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Marketing (5 cr)

Code: HBIB0020-3003

General information


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 60

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


  • Jay Panjwani


  • HBI22S1
    Degree Programme in International Business
  • ZJAHBI22S1
    Avoin AMK, IB, AMK-polut, International Business


The student will gain insights into the understanding marketplace, customer needs, designing value-creating marketing strategies, developing the marketing mix that delivers value, satisfaction, engage and build a strong relationship with the customer. For this, the course includes topics such as environment industry and competitor analysis, consumer behaviour, segmentation, marketing mix elements and finally challenges and the prospect of global and sustainable marketing.

A particular emphasis has been placed on developing students understanding of how to create customer value and engagement in the digital and social age. Students will gain knowledge about the changing consumer-marketer relationship in the digital and social age. The student will explore contemporary trends in the marketing landscape such as consumer-generated marketing.

Below are the intended learning outcomes (ILO's) for the course.
Skills in Critical and Analytical Understanding: Critically review, analyze and understand the information available from academic and professional business sources.

Below are the intended learning outcomes (ILO's) for the course.

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
Applied Business Skills: Apply disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge to analyze business challenges and global trends to propose or put into action practical business solutions based on the findings. Implement fundamental marketing concepts to case companies in the actual situation. Competence in identifying problems, suggesting solutions and making decisions about marketing related issues faced by case companies.

IBCOM: Communication Skills
Communicate responsibly and effectively in English through oral, written and digital formats in academic and professional contexts.

IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
Demonstrate intercultural teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution skills


In this course, the student will learn how to create customer value and engagement and manage customer relationship with the use of traditional and digital and social technologies. We will start by defining marketing and understanding the marketing process. We will learn how to analyses marketing environment, gain consumer insights into consumer and buyer behaviour. Next, we will learn how to design customer-driven market offerings with the use of traditional marketing method and dazzling set of a new set of tools such as the internet, smartphones, tablets, online and social media. Last but not least student will be introduced with global marketing and sustainable marketing issue and prospects. Below are the key contents
• Creating and capturing customer value and engagement
• Marketing strategies to build customer engagement, value and relationship
• Marketing environment and consumer insights
• Consumer and business market behaviour
• Value creation using customer-driven marketing strategies
• Market offering: product, brand and service
• Developing and managing new market offerings
• Capturing consumer value: Pricing
• Delivering value to the customer: Retailing and wholesaling
• Communicating with the consumer: Integrated marketing communication and advertising
• Communication with the consumer: Sales promotion, personal selling
• Marketing in digital and social media
• Marketing in the Global Marketplace

Time and location

The course is held during the autumn semester once a week for 1.45 hours.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Required Text Book
Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., & Piercy, N. (2020). Principles of marketing: 8th European edition.

In the classroom, we will learn marketing concepts by discussing the marketing stories of real companies, critical-thinking exercises, sharing advice and thoughts with peers to mention a few. Students in groups will work to solve the company cases and present their analyses in the classroom.
Please check the learning platform on a regular basis for learning material.

Teaching methods

Problem based learning and case based learning teaching method are utlised in this course.

Face to face and online mode of education are involved in this course. Marketing is designed to implement experiential learning accompanied by rigour (theoretical notions). Face to face interaction involves, including but not limited to, in-class lectures, case study discussions, in-class assignments, and project workshops. Online mode includes online lectures, webinars with industry experts and academic podcasts.

Practical training and working life connections

This field is shown as ‘Working life connections’ to the students.

Various kinds of introductions to working life, alumni cooperation, visiting lecturers, excursions (virtual or physical), etc. can be described here.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The course will be evaluated on the basis of individual and group tasks mentioned below. All tasks are essential and must be returned, dates will be dually communicated in the first session. However, exceptions include in the extension for the submission of the required components on the basis of valid justification.


Project report
Project presentations/project launching

Learning diary
Discussion forum and active class participation

Alternative completion methods

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

Marketing course worth 5 ECTS.One ECTS corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of 5 ECTS approximately 135 hours.

Below are the details of the student's workload in hours

Lectures 30 hours
Group project 55 hours
Individual assignments 15 hours
Learning diary 35 hours

Total: 135 hours

Content scheduling

In this course, the student will learn how to create customer value and engagement and manage customer relationship with the use of traditional and digital and social technologies. We will start by defining marketing and understanding the marketing process. We will learn how to analyses marketing environment, and gain consumer insights into consumer and buyer behaviour. Next, we will learn how to design customer-driven market offerings with the use of traditional marketing methods and a dazzling set of a new set of tools such as the internet, smartphones, tablets, online and social media. Last but not least students will be introduced with global marketing and sustainable marketing issue and prospects. Below are the key contents
• Creating and capturing customer value and engagement
• Marketing strategies to build customer engagement, value and relationship
• Marketing environment and consumer insights
• Consumer and business market behaviour
• Value creation using customer-driven marketing strategies
• Market offering: product, brand and service
• Developing and managing new market offerings
• Capturing consumer value: Pricing
• Delivering value to the customer: Retailing and wholesaling
• Communicating with the consumer: Integrated marketing communication and advertising
• Communication with the consumer: Sales promotion, personal selling
• Marketing in digital and social media
• Marketing in the Global Marketplace

Further information for students

Avoin amk 4 (included in the total capacity)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show very low acumen in assessing the project requirement.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain less motivated in initiating communication with the groups and class tutor.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You show less understanding of the group dynamics and cultural diversity resulting in raising concerns in your group

Sufficient (2):
IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show understanding of project requirements but struggle to develop business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain less motivated in engaging in communication with the groups and class tutor.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You do not participate in the team’s weekly meetings

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Sufficient (3):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show understanding of project requirements and develop business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain motivated in engaging in communication with the groups and class tutor.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You participate in the team’s weekly meetings

Sufficient (4):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show a very good understanding of project requirements and develop critical business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain motivated in engaging in communication with the groups and class tutor. Your reflection in the learning diary is not limited to the class content, your understanding of process insights shows potential contribution.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You participate in the team’s weekly meetings and take a lead when required

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Sufficient (5):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show an excellent understanding of project requirements and develop critical business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain motivated in engaging in communication with the groups and class tutor. Your reflection in the learning diary is not limited to the class content, your understanding of process insights shows potential contribution and discusses recent academic contributions.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You participate in the team’s weekly meetings and you show key leadership skills by guiding and motivating your team towards the final stage of the project.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Total points 100
Project report: 30
Video assignment:20
Learning Diary: 40
Class participation: 10

Grading: Schema
Grade 0 = 0-44 points = Fail
Grade 1 = 45-54 points
Grade 2 = 55-64 points
Grade 3 = 65-74 points
Grade 4 = 75-84 points
Grade 5 = 85-100 points

