 weeks to complete.
M1: Expertise in health promotion management
M2: Health promotion strategies and programs
M3: Network and stakeholder collaboration in health promotion management
M4: Evidence-based tools for health promotion management

Each module has one webinar.

Further information for students

Assessment is a developmental assessment based on the competences and learning outcomes of the course. A key role is your own reflective self-assessment of the development of your competencies. Peer review will support you in health promotion expertise and leadership competence development.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Passing the course
The student is able to critically evaluate his or her own health promotion expertise according to the international assessment criteria and to present his or her own development targets in health promotion competence. During the course the student demonstrates the ability to learn together and share expertise. He or she examines changes in his field of activity and services, and their impact on health promotion and management, in a future-oriented and critical way. The student knows what kind of networks and stakeholders are involved in health promotion activities in his or her field of activity. He or she will adopt a variety of networking and stakeholder engagement and collaborative working methods to help implement the health promotion strategy and develop research-based activities. Students will be able to use research-based health promotion management tools to develop and lead well-being and health promotion activities in public, private or non-governmental organizations.