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Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries: Parth-time Studies_COPY

Code: LMS2023KMM

Bachelor of Natural Resources

Degree title:
Bachelor of Natural Resources

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2023

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 2. / 2023 3. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2024 3. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026

(Choose all )

ZZPC0320 Swedish for Working Life 4 4 4 4
ZZPC0220 English for Working Life 4 4 4 4
ZZPC0420 Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes) 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

ZZPP0750 Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 3
ZZPP0740 JAMK InnoFlash 2 2 2 2
ZZPP0920 Future Factory Project 10 10 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

LMSB1100 Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy 5 5 5 5
LMSB1200 Mathematics for Agronomists 3 3 3 3
LMSB1300 Physics and Chemistry for Agronomists 4 4 4 4
LMSB1400 Biology for Agronomists 8 6 2 6 2 3 3 2

(Choose all )

LMSB2100 Observing Bioeconomy 2 2 2 1 1
LMSB2200 Production of Biomass 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
LMSB2300 Operational Environment 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
LMSB2400 Customer-oriented Marketing 4 4 2 2 2 1 1
LMSB2500 Bioeconomy, people and environment 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
ZZPP0420 ICT Skills 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
ZZPP0520 Development as an Expert 5 3 1 1 3 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1

(Choose all )

LMSB4100 Introduction to plant production 5 5 5 5
LMSB4200 Plant production planning 5 5 5 5
LMSB4300 Production Animals and Production Requirements 4 4 4 4
LMSB4400 Production Animal Welfare 3 3 3 3
LMSB4500 Basics of Forest Management and Regeneration 4 4 4 4
LMSB4600 Methods of Silviculture 6 6 6 6
LMSB4700 Occupational Health and Safety on Farms 3 3 2 1 2 1

(Choose all )

LMSB5100 Agriculture Technology 5 5 5 5
LMSB5200 Development of Agricultural Production Processes 5 5 5 5
LMSB5300 Energy Supply in Rural Areas 5 5 5 5
LMSB5400 Renewable energy production and use 5 5 5 5
LMSB5500 Environment Use Guiding Methods 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

LM00BD32 Profitability and Cost Accounting 5 5 5 5
LMSB6200 Bookkeeping and Taxation in Farm Enterprise 5 5 5 5
LMSB6300 Agribusiness Management 5 5 5 5
LMSB6400 Business Plan 5 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2

(Choose 35)

0 - 35
LMSV0100 Cultivating Oat for Food 5 1 4 1 4 1 4
LMSV0200 Further Processing of Agricultural Products 5 1 4 1 4 1 4
LMSV0300 Plant Nutrients from Biobased By-products 5 5 5 5
LMSV0400 Production Animal Health and Breeding 5 5 5 5
LMSV0500 Production Animals 5 5 5 5
LMSV0600 Organic Production 5 5 5 5
LMSV0700 Environmental Management 5 5 5 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
LMSV1100 Planning of Private Forestry 7 7 7 7
LMSV1200 Developing Forestry and Wood Processing 3 3 3 3
LMSV1300 Solid and Refined Biofuels 5 5 5 5

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
LMSV2100 Modern Technological Solutions for Biomass Production 5 5 5 5
LMSV2200 Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas 5 5 5 5
LMSV2300 Energy and Environmental Measurements 5 5 5 5
LMSV2400 Analyses of energy and environmental measurements 5 5 5 5
LMSV2500 Cyber Security and Bioeconomy Processes 5 5 5 5
LMSV6100 Business software tools for SME’s 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

ZZPP0620 Research and Development 5 5 5 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3 3 3 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2 2 2 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6 6 6 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4 4 4 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose all )

LMSHW100 Practical Training 1 15 15 15 15
LMSHW200 Practical Training 2 15 15 15 15

(Choose ects: 10)

Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)

(Choose 23)

0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5
Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)

(Choose 57)

0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2

(Choose 0)


(Choose 0)

Total 240 30 70 59 94 27 30 24 46 32 27 44 50 27 20.5 9.5 24 27.5 18.5 32 22.5 4.5 44 50 0 27

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Structure of the studies (Bachelor's degree)

Professional Studies
Future Factory Project
Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy
Mathematics for Agronomists
Physics and Chemistry for Agronomists
Biology for Agronomists
Observing Bioeconomy
Production of Biomass
Operational Environment
Customer-oriented Marketing
Bioeconomy, people and environment
Introduction to plant production
Plant production planning
Production Animals and Production Requirements
Production Animal Welfare
Basics of Forest Management and Regeneration
Methods of Silviculture
Occupational Health and Safety on Farms
Agriculture Technology
Development of Agricultural Production Processes
Energy Supply in Rural Areas
Renewable energy production and use
Environment Use Guiding Methods
Profitability and Cost Accounting
Bookkeeping and Taxation in Farm Enterprise
Agribusiness Management
Business Plan
Cultivating Oat for Food
Further Processing of Agricultural Products
Plant Nutrients from Biobased By-products
Production Animal Health and Breeding
Production Animals
Organic Production
Environmental Management
Planning of Private Forestry
Developing Forestry and Wood Processing
Solid and Refined Biofuels
Modern Technological Solutions for Biomass Production
Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas
Energy and Environmental Measurements
Analyses of energy and environmental measurements
Cyber Security and Bioeconomy Processes
Business software tools for SME’s
Practical Training
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Bachelor's Thesis
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Core Studies
Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
JAMK InnoFlash
ICT Skills
Development as an Expert
Research and Development
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

Bachelor's degree: Agricultural and Rural Industries 2020-2023

Energy competence

The students
- are familiar with the key energy sources in terms of agricultural business and technology and the possibilities of a diverse energy system
- recognise the opportunities of energy sector entrepreneurship in a rural environment, are familiar with the link between decentralised energy supply and a low-carbon system and understand the importance of energy efficiency.

Observing Bioeconomy
Solid and Refined Biofuels
Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas
Energy and Environmental Measurements
Analyses of energy and environmental measurements
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Business competence

The students
- are familiar with the business models and revenue generation model of bioeconomy
- master the skills of customer-oriented product development and marketing
- are able to plan, implement, develop and manage business activities in the field of bioeconomy.

JAMK InnoFlash
Operational Environment
Energy Supply in Rural Areas
Renewable energy production and use
Profitability and Cost Accounting
Bookkeeping and Taxation in Farm Enterprise
Agribusiness Management
Business Plan
Planning of Private Forestry
Solid and Refined Biofuels
Business software tools for SME’s
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Competence in natural sciences

The students are able to apply mathematics, chemistry and physics in applied tasks in the field of rural industries.

Mathematics for Agronomists
Physics and Chemistry for Agronomists
Biology for Agronomists
Customer-oriented Marketing
Bioeconomy, people and environment
Agricultural competence

The students
- can plan crop production and produce good yields in terms of quantity and quality
- are able to plan the care, feeding and breeding of farm animals, taking into account the requirements set for animal welfare and the environment, and are familiar with the environmental impacts of livestock farming and the possibilities of promoting profitable and responsible production through their choices.

Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy
Biology for Agronomists
Observing Bioeconomy
Introduction to plant production
Plant production planning
Production Animals and Production Requirements
Production Animal Welfare
Occupational Health and Safety on Farms
Agriculture Technology
Development of Agricultural Production Processes
Cultivating Oat for Food
Further Processing of Agricultural Products
Plant Nutrients from Biobased By-products
Production Animal Health and Breeding
Production Animals
Organic Production
Environmental Management
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Forestry competence

The students are able to plan forest management on a property, select suitable forestry measures for the forest and manage the forest property in a profitable and sustainable manner.

Biology for Agronomists
Observing Bioeconomy
Production of Biomass
Basics of Forest Management and Regeneration
Methods of Silviculture
Occupational Health and Safety on Farms
Environmental Management
Planning of Private Forestry
Developing Forestry and Wood Processing
Solid and Refined Biofuels
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Technological competence

The students
- are able to select and develop technological solutions for the production process of an agricultural enterprise
- are able to measure the process quantities in biomass production and processing and analyse the measurement results.

Observing Bioeconomy
Production of Biomass
ICT Skills
Agriculture Technology
Development of Agricultural Production Processes
Energy Supply in Rural Areas
Renewable energy production and use
Modern Technological Solutions for Biomass Production
Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas
Energy and Environmental Measurements
Analyses of energy and environmental measurements
Cyber Security and Bioeconomy Processes
Business software tools for SME’s
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Operating environment competence

The students are familiar with the national and international operating environment of bioeconomy and the key operators.

Observing Bioeconomy
Operational Environment
Customer-oriented Marketing
Development as an Expert
Energy Supply in Rural Areas
Renewable energy production and use
Developing Forestry and Wood Processing
Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Research and development competence

The students
- are able to analyse the digital information resources of the bioeconomy sector
- are able to produce more detailed information for the needs of companies and operators in the bioeconomy sector by using digital technologies
- know how to acquire, process, assess and apply information, principles, theories and methods in their field in a critical and appropriate manner
- understand and are able to apply the principles of good scientific practices.

Energy and Environmental Measurements
Analyses of energy and environmental measurements
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Environmental competence

The students
- recognise the key impacts their activities have on the environment and waterways, know how to measure these impacts, and master methods for reducing them
- are familiar with the steering methods of environmental use and the environmental systems of companies
- are able to apply and utilise environmental research data and the opportunities provided by circular economy in their own activities.

Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy
Biology for Agronomists
Observing Bioeconomy
Production of Biomass
Bioeconomy, people and environment
Energy Supply in Rural Areas
Renewable energy production and use
Environment Use Guiding Methods
Environmental Management
Developing Forestry and Wood Processing
Energy and Environmental Measurements
Analyses of energy and environmental measurements
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Not grouped
Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
Future Factory Project
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree

Compulsory studies (Bachelor's degree)

Compulsory course
Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy
Mathematics for Agronomists
Physics and Chemistry for Agronomists
Biology for Agronomists
Observing Bioeconomy
Production of Biomass
Operational Environment
Customer-oriented Marketing
Bioeconomy, people and environment
ICT Skills
Development as an Expert
Introduction to plant production
Plant production planning
Production Animals and Production Requirements
Production Animal Welfare
Basics of Forest Management and Regeneration
Methods of Silviculture
Occupational Health and Safety on Farms
Agriculture Technology
Development of Agricultural Production Processes
Energy Supply in Rural Areas
Renewable energy production and use
Environment Use Guiding Methods
Profitability and Cost Accounting
Bookkeeping and Taxation in Farm Enterprise
Agribusiness Management
Business Plan
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Alternative course
Cultivating Oat for Food
Further Processing of Agricultural Products
Plant Nutrients from Biobased By-products
Production Animal Health and Breeding
Production Animals
Organic Production
Environmental Management
Planning of Private Forestry
Developing Forestry and Wood Processing
Solid and Refined Biofuels
Modern Technological Solutions for Biomass Production
Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas
Energy and Environmental Measurements
Analyses of energy and environmental measurements
Cyber Security and Bioeconomy Processes
Business software tools for SME’s
Elective course

No attached course units

Not grouped

Bachelor’s degree: The shared competences 2023-2028


The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
- Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
- Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
- Is able to influence society based on ethical values.

Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
Development as an Expert
Production Animal Welfare
Environment Use Guiding Methods
Cultivating Oat for Food
Production Animal Health and Breeding
Production Animals
Environmental Management
Cyber Security and Bioeconomy Processes
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
− Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
− Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
− Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
− Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field.

Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Occupational Health and Safety on Farms
Further Processing of Agricultural Products
Modern Technological Solutions for Biomass Production
Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas
Cyber Security and Bioeconomy Processes
Business software tools for SME’s
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
- Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
Bioeconomy, people and environment
Plant Nutrients from Biobased By-products
Sustainable development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
- Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
- Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problems.

Future Factory Project
Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy
Biology for Agronomists
Observing Bioeconomy
Production of Biomass
Bioeconomy, people and environment
Introduction to plant production
Plant production planning
Production Animals and Production Requirements
Basics of Forest Management and Regeneration
Methods of Silviculture
Energy Supply in Rural Areas
Renewable energy production and use
Environment Use Guiding Methods
Cultivating Oat for Food
Plant Nutrients from Biobased By-products
Production Animals
Environmental Management
Planning of Private Forestry
Developing Forestry and Wood Processing
Solid and Refined Biofuels
Energy and Environmental Measurements
Analyses of energy and environmental measurements
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
- Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base andpractices of their field.
- Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Mathematics for Agronomists
Physics and Chemistry for Agronomists
Development as an Expert
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
- Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
- Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
- Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
- Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations.
- Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

Swedish for Working Life
English for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy
Observing Bioeconomy
Production of Biomass
Operational Environment
Customer-oriented Marketing
Development as an Expert
Introduction to plant production
Plant production planning
Production Animals and Production Requirements
Production Animal Welfare
Basics of Forest Management and Regeneration
Methods of Silviculture
Occupational Health and Safety on Farms
Agriculture Technology
Development of Agricultural Production Processes
Agribusiness Management
Business Plan
Further Processing of Agricultural Products
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Not grouped
ICT Skills
Profitability and Cost Accounting
Bookkeeping and Taxation in Farm Enterprise
Organic Production

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

ZZPC0320 Swedish for Working Life 4
ZZPC0220 English for Working Life 4
ZZPC0420 Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes) 3

(Choose all)

ZZPP0750 Entrepreneurship 3
ZZPP0740 JAMK InnoFlash 2
ZZPP0920 Future Factory Project 10

(Choose all)

LMSB1100 Practical Work in Primary Bioeconomy 5
LMSB1200 Mathematics for Agronomists 3
LMSB1300 Physics and Chemistry for Agronomists 4
LMSB1400 Biology for Agronomists 8

(Choose all)

LMSB2100 Observing Bioeconomy 2
LMSB2200 Production of Biomass 5
LMSB2300 Operational Environment 5
LMSB2400 Customer-oriented Marketing 4
LMSB2500 Bioeconomy, people and environment 5
ZZPP0420 ICT Skills 3
ZZPP0520 Development as an Expert 5

(Choose all)

LMSB4100 Introduction to plant production 5
LMSB4200 Plant production planning 5
LMSB4300 Production Animals and Production Requirements 4
LMSB4400 Production Animal Welfare 3
LMSB4500 Basics of Forest Management and Regeneration 4
LMSB4600 Methods of Silviculture 6
LMSB4700 Occupational Health and Safety on Farms 3

(Choose all)

LMSB5100 Agriculture Technology 5
LMSB5200 Development of Agricultural Production Processes 5
LMSB5300 Energy Supply in Rural Areas 5
LMSB5400 Renewable energy production and use 5
LMSB5500 Environment Use Guiding Methods 5

(Choose all)

LM00BD32 Profitability and Cost Accounting 5
LMSB6200 Bookkeeping and Taxation in Farm Enterprise 5
LMSB6300 Agribusiness Management 5
LMSB6400 Business Plan 5

(Choose 35)

0 - 35
LMSV0100 Cultivating Oat for Food 5
LMSV0200 Further Processing of Agricultural Products 5
LMSV0300 Plant Nutrients from Biobased By-products 5
LMSV0400 Production Animal Health and Breeding 5
LMSV0500 Production Animals 5
LMSV0600 Organic Production 5
LMSV0700 Environmental Management 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
LMSV1100 Planning of Private Forestry 7
LMSV1200 Developing Forestry and Wood Processing 3
LMSV1300 Solid and Refined Biofuels 5

(Choose 30)

0 - 30
LMSV2100 Modern Technological Solutions for Biomass Production 5
LMSV2200 Developing Alternatives for Energy Production and Use in Rural Areas 5
LMSV2300 Energy and Environmental Measurements 5
LMSV2400 Analyses of energy and environmental measurements 5
LMSV2500 Cyber Security and Bioeconomy Processes 5
LMSV6100 Business software tools for SME’s 5

(Choose all)

ZZPP0620 Research and Development 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose all)

LMSHW100 Practical Training 1 15
LMSHW200 Practical Training 2 15

(Choose ects: 10)

Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)
0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5
Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)
0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2

(Choose 0)


(Choose 0)