Research-based Development (5 cr)
Code: YZZZ0110-3059
General information
01.08.2023 - 10.09.2023
18.09.2023 - 21.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
- Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Sami Kalliomaa
- Anne Törn-Laapio
Teacher in charge
Sami Kalliomaa
YMJ22S1Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
YHO22S1Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
Purpose of the course
The purpose of this course is to understand the meaning of an research-based development and to get own toolkit for development activities
Ethical competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Learning outcomes
After completing this course, you will understand the difference between scientific research and research-based development. You understand the principles of research-based development,, its methodological starting points. You know the process of research-based development. You master and are able to apply some working life development methods in development activitvities at your filed of practice. You understand the importance of research ethics and good scientific practice in research-based development.
The starting points and methodology of research-based development
Research ethics and the responsible conduct of research
Process and management of research-based development
Research and development methods, data collection and data analysis
Assessment as part of research-based development
Location and time
Online 100%
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Eskola, J. 2015. laadullisen tutkimuksen juhannustaiat. Laadullisen aineiston analyysi vaihe vaiheelta. Teoksessa Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökumia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Toim. Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. Juva: Bookwell Oy, 185-189
Hakala, Juha. 2004. Opinnäyteopas ammattikorkeakouluille. Gaudeamus, Helsinki.
- Kirja esittelee keskeisimmät opinnäytteen tekijän kohtaamat kysymykset ja tarjoaa niihin ratkaisuehdotukset.
Hirsjärvi, S., Remes, P. & Sajavaara, P. 2010. Tutki ja kirjoita. 15-16 p. Helsinki: Tammi.
Kamppinen, M., Kuusi, O., Söderlund, S. 2002. Tulevaisuudentutkimus. Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura
Kiviniemi, K. 2015. Laadullinen tutkimus prosessina. Teoksessa Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökumia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Toim. Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. Juva: Bookwell Oy, 74-75
Klenke, K. 2016. Qualitative Researvh in the Study of Leadership. Great Britain., Janet, Emerald
KvaliMOTV - Menetelmäopetuksen tietovaranto. Verkkojulkaisu. Tampere: Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto.
KvantiMOT - Kvantitatiivisen tutkimuksen käsikirja
Koskela, M. & Pilke, N. (2020). Tieteellisen tekstin jäsentäminen. Teoksessa H. Katajamäki (toim.), Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen tiedeyhteisössä (s. 123–134). VAKKI.
Laadullisen aineiston analyysi ja tulkinta. N.d. Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu.
Ojansalo, K. Moilanen, T. & Ritalahti, J. 2009. Kehittämistyön menetelmät. Uudenlaista osaamista liiketoimintaan. Helsinki: WSOYpro
Patton, M. 2002. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 3. painos. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
Puusa, A. & Juuti, P. 2011. Laadullisen lähestymistavan yleistyminen kulttuurinäkökulman myötä. Teoksessa Menetelmäviidakon raivaajat. Perusteita laadullisen tutkimuslähestymistavan valintaan. Toim. A. Puusa ja P. Juuti. Kirkkonummi: Johtamistaidon Opisto JTO
Rantala, I. 2015. Laadullisen aineiston analyysi tietokoneella. Teoksessa Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökumia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. Toim. Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. Juva: Bookwell Oy, 108- 116.
Solatie, J. 2001. Focusryhmät: Kvalitatiiviset ryhmäkeskustelut strategisen markkinointitutkimuksen apuna. Helsinki: Mainostajien liitto.
Tuomi, J. & Sarajärvi, A. 2018, Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi, Uudistettu laitos. edn, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi, Helsinki
Tutkimuseettisen neuvottelukunna julkaisuja 3/2019. Ihmiseen kohdistuvan tutkimuksen eettiset periaatteet ja ihmistieteiden eettiinen ennakointi Suomessa. hje_2019.pdf.
Weber, K.M., Amanatidou, E.; Erdmann, L. & Nieminen, M. 2016. Research and innovation futures: exploring new ways of doing and organizing knowledge creation. Foresight: the Journal of Futures Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy. Emerald publishing. Vol. 18, (193-203)., Proquest
Valli, R. 2015 . Johdatus tilastolliseen tutkimukseen. PS Kustannus, Jyväskylä. E-kirja, Luettavissa JAMK:n käyttäjätunnuksilla
Valli, R. & Aaltola, J. 2015. Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin: 2, Näkökulmia aloittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. 4.uud. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus
Vilkka, H. 2009. Tutki ja kehitä. 3. p., uud. p. Helsinki: Tammi
Teaching methods
You can study in the course at your own pace
- Individual learning tasks
- Small group work online
- Webinars
- Online Discussions
Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat
You can complete the course by combining study and work, by studification. Agree on studification
of the course with the lecturer in charge of the course. For more information on studification, see the degree regulations and study guide.
Student workload
- orientation assignments 10 h
- lectures/online lectures 10 h h
- webinars/replacing assignments 10 h
- learning assignments 65 h
- studying the course material 40 h
Total 135 hours
Content scheduling
In the course, learning takes place by participating in webinars, independent information search and by completing the learning assignments
Timetable of the learning assignments in the Moodle workspace
Presenting on the online discussion platform is a sign of your participation in the course. Presentation should be made at the beginning of the course during the first two weeks.
Further information
Avoin amk 10 (sisältyy max-määrään)
Evaluation scale
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Sufficient 1
The student understands the differences and similarities between research-based development and academic research. The student is able to describe the different stages of the development process and choose methods suitable for their research/development topic. The student understands the significance of research ethics in research-based development.
Satisfactory 2
The student understands the differences and similarities between research-based development and academic research. The student describes the stages of the development process and chooses methods suitable for their development topic, and reflects on and assesses their suitability with the help of literature. The student understands the significance of research ethics in research-based development.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good 3
The student is able to compare the differences and similarities between research-based development and academic research. The student is able to analyse development processes, methods suitable for their development topic, and reflects on and assesses their suitability with the help of literature. The student understands the significance of research ethics in research-based development.
Very good 4
The student compares the similarities and differences between research-based development and academic research in a diverse way. The student describes the stages of the development process with justifications, applies methods suitable for their development topic, and reflects on and assesses their suitability critically and with the help of literature.The student understands the significance of research ethics in research-based development.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
The student is able to critically assess research-based development. The student describes the stages of the development process with justifications, applies methods suitable for their development topic, and critically assesses their suitability for development work in the field. The student understands the significance of research ethics in research-based development.
Further information
The course can be studied by using studification combiningn study & work in accordance with the
JAMK Degree regulation 17 § the guidelines for identifying and recognizing competence and the JAMK processes.