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Entrepreneurship (3 cr)

Code: ZZPP0710-3009

General information


03.08.2020 - 30.08.2020


31.08.2020 - 18.12.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Open Studies


  • Suvi Salminen

Teacher in charge

Suvi Salminen


    Avoin amk, KKD, Kotikuntoutus kotihoidossa


1. The students know the concept of internal entrepreneurship, what it means to become an entrepreneur and the significance of entrepreneurship and innovations in society.
2. The students understand the principles of profitable business activities and the business logic of their field.
3. The students understand the role of customership in business and other activities and know how to apply that knowledge to identify customers for their own know-how.
4. The students demonstrate an ability to manage themselves in an entrepreneurial way in a customer-oriented group.
5. The students know how to identify needs in customer-service situations and services and how to develop these into product opportunities (or business opportunities).
6. The students recognise and understand their own capacities and attitudes concerning entrepreneurship.
7. The students are aware of and capable of utilising the JAMK entrepreneurship and innovation environments and related support services.


Most of the entrepreneur section is completed in school-, department- or degree-programme-specific groups. During the course, students use their own experiences, observations and acquired knowledge to establish an understanding of individual market needs or demand for which they develop their own solution (product concept). In small groups, the students examine the business potential of their idea and share the ideas of their groups and their chances of success with the other students on the course. The ideas are tested with potential customers and further developed on the basis of the feedback received. The development and communication tools used are the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas. The students acquire basic information on entrepreneurship and profitable business in functional ways. The students test their capacity for entrepreneurship and expand their understanding of their field with real business cases.

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan syyslukukauden 2020 aikana jaksoilla 1 ja 2. Kontaktiopetus Lutakon kampuksella Dynamossa.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Blank,Dorf: The Startup Owner's Manual
Osterwalder&al.: Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur: Business Model Generation

Teaching methods

- käänteinen luokkahuone (flipped learning)
- projektioppiminen

Opiskeluusi opintojaksolla sisältyy työpajatyöskentelyä, ryhmätöitä, itsenäistä työskentelyä, valmennuksia ja asiantuntijaluentoja. Opiskelussa ja opetuksessa tehdään yhteistyötä alueen yritysten ja yrittäjyys kumppaneiden/verkostojen kanssa (esim.Jyväskylän Yritystehdas, JES, EduFutura). Keskeisin osa oppimista on Sinun oma toiminta ja sen itsearviointi. Tapaamisiin (kuten luennot, ryhmätöskentely) tulet aina valmistautuneena. Opintojakso tukee sellaista oppimiskulttuuria, missä opit yksilönä ja ryhmissä kohtaamaan ja käsittelemään ohjaajien tuella epävarmuutta ja epäonnistumista sekä vahvistamaan riskinottamista, uskallusta ja päätöksentekokykyä sekä valmiutta viedä asiat käytäntöön ja tavoitteellisesti päätökseen. Työskentelet pienryhmässä, jossa synnytätte liikeidean. Arvioitte idean liiketoimintapotentiaalia ja asiakasarvoa.

Practical training and working life connections

Yritysvierailu, vierailevat luennoitsijat.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Oppimisen kontrollointi kotitehtävien ja oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Oppimispäiväkirja palautettava kahden viikon kuluessa opintojakson päättymisestä.

Further information for students

Avoin amk 30 paikkaa (Kotikuntoutus kotihoidossa -kkd:n opiskelijat)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The assessment of learning is enhancement-led evaluation. The assessment is based on learning objectives, quality and criteria, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process. The assessment targets are described under ‘Attainments’.
The learning outcomes are assessed in relation to the learning objectives of the course.