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ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HM00BI68


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


Students understand the importance of management as a company’s key success factor. Students know the basic concepts of management and basic concepts reflecting the running of an organization. Students know different aspects of management and their contents. Students can evaluate their own abilities and willingness to managerial work.


Development of management theories, basic concepts of management, different aspects of management, human resource management, leadership, organization, challenges of management in the future



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

For the general assessment criteria of the competence generated by the Bachelor of Hospitality Management degree, please see the website of JAMK University of Applied Sciences ( The learning outcomes of a course will be assessed in accordance with its learning objectives on the basis of the skills and knowledge and general competences specified in The National and European Quality Management Systems (NQF/EQF, level 6).
5 (excellent): Students display comprehensive application of concepts in a critical and analytical manner through knowledge-based demonstration of skills vis-à-vis business and personnel management.
4 (very good): Students display nearly comprehensive application of understanding, showing analytical skills pertaining to implications of business and personnel management.
3 (good): Students demonstrate their understanding of the importance of business and personnel management as a company’s success factors by applying their conceptual-theoretical and theoretical knowledge.
2 (satisfactory): Students demonstrate the significance of management as a part of business applying the conceptual-theoretical approach.
1 (adequate): Students have a still fragmented and insufficient understanding of how to run an organisation and how important are human resources as factors affecting the company’s success. In required outputs the connection between core concepts of the topic and managerial thinking is illogical.


02.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

  • Laura Sjöman
    Avoin AMK, marata, Kiinteistöjohtaminen muuttuvassa toimitilaympäristössä
  • ZJA23SH1
    Avoin AMK, lita, organisaation johtaminen, erillisryhmä


Students understand the importance of management as a company’s key success factor. Students know the basic concepts of management and basic concepts reflecting the running of an organization. Students know different aspects of management and their contents. Students can evaluate their own abilities and willingness to managerial work.


Development of management theories, basic concepts of management, different aspects of management, human resource management, leadership, organization, challenges of management in the future

Learning materials and recommended literature

Learning material:
Viitala, R. & Jylhä, E. 2019. Johtaminen: keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Helsinki: Edita. Saatavana myös e-kirjana JAMK:n kirjastosta.
Puusa, A., Reijonen, H. & Juuti, P.& Laukkanen, T. 2014 (myös 2012 painos käy). Akatemiasta markkinapaikalle: Johtaminen ja markkinointi aikansa kuvina. Helsinki: Talentum. Saatavana myös e-kirjana JAMK:n kirjastosta.
Hyppänen, R. 2013. Esimiesosaaminen: liiketoiminnan menestystekijä. Helsinki: Edita. Saatavana myös e-kirjana JAMK:n kirjastosta.
Lämsä, A-M. & Hautala, T. 2013. Organisaatiokäyttäytymisen perusteet. Helsinki: Edita. Saatavana e-kirjana JAMK:n kirjastosta.

Additional material:
Buchanan, D.A. & Huczynski, A. 2019. Orgnanizational behaviour. Harlow, England: Pearson.
Mullins, L. & Christy, G. 2016. Management & organisational behaviour. Pearson. Eleventh edition.

Additionally, other recommended learning material provided by the teacher in the course e-learning environment.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent and group study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussion workshops

Theme-specific individual and group learning assignments.

Learning is guided both personally and in groups during the webinar sessions and in the web-based learning environment.
Group specific feedback and student peer feedback will be given during the group workshop sessions.
Personal feedback will be given in connection with assessment of the personal assignments.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
The personal learning assignments must be returned on week 43, 46 and 49.
The retake of the personal learning assignments is possible on 2.2.2024 and on 8.3.2024.

Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable. There will be two group workshops with mandatory attendance during the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways

More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Orientation assignment 15 h
Theme-specific independent and group study, preparing for webinars 40 h
Webinars and group discussions 15 h
Personal learning assignments 65 h

Content scheduling

During the course, theme-specific introductions during webinar sessions, independent and group study and group workshops will alternate.
Additionally, personal learning assignments will be completed throughout the duration of the course.
Theme-specific introductions in webinars will be recorded and are available also as videos afterwards.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Self-assessment of own competence
The group’s peer assessment
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on personal learning assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

For the general assessment criteria of the competence generated by the Bachelor of Hospitality Management degree, please see the website of JAMK University of Applied Sciences ( The learning outcomes of a course will be assessed in accordance with its learning objectives on the basis of the skills and knowledge and general competences specified in The National and European Quality Management Systems (NQF/EQF, level 6).
5 (excellent): Students display comprehensive application of concepts in a critical and analytical manner through knowledge-based demonstration of skills vis-à-vis business and personnel management.
4 (very good): Students display nearly comprehensive application of understanding, showing analytical skills pertaining to implications of business and personnel management.
3 (good): Students demonstrate their understanding of the importance of business and personnel management as a company’s success factors by applying their conceptual-theoretical and theoretical knowledge.
2 (satisfactory): Students demonstrate the significance of management as a part of business applying the conceptual-theoretical approach.
1 (adequate): Students have a still fragmented and insufficient understanding of how to run an organisation and how important are human resources as factors affecting the company’s success. In required outputs the connection between core concepts of the topic and managerial thinking is illogical.

