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International MarketingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HB00BC60


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Tanja Shemeikka


Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

Critical and Analytical Understanding IBCRI
Critically review, analyze and understand information available from academic and professional business sources in international marketing field.
Applied Business Skills IBBUS
Apply disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge to analyze business challenges and trends to propose or take in action practical international marketing solutions based on the findings. The student is able to apply concepts and processes in a relevant manner in global context.
Communication Skills IBCOM
Communicate responsibly, effectively and professionally in English in oral and written formats.
Collaborative Skills IBCOL
Participate in inter- and multicultural settings and demonstrate teamwork skills.
Ethical, Sustainable and Responsible Conduct IBESR
Understand issues of international marketing and find their meaningful applications in the business practices and decision-making in marketing field.


Introduction to international marketing
Creating and developing a strategy and plan for international marketing
Economic, political and legal environment of international marketing
International marketing opportunities
International marketing communications

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
Critical and Analytical Understanding Skills: You show some ability to analyze and evaluate academic and business information relevant to international marketing.
Applied Business Skills: You show some but narrow skills in analyzing business challenges and trends in international marketing and propose viable international marketing related actions.
Communications Skills: You are able to transmit to a limited extent your and your team’s ideas and findings in English.
Collaborative Skills: You show some but low-level skill in participating productively in inter- and multicultural setting and teamwork.
ESR skills: You are able to identify and assess some very basic international marketing-related issues and discuss superficially their meaningful applications in international marketing.

Satisfactory 2
Critical and Analytical Understanding: You show basic ability to analyze and evaluate academic and business information relevant for international marketing.
Applied Business Skills: You show skills in analyzing business challenges and trends and propose solutions for international marketing but the approach is thin or superficial.
Communications Skills: You are able to get your main message through when presenting your and your team’s ideas and findings in English but improvement would be needed.
Collaborative Skills: You show some skill in participating productively in inter- and multicultural setting and teamwork.
ESR skills: You are able to identify and assess some ESR-related issues for international marketing and the action related to them and discuss some of their meaningful applications in the business practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
Critical and Analytical Understanding: You show ability to analyze and evaluate business data and consider possible approaches and outcomes for business in international marketing.
Applied Business Skills: You show the average-level skills in analyzing business challenges and trends and propose solutions for international marketing.
Communications Skills: You are able to present your and your team’s ideas and findings in a clear manner in English.
Collaborative Skills: You show skills in participating in a productive way in inter- and multicultural setting and teamwork.
ESR skills: You are able to identify and assess deeply and widely the ESR-related issues and to discuss their meaningful applications in international marketing.

Very Good 4
Critical and Analytical Skills: You show very good ability to analyze and evaluate international marketing-relevant information.
Applied Business Skills: You show skills with merit in analyzing business challenges and trends and proposing practical solutions for international marketing.
Communications Skills: You are able to present your team’s ideas and findings in a very good manner in English on a level clearly above average of your peers.
Collaborative Skills: You are able to show in a very good manner skill in participating productively in inter- and multicultural setting and demonstrate teamwork skills.
ESR Skills: You are able to identify on a very good width and depth the ESR-related issues and discuss their meaningful applications in international marketing.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
Critical and Analytical Understanding: You show excellent ability to analyse and evaluate academic and business information on international marketing.
Applied Business Skills: You show excellent skills in analyzing business challenges and trends and propose international marketing solutions.
Communications Skills: You are able to present your and your team’s ideas in a convincing manner in English.
Collaborative Skills: You show excellent skill in participating productively in inter- and multicultural setting and demonstrate teamwork skills.
ESR skills: You are able to identify and assess very deeply and widely the ESR-related issues and discuss their meaningful applications in international marketing.