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Manager's Communication SkillsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HL00CP45


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kirsi Kemell


The object of the course
The object of the course is that you understand the significance of a supervisor’s interaction skills as a success factor for organizations and are able to develop interaction within the work community in a variety of situations.

Business competence
Operating in a workplace
Learning to learn

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to interaction skills and recognize different kinds of theories and methods. You recognize different areas of interaction and communications. You understand the connection between a supervisor’s interaction skills and work performance and employee commitment and well-being. You are capable of describing your own interaction style.


Areas of interaction and communication
Diversity management
Organizational behaviour and emotions at workplace
Group dynamics
Interaction in challenging situations
Observing of interaction and development of own interaction skills

Methods for developing interaction in the work community


Basic knowlegde of the Business Administration.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to interaction skills and recognize different kinds of theories and methods. You recognize different areas of interaction and communications. You understand the connection between a supervisor’s interaction skills and work performance and employee commitment and well-being. You are capable of describing your own interaction style. You are capable of creating illustrative documents related to the contents of the course.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to present knowledge related to interaction skills as well as different kinds of theories and methods. You recognize different areas of interaction and communications. You understand the effect of a supervisor’s interaction skills on work performance and employee commitment and well-being. You are capable of developing your own interaction style. You are able to utilize theories to prepare illustrative and consistent documents.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to compare knowledge related to interaction skills as well as different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to identify areas of interaction and communications from different perspectives and are able to assess interaction in working life situations. You are able to analyze the effect of a supervisor’s interaction skills on work performance and employee commitment and well-being. You are capable of developing your own interaction style in a goal-oriented way. You are able to use relevant theories to prepare illustrative, consistent and well-reasoned documents.

Very good 4
You compare and analyze knowledge related to interaction skills as well as different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to identify areas of interaction and communications from different perspectives and are able to analyze interaction in working life situations. You are able to plan solution alternatives to increase the effect of the supervisor’s interaction skills on work performance and employee commitment and well-being. You are capable of developing your own interaction style in a goal-oriented way. Your reporting is logical, analytical and competent, and you are able to evaluate the contents of the documents you have prepared.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to create new perspectives on the development of interaction skills based on different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyze interaction in working life situations and plan and develop solution alternatives to increase the effect of the supervisor’s interaction skills on work performance and employee commitment and well-being. You are capable of developing your own interaction style and directing the workplace community atmosphere in a goal-oriented manner. Your reporting is logical and convincing and demonstrates critical thinking. You are capable of preparing documents that meet the professional requirements.