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German for beginners 2Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: BI00BB26


5 op

Responsible person

  • Maria Rautamo


You continue getting familiar with basics of German language and culture. You know how to act according to cultural norms in the most common everyday situations. You know the most common polite phrases in German. You understand differences between the Finnish culture and the culture in German speaking countries. After completing the course, you understand and know basics of the language and vocabulary and you are able to apply these to the most common communication situations.

The course develops and gives you abilities to act and work in international and multicultural operational environments.



Cultural differences and Landeskunde.

Common situations as a customer, asking the way, holiday and visits, vocabulary for studies and work, telephone, email.

Dative case of personal pronouns and nouns, possessive pronouns, perfect tense, past tense with sein and haben.


German for beginners 1 (JAMK) or equivalent skills or A1.1 level in German (

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You understand the norms of simple situations and manage in them although problems in pronunciation and pauses in your speech complicate communication of the message. You recognize familiar topics in an easy text. You are able to write a simple basic level text. There are often mistakes in use of vocabulary and grammar.

2 You understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You apply your learning to routine communication although your speech often has pauses. You understand the main topics of short and simple texts. You can write a short text about a familiar topic. There are deficiencies in use of vocabulary and grammar.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 There are difficulties understanding speech at normal speech rate if the speech is long. You manage in a routine communication situation. You understand texts about familiar topics. You are able to write short and simple texts. There can be deficiences in vocabulary and pronunciation but they do not impede communication.

4 You understand face to face speech about simple topics spoken at normal speech rate but a native speaker’s speech rate causes difficulties. You manage short dialogs rather well. You understand texts about familiar topics well and are able to create short text using the learnt grammar structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 You understand speech spoken at normal speech rate about familiar topics. You assess communication situations correctly and can act in them. You understand texts about familiar topics effortlessly. You write about familiar topics clearly and almost flawlessly. You know the vocabulary and grammar structures and apply them in spoken and written communication diversely.

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with some basic knowledge in German and who would like to continue after German for Beginners 1.


20.11.2023 - 14.01.2024


09.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 28

  • Maria Rautamo


You continue getting familiar with basics of German language and culture. You know how to act according to cultural norms in the most common everyday situations. You know the most common polite phrases in German. You understand differences between the Finnish culture and the culture in German speaking countries. After completing the course, you understand and know basics of the language and vocabulary and you are able to apply these to the most common communication situations.

The course develops and gives you abilities to act and work in international and multicultural operational environments.



Cultural differences and Landeskunde.

Common situations as a customer, asking the way, holiday and visits, vocabulary for studies and work, telephone, email.

Dative case of personal pronouns and nouns, possessive pronouns, perfect tense, past tense with sein and haben.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Blanco, A. & Kudel, P. Freut mich 1. Otava.

Teaching methods


- Opetus tapahtuu ZOOMin välityksellä kerran viikossa tiistaisin klo 16.00-18.30
- Aloituskerta on ti 16.1.
- Läsnäolo suositeltavaa oppimisen kannalta, mutta teen webinaareista myös tallenteet
- 2 tenttiä opintojakson aikana Examin välityksellä tai livenä (tarkentuu lähemmin)
- Lisäksi kaksi palautustehtävää (suullinen ja kirjallinen) sekä itsearviointi
- ZOOM-osoite on


09.01.2024 - 20.05.2024:

16.1. Aloituskerta + kpl 6
23.1. kpl 6 + kpl 7
30.1. kpl 7
6.2. kpl 8
13.2. kpl 8
20.2. 1. tentti (kpl 6, 7 ja 8) EXAM 19.2.-10.3.
Talviloma vk 9
5.3. kpl 9
12.3. kpl 9
19.3. kpl 10
26.3. kpl 10
2.4. kpl 11
9.4. kpl 11
16.4. kpl 12 -> palauta kirjallinen tehtävä
23.4. kpl 12 -> palauta suullinen tehtävä
30.4. 2. tentti (kpl 9, 10, 11 ja 12) EXAM 29.4.-12.5.
6-19.5. Mahdolliset uusinnat EXAM

Exam dates and retake possibilities

20.2. 1. tentti (kpl 6, 7 ja 8) EXAM 19.2.-10.3.
30.4. 2. tentti (kpl 9, 10, 11 ja 12) EXAM 29.4.-12.5.
6-19.5. Mahdolliset uusinnat EXAM

Further information for students

avoin AMK 3

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You understand the norms of simple situations and manage in them although problems in pronunciation and pauses in your speech complicate communication of the message. You recognize familiar topics in an easy text. You are able to write a simple basic level text. There are often mistakes in use of vocabulary and grammar.

2 You understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You apply your learning to routine communication although your speech often has pauses. You understand the main topics of short and simple texts. You can write a short text about a familiar topic. There are deficiencies in use of vocabulary and grammar.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 There are difficulties understanding speech at normal speech rate if the speech is long. You manage in a routine communication situation. You understand texts about familiar topics. You are able to write short and simple texts. There can be deficiences in vocabulary and pronunciation but they do not impede communication.

4 You understand face to face speech about simple topics spoken at normal speech rate but a native speaker’s speech rate causes difficulties. You manage short dialogs rather well. You understand texts about familiar topics well and are able to create short text using the learnt grammar structures and vocabulary.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You understand speech spoken at normal speech rate about familiar topics. You assess communication situations correctly and can act in them. You understand texts about familiar topics effortlessly. You write about familiar topics clearly and almost flawlessly. You know the vocabulary and grammar structures and apply them in spoken and written communication diversely.


German for beginners 1 (JAMK) or equivalent skills or A1.1 level in German (

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with some basic knowledge in German and who would like to continue after German for Beginners 1.


01.08.2023 - 07.09.2023


07.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Susanna Kananoja


You continue getting familiar with basics of German language and culture. You know how to act according to cultural norms in the most common everyday situations. You know the most common polite phrases in German. You understand differences between the Finnish culture and the culture in German speaking countries. After completing the course, you understand and know basics of the language and vocabulary and you are able to apply these to the most common communication situations.

The course develops and gives you abilities to act and work in international and multicultural operational environments.



Cultural differences and Landeskunde.

Common situations as a customer, asking the way, holiday and visits, vocabulary for studies and work, telephone, email.

Dative case of personal pronouns and nouns, possessive pronouns, perfect tense, past tense with sein and haben.

Time and location

Lectures once a week, duration 2,5 hours.
Duration of the course 1 semester.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course book. Arja Blanco & Pauli Kudel. Freut mich 1. Finn Lectura. 2017.
Lessions 7-12.

Teaching methods

This Saksan alkeet 2 -course starts in September 7th 2022 and ends December 14th 2022. Teaching language is Finnish.

Lectures every Thursday at 16-18.30 pm at Rajakatu campus. The student is required to be present on 80% of the lectures.

The course consists of lectures, assignments, tests or exams. Note that in addition to lectures the student makes home assignments or studies independently in an online learning environment every week.

3-4 exams during the course, of which the first one on Thurday October 12th. The dates of the other exams are provided by the teacher in the beginning of the course. Retake/-s in Exam-studio or on times provided by the teacher.

Course book. Arja Blanco & Pauli Kudel. Freut mich 1. Finn Lectura. 2017.
Lessions 7-12.

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

Midterm tests and exams during the course.
Retake/-s in Exam-studio or on times provided by the teacher.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

RPL based on degree regulations.
The course cannot be studified.

Student workload

Classroom teaching 30-50h (depending on the implementation), independent study & preparation for the exams 79-101h (depending on the implementation), exams 4-6h (depending on the implementation).

In total 135h (1 credit corresponds 27h work load).

Content scheduling


Further information for students

Continuous evaluation (classroom work & tests or exams), self-evaluation.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You understand the norms of simple situations and manage in them although problems in pronunciation and pauses in your speech complicate communication of the message. You recognize familiar topics in an easy text. You are able to write a simple basic level text. There are often mistakes in use of vocabulary and grammar.

2 You understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You apply your learning to routine communication although your speech often has pauses. You understand the main topics of short and simple texts. You can write a short text about a familiar topic. There are deficiencies in use of vocabulary and grammar.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 There are difficulties understanding speech at normal speech rate if the speech is long. You manage in a routine communication situation. You understand texts about familiar topics. You are able to write short and simple texts. There can be deficiences in vocabulary and pronunciation but they do not impede communication.

4 You understand face to face speech about simple topics spoken at normal speech rate but a native speaker’s speech rate causes difficulties. You manage short dialogs rather well. You understand texts about familiar topics well and are able to create short text using the learnt grammar structures and vocabulary.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You understand speech spoken at normal speech rate about familiar topics. You assess communication situations correctly and can act in them. You understand texts about familiar topics effortlessly. You write about familiar topics clearly and almost flawlessly. You know the vocabulary and grammar structures and apply them in spoken and written communication diversely.


German for beginners 1 (JAMK) or equivalent skills or A1.1 level in German (

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with some basic knowledge in German and who would like to continue after German for Beginners 1.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

  • Maria Rautamo


You continue getting familiar with basics of German language and culture. You know how to act according to cultural norms in the most common everyday situations. You know the most common polite phrases in German. You understand differences between the Finnish culture and the culture in German speaking countries. After completing the course, you understand and know basics of the language and vocabulary and you are able to apply these to the most common communication situations.

The course develops and gives you abilities to act and work in international and multicultural operational environments.



Cultural differences and Landeskunde.

Common situations as a customer, asking the way, holiday and visits, vocabulary for studies and work, telephone, email.

Dative case of personal pronouns and nouns, possessive pronouns, perfect tense, past tense with sein and haben.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Blanco, A. & Kudel, P. Freut mich 1. Otava.

Teaching methods


- Opetus tapahtuu ZOOMin välityksellä kerran viikossa tiistaisin klo 16.00-18.30
- Aloituskerta on ti 17.1.
- Läsnäolo vähintään 80%
- 2 tenttiä opintojakson aikana Zoomin välityksellä
- Lisäksi kaksi palautustehtävää (suullinen ja kirjallinen) sekä itsearviointi


tiistaisin klo 16-18.15 (tai 18.30) seuraavasti

Talviloma Ei opetusta
14.3. 1. tentti
9.5. 2. tentti
(16.5. Uusintamahdollisuus tarvittaessa)

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Ks. kohta Opetusmenetelmät

Further information for students

avoin AMK 3

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You understand the norms of simple situations and manage in them although problems in pronunciation and pauses in your speech complicate communication of the message. You recognize familiar topics in an easy text. You are able to write a simple basic level text. There are often mistakes in use of vocabulary and grammar.

2 You understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You apply your learning to routine communication although your speech often has pauses. You understand the main topics of short and simple texts. You can write a short text about a familiar topic. There are deficiencies in use of vocabulary and grammar.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 There are difficulties understanding speech at normal speech rate if the speech is long. You manage in a routine communication situation. You understand texts about familiar topics. You are able to write short and simple texts. There can be deficiences in vocabulary and pronunciation but they do not impede communication.

4 You understand face to face speech about simple topics spoken at normal speech rate but a native speaker’s speech rate causes difficulties. You manage short dialogs rather well. You understand texts about familiar topics well and are able to create short text using the learnt grammar structures and vocabulary.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You understand speech spoken at normal speech rate about familiar topics. You assess communication situations correctly and can act in them. You understand texts about familiar topics effortlessly. You write about familiar topics clearly and almost flawlessly. You know the vocabulary and grammar structures and apply them in spoken and written communication diversely.


German for beginners 1 (JAMK) or equivalent skills or A1.1 level in German (

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with some basic knowledge in German and who would like to continue after German for Beginners 1.


01.08.2022 - 31.08.2022


08.09.2022 - 12.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

  • Susanna Kananoja


You continue getting familiar with basics of German language and culture. You know how to act according to cultural norms in the most common everyday situations. You know the most common polite phrases in German. You understand differences between the Finnish culture and the culture in German speaking countries. After completing the course, you understand and know basics of the language and vocabulary and you are able to apply these to the most common communication situations.

The course develops and gives you abilities to act and work in international and multicultural operational environments.



Cultural differences and Landeskunde.

Common situations as a customer, asking the way, holiday and visits, vocabulary for studies and work, telephone, email.

Dative case of personal pronouns and nouns, possessive pronouns, perfect tense, past tense with sein and haben.

Time and location

Lectures once a week, duration 2,5 hours.
Duration of the course 1 semester.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course book. Arja Blanco & Pauli Kudel. Freut mich 1. Finn Lectura. 2017.
Lessions 7-12.

Teaching methods

This Saksan alkeet 2 -course starts in September 8th 2022 and ends December 15th 2022. Teaching language is Finnish.

Lectures every Thursday at 16-18.30 pm at Rajakatu campus. The student is required to be present on 80% of the lectures.

The course consists of lectures, assignments, tests or exams. Note that in addition to lectures the student makes home assignments or studies independently in an online learning environment.

3-4 exams during the course on dates provided by the teacher in the beginning of the course. Retake/-s in Exam-studio or on times provided by the teacher.

Course book. Arja Blanco & Pauli Kudel. Freut mich 1. Finn Lectura. 2017.
Lessions 7-12.

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

Midterm tests and exams during the course.
Retake/-s in Exam-studio or on times provided by the teacher.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

RPL based on degree regulations.
The course cannot be studified.

Student workload

Classroom teaching 30-50h (depending on the implementation), independent study & preparation for the exams 79-101h (depending on the implementation), exams 4-6h (depending on the implementation).

In total 135h (1 credit corresponds 27h work load).

Content scheduling


Further information for students

Continuous evaluation (classroom work & tests or exams), self-evaluation.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You understand the norms of simple situations and manage in them although problems in pronunciation and pauses in your speech complicate communication of the message. You recognize familiar topics in an easy text. You are able to write a simple basic level text. There are often mistakes in use of vocabulary and grammar.

2 You understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You apply your learning to routine communication although your speech often has pauses. You understand the main topics of short and simple texts. You can write a short text about a familiar topic. There are deficiencies in use of vocabulary and grammar.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 There are difficulties understanding speech at normal speech rate if the speech is long. You manage in a routine communication situation. You understand texts about familiar topics. You are able to write short and simple texts. There can be deficiences in vocabulary and pronunciation but they do not impede communication.

4 You understand face to face speech about simple topics spoken at normal speech rate but a native speaker’s speech rate causes difficulties. You manage short dialogs rather well. You understand texts about familiar topics well and are able to create short text using the learnt grammar structures and vocabulary.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You understand speech spoken at normal speech rate about familiar topics. You assess communication situations correctly and can act in them. You understand texts about familiar topics effortlessly. You write about familiar topics clearly and almost flawlessly. You know the vocabulary and grammar structures and apply them in spoken and written communication diversely.


German for beginners 1 (JAMK) or equivalent skills or A1.1 level in German (

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with some basic knowledge in German and who would like to continue after German for Beginners 1.


01.11.2021 - 28.02.2022


14.02.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 27

  • Piia Anttonen


You continue getting familiar with basics of German language and culture. You know how to act according to cultural norms in the most common everyday situations. You know the most common polite phrases in German. You understand differences between the Finnish culture and the culture in German speaking countries. After completing the course, you understand and know basics of the language and vocabulary and you are able to apply these to the most common communication situations.

The course develops and gives you abilities to act and work in international and multicultural operational environments.



Cultural differences and Landeskunde.

Common situations as a customer, asking the way, holiday and visits, vocabulary for studies and work, telephone, email.

Dative case of personal pronouns and nouns, possessive pronouns, perfect tense, past tense with sein and haben.

Time and location

Lectures once a week on Tuesdays at 16.00-18.30, 15.2.-17.5.
Duration of the course 1 semester.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teacher provides the material for the course.

Teaching methods

Lectures 15.2 and 22.2 will be held in ZOOM:

Lectures, assignments, exams.

In addition to lectures the student makes home assignments and studies independently in an online learning environment.

The teaching language of this implementation is English.

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

One exam during the course.
Retake on times provided by the teacher.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

RPL based on degree regulations.
The course cannot be studified.

Student workload

Classroom teaching 30-50h (depending on the implementation), independent study & preparation for the exams 79-101h (depending on the implementation), exams 4-6h (depending on the implementation).

In total 135h (1 credit corresponds 27h work load).

Content scheduling

Lectures every Tuesday at 16-18.30 pm at Rajakatu campus.

Further information for students

Continuous evaluation (classroom work & tests or exams), self-evaluation.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You understand the norms of simple situations and manage in them although problems in pronunciation and pauses in your speech complicate communication of the message. You recognize familiar topics in an easy text. You are able to write a simple basic level text. There are often mistakes in use of vocabulary and grammar.

2 You understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You apply your learning to routine communication although your speech often has pauses. You understand the main topics of short and simple texts. You can write a short text about a familiar topic. There are deficiencies in use of vocabulary and grammar.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 There are difficulties understanding speech at normal speech rate if the speech is long. You manage in a routine communication situation. You understand texts about familiar topics. You are able to write short and simple texts. There can be deficiences in vocabulary and pronunciation but they do not impede communication.

4 You understand face to face speech about simple topics spoken at normal speech rate but a native speaker’s speech rate causes difficulties. You manage short dialogs rather well. You understand texts about familiar topics well and are able to create short text using the learnt grammar structures and vocabulary.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You understand speech spoken at normal speech rate about familiar topics. You assess communication situations correctly and can act in them. You understand texts about familiar topics effortlessly. You write about familiar topics clearly and almost flawlessly. You know the vocabulary and grammar structures and apply them in spoken and written communication diversely.


German for beginners 1 (JAMK) or equivalent skills or A1.1 level in German (

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with some basic knowledge in German and who would like to continue after German for Beginners 1.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

  • Maria Rautamo


You continue getting familiar with basics of German language and culture. You know how to act according to cultural norms in the most common everyday situations. You know the most common polite phrases in German. You understand differences between the Finnish culture and the culture in German speaking countries. After completing the course, you understand and know basics of the language and vocabulary and you are able to apply these to the most common communication situations.

The course develops and gives you abilities to act and work in international and multicultural operational environments.



Cultural differences and Landeskunde.

Common situations as a customer, asking the way, holiday and visits, vocabulary for studies and work, telephone, email.

Dative case of personal pronouns and nouns, possessive pronouns, perfect tense, past tense with sein and haben.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Arja Blanco & Pauli Kudel. Freut mich 1. Finn Lectura. 2017.

Teaching methods


Kontaktitoteutus, tunnit keskiviikkoisin klo 16-18.30. Aloituskerta ke 12.1.

Opintojaksoon sisältyy 2 kirjallista tenttiä sekä 2 palautustehtävää (suullinen ja kirjallinen). -> tenttien aikataulu ilmoitetaan tarkemmin kurssin alussa.

Further information for students

avoin AMK 3

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You understand the norms of simple situations and manage in them although problems in pronunciation and pauses in your speech complicate communication of the message. You recognize familiar topics in an easy text. You are able to write a simple basic level text. There are often mistakes in use of vocabulary and grammar.

2 You understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You apply your learning to routine communication although your speech often has pauses. You understand the main topics of short and simple texts. You can write a short text about a familiar topic. There are deficiencies in use of vocabulary and grammar.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 There are difficulties understanding speech at normal speech rate if the speech is long. You manage in a routine communication situation. You understand texts about familiar topics. You are able to write short and simple texts. There can be deficiences in vocabulary and pronunciation but they do not impede communication.

4 You understand face to face speech about simple topics spoken at normal speech rate but a native speaker’s speech rate causes difficulties. You manage short dialogs rather well. You understand texts about familiar topics well and are able to create short text using the learnt grammar structures and vocabulary.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You understand speech spoken at normal speech rate about familiar topics. You assess communication situations correctly and can act in them. You understand texts about familiar topics effortlessly. You write about familiar topics clearly and almost flawlessly. You know the vocabulary and grammar structures and apply them in spoken and written communication diversely.


German for beginners 1 (JAMK) or equivalent skills or A1.1 level in German (

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with some basic knowledge in German and who would like to continue after German for Beginners 1.