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Youth culture and youth workLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SZ00CK71


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Timo Hintikka


The aim of the course is learning to understand the background and role of youth cultures and media culture in the identity work, interaction and the daily lives of young people. You are aware of the tasks and starting points of youth work as well as its forms and methods.


Competence in social client work
Critical and Inclusive Social Skills

Intended learning outcomes:

You are able to draw on your knowledge of current youth culture phenomena when working with young people. You are aware of the starting points and tasks of youth work as well as its different forms and methods.

You evaluate the significance of societal phenomena and power structures as well as their impact on the inclusion and opportunities for civic participation of individuals, groups and communities. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.


The core content of the course comprises young people's lifestyles and different cultures, subcultures and countercultures, media culture, digital and social media, mobile phone culture and the use of smart devices. The basic premises, practices, forms and methods of youth work as well as the principles of information activities aimed at young people.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1= You are able to describe young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You recognise the role of media culture in young people's interaction. You are able to describe the starting points of youth work. You account for young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

2= You explain young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You recognise the role of media culture in young people's interaction. You define the basic premises and methods of youth work. You account for young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3= You present young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You explain the role of media culture and social media in young people's identity work and interaction. You present the basic premises of youth work and give examples of its practices and methods. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

4= You analyse and differentiate young people's various lifestyles and cultures. You assess the role and significance of media culture and social media in young people's identity work and interaction. You evaluate and interpret the basic premises of youth work, apply the practices and methods of youth work, and are able to assess them. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5= You analyse and evaluate young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You assess and explain the role and significance of media culture and social media in young people's identity work and interaction. You evaluate and interpret the basic premises, practices and methods of youth work and are able to evaluate, apply and develop them. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 17.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Timo Hintikka
  • ZJA25KS
    Avoin AMK, sote


The aim of the course is learning to understand the background and role of youth cultures and media culture in the identity work, interaction and the daily lives of young people. You are aware of the tasks and starting points of youth work as well as its forms and methods.


Competence in social client work
Critical and Inclusive Social Skills

Intended learning outcomes:

You are able to draw on your knowledge of current youth culture phenomena when working with young people. You are aware of the starting points and tasks of youth work as well as its different forms and methods.

You evaluate the significance of societal phenomena and power structures as well as their impact on the inclusion and opportunities for civic participation of individuals, groups and communities. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.


The core content of the course comprises young people's lifestyles and different cultures, subcultures and countercultures, media culture, digital and social media, mobile phone culture and the use of smart devices. The basic premises, practices, forms and methods of youth work as well as the principles of information activities aimed at young people.

Time and location

Oopiskelija voi suorittaa opintojakson oman aikataulun mukaisesti huomioiden oppimistehtävien palautuspäivämäärät.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Moodle työtilan materiaali, dokumentit, videot, linkit ja tukimateriaali.
Kivijärvi, Kauppinen, Kiilakoski & Leskinen. 2021. HIDASTA KASVUA JA LISÄÄNTYVIÄ VASTUITA. Kunnallinen nuorisotyö Suomessa 2021
Mediakasvatusseura. 2019. Medianuoruus.
Paananen, E, Piiroinen, M & Uustalo, K. 2022. Etsivän nuorisotyön käsikirja. Into-julkaisu.
Salasuo, Mikko (toim.) 2020. Harrastamisen äärellä. Lasten ja nuorten vapaa-aikatutkimus. Nuorisotutkimusseura.
Salasuo, Poikolainen, Komonen. 2012. Katukulttuuri : nuorisoesiintymiä 2000-luvun Suomessa. Nuorisotutkimusverkosto 2012

Teaching methods

Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu ja oppimistehtävät, joissa valinnaisuutta. Opintojaksolla ei ole webinaareja, mutta se sisältää vuorovaikutteisia tehtäviä keskustelupalstalle.
Tekoälyn käyttö on sallittua tällä opintojaksolla opiskelun ja tehtävien tukena, mutta se pitää kertoa tehtävien yhteydessä ja noudattaa JAMKin ja Arenen linjauksia.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Oppimistehtävien palautusajat löytyvät Moodlesta tammikuun 2025 alussa.
Palautusajankohdat ovat tammi-maaliskuussa 2025

Alternative completion methods

Opintojakson voi hyväksilukea aiemmilla opintojakson tavoitteiden ja sisältöjen mukaisilla korkeakoulutasoisilla (vähintään 5op) opinnoilla.

Student workload

5op, 135h jakautuu:

Verkko-opiskelu 50h
itsenäinen opiskelu 20h
Oppimistehtävät 65h

Content scheduling

Oopiskelija voi suorittaa opintojakson oman aikataulun mukaisest huomioiden tehtävien palautuspäiväti, opintojaksolla ei ole aikatauluun sidottuja webinaareja.

Further information for students

Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa
Campusonline: 20 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1= You are able to describe young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You recognise the role of media culture in young people's interaction. You are able to describe the starting points of youth work. You account for young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

2= You explain young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You recognise the role of media culture in young people's interaction. You define the basic premises and methods of youth work. You account for young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3= You present young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You explain the role of media culture and social media in young people's identity work and interaction. You present the basic premises of youth work and give examples of its practices and methods. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

4= You analyse and differentiate young people's various lifestyles and cultures. You assess the role and significance of media culture and social media in young people's identity work and interaction. You evaluate and interpret the basic premises of youth work, apply the practices and methods of youth work, and are able to assess them. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5= You analyse and evaluate young people's different lifestyles and cultures. You assess and explain the role and significance of media culture and social media in young people's identity work and interaction. You evaluate and interpret the basic premises, practices and methods of youth work and are able to evaluate, apply and develop them. You promote young people's independent agency as part of civil society.