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Advanced Databases (7 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TTOW0110-3003

Toteutuksen perustiedot


01.09.2021 - 10.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 29.04.2022


7 op


5 op


2 op


29 % Lähiopetus, 71 % Verkko-opetus


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus


  • Englanti


0 - 35


  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology


  • Jouni Huotari


Jouni Huotari


  • TTV19S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka


The student understands conceptual modeling and database design as parts of the development of information systems, is able to make descriptions of the information objects of the application area and their interrelations, and further, is able to make a normalised relational model database description based on a conceptual model. In addition, the student knows the basics of database administration and is able to specify users and their access rights, and monitor and optimise databases.


The design process from conceptual and needs analysis through normalisation and logical design to the physical design of a database by using a CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tool for data modelling and object-relational mapping.

The structure and operation of database management systems, the duties of a database administrator (DBA); installation, administration and management of databases.

Current trends in databases (big data, cloud-based databases, NoSQL etc.)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Verkko-oppimisympäristössä julkaistava sähköinen materiaali.

Teaching methods

- luennot
- itseopiskelu
- verkko-opinnot
- webinaarit
- pienryhmätyöskentely
- harjoitustyöt
- oppimistehtävät
- seminaarit

Practical training and working life connections

- vierailijaluennot
- projektit

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Tentin ajankohta ja toteutustapa ilmoitetaan opintojakson ensimmäisellä kerralla.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Yksi opintopiste (1 op) tarkoittaa keskimäärin 27 tunnin työtä.
- luennot 52 h
- harjoitustyöt 17 h
- tehtävät 70 h
- itsenäinen työskentely 50 h
Yhteensä 189 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The course is evaluated summatively following its completion and presentation, on a five-point scale according to points achieved during the course: 85 points = 5 (Excellent), 70 points = 4 (Very good), 55 points = 3 (Good), 40 points = 2 (Satisfactory) and 25 points = 1 (Adequate). If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail).

To Pass (S), the student can design and implement a normalized database (comprising of approximately 10 tables) and perform the most typical database administrative tasks such as creating a database, importing data to it, giving access rights, and monitoring the performance.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

The student 1) provides comprehensive database design documentation (at least five concepts and 10 tables in 3rd normal form) and database management; 2) carries out assignments and exams without major flaws or errors in database design and management. These, including the final presentation, show 1) ability to document and argument design decisions understandably, 2) knowledge and understanding of concepts, and 3) practical skills of database design and management.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

The student 1) provides detailed, clear, error-free, and complete documentation about database design (at least five concepts and 10-20 tables in 3rd normal form) and database management; 2) carries out assignments and exams without flaws or errors in database design and management. These, including the final presentation and learning report, show 1) ability to document and argument design decisions understandably, 2) knowledge and understanding of concepts, and 3) practical skills of database design and management.


Basics of Databases