Quality and Evidence Based RehabilitationLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: SKOS2018
4 op
Teaching language
- English
Responsible person
- Teppo Karapalo
The costs of rehabilitation reimbursed by Kela alone was 781 million euros in 2023. Value for money is expected, i.e. results, efficiency and effectiveness are required from rehabilitation. Rehabilitation counselors must be aware of effective forms of rehabilitation so that they can refer rehabilitees to such rehabilitation forms and services that have been proven to be effective and efficient. During the course, the notion of effectiveness of rehabilitation will be examined, along with what kind of rehabilitation is effective and how the effectiveness can be assessed.
It is important for a rehabilitation counselor to know and understand the principles governing the planning and decision-making of rehabilitation services. It is essential to understand who makes the decisions and to know the meaning of liability while in office and the grounds of the decision-making. A rehabilitation counselor must also understand the link between different levels of management from the viewpoint of practical work and decision-making.
After completing the course, you will be able to utilize knowledge of evidence-based rehabilitation in your work. You will be able to find information about rehabilitation and its costs by utilizing open-access databases and critically assess the reliability of the data. After completing the course, you will also be able to use the concepts of social economics when discussing the effectiveness of rehabilitation. You will learn to plan your own work and services by utilizing strategy-related knowledge, and will be familiar with factors related to operational and strategic management from the point of view of your own work. After completing the course, you will be able to apply the good administrative procedure in your work and the related liability for acts in office. Based on this knowledge, you will be able to guide rehabilitees in different decision-making situations, taking into account the forms of decision-making of the operating environment concerned.
During the course, the students will examine different kinds of open-access statistical databases and practice the use of the Kelasto statistical database in particular. Additionally, the students will familiarize themselves with rehabilitation impact assessment practices and search for various impact studies by using domestic and foreign article databases. During the course, the students will explore the theoretical basis of management and examine management at different levels from the rehabilitation management point of view. The students will also explore the strategic guidelines of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, among other things, and consider how they are reflected in everyday work. During the course, the students will become familiar with good administrative procedure, examining, in particular, the Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) and the ways in which the Administrative Procedure Act guides decision-making in different situations.
You will be familiar with the main aspects of rehabilitation service systems, legislation, rehabilitation needs assessment, the rehabilitation process and counselling.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You will be familiar with the principles of good decision-making and good administrative practice and be able to apply different decision-making methods in an appropriate and reasoned way in example cases where a decision is needed. You will be able to examine the different levels of management from the perspective of the management of rehabilitation services. You will be able to identify some statistical databases on rehabilitation and be able to locate and interpret key rehabilitation cost statistics. You will be able to use the concepts of effectiveness and efficiency in rehabilitation appropriately and critically evaluate the results of effectiveness studies.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 17.11.2024
4 op
4 op
- Englanti
- Suomi
20 - 50
- Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
- Teppo Karapalo
Teppo Karapalo
SKO22SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Pelkästään Kelan korvaamat kuntoutuskustannukset olivat 781 miljoonaa euroa vuonna 2023. Kuntoutukselta odotetaan vastinetta rahalle eli tuloksia, tehokkuutta ja vaikuttavuutta. Kuntoutusohjaajien on oltava tietoisia vaikuttavista kuntoutusmuodoista, jotta he voivat ohjata kuntoutujia sellaisiin kuntoutusmuotoihin ja -palveluihin, jotka on todettu vaikuttaviksi ja tehokkaiksi. Kurssilla tarkastellaan kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden käsitettä sekä sitä, millainen kuntoutus on vaikuttavaa ja miten vaikuttavuutta voidaan arvioida.
Kuntoutusohjaajan on tärkeää tuntea ja ymmärtää kuntoutuspalvelujen suunnittelua ja päätöksentekoa ohjaavat periaatteet. Olennaista on ymmärtää, kuka tekee päätökset ja tuntea virkavastuun merkitys ja päätöksenteon perusteet. Kuntoutusohjaajan on myös ymmärrettävä eri hallinnon tasojen välinen yhteys käytännön työn ja päätöksenteon näkökulmasta.
Kurssin suoritettuasi pystyt hyödyntämään näyttöön perustuvaa kuntoutusta koskevaa tietämystä työssäsi. Osaat etsiä tietoa kuntoutuksesta ja sen kustannuksista hyödyntämällä avoimia tietokantoja ja arvioida kriittisesti tietojen luotettavuutta. Kurssin suoritettuasi osaat myös käyttää sosiaalitalouden käsitteitä keskustellessasi kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuudesta. Opit suunnittelemaan omaa työtäsi ja palvelujasi hyödyntämällä strategiaan liittyvää tietoa ja tunnet operatiiviseen ja strategiseen johtamiseen liittyviä tekijöitä oman työsi näkökulmasta. Kurssin suoritettuasi osaat soveltaa työssänne hyvää hallintomenettelyä ja siihen liittyvää virkavastuuta. Osaat näiden tietojen pohjalta ohjata kuntoutujia erilaisissa päätöksentekotilanteissa ottaen huomioon kyseisen toimintaympäristön päätöksenteon muodot.
Opintojakson aikana tutustut erilaisiin avoimiin tilastotietokantoihin ja harjoittelet erityisesti Kelaston tilastotietokannan käyttöä. Lisäksi perehdyt kuntoutuksen vaikutusten arviointikäytäntöihin ja etsivät erilaisia vaikuttavuustutkimuksia kotimaisia ja ulkomaisia artikkelitietokantoja hyödyntäen.
Opintojakson aikana tutustut johtamisen teoreettiseen perustaan ja tarkastelet johtamista eri tasoilla kuntoutuksen johtamisen näkökulmasta. Tutustut myös muun muassa sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön strategisiin linjauksiin ja pohdit, miten ne näkyvät jokapäiväisessä työssä.
Perehdyt opintojakson aikana hyvään hallintomenettelyyn tarkastelemalla erityisesti hallintomenettelylakia (434/2003) ja sitä, miten hallintolaki ohjaa päätöksentekoa eri tilanteissa.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Tunnet hyvän päätöksenteon ja hallintokäytännön periaatteet ja osaat soveltaa asianmukaisesti ja perustellusti erilaisia päätöksentekotapoja esimerkkitapauksissa, joissa tarvitaan päätöstä. Osaat tarkastella johtamisen eri tasoja kuntoutuspalvelujen johtamisen näkökulmista. Osaat nimetä muutamia kuntoutusta koskevia tilastotietokantoja ja osaat etsiä ja tulkita keskeisiä kuntoutuskustannustilastoja. Osaat käyttää asianmukaisesti kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden ja tehokkuuden käsitteitä ja arvioida kriittisesti vaikuttavuustutkimusten tuloksia.
Hallitset kuntoutuspalvelujärjestelmien, lainsäädännön, kuntoutustarpeen arvioinnin, kuntoutusprosessin ja ohjaustyön tärkeimmät näkökohdat.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
04.09.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
- Aila Pikkarainen
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
The costs of rehabilitation reimbursed by Kela alone was 781 million euros in 2023. Value for money is expected, i.e. results, efficiency and effectiveness are required from rehabilitation. Rehabilitation counselors must be aware of effective forms of rehabilitation so that they can refer rehabilitees to such rehabilitation forms and services that have been proven to be effective and efficient. During the course, the notion of effectiveness of rehabilitation will be examined, along with what kind of rehabilitation is effective and how the effectiveness can be assessed.
It is important for a rehabilitation counselor to know and understand the principles governing the planning and decision-making of rehabilitation services. It is essential to understand who makes the decisions and to know the meaning of liability while in office and the grounds of the decision-making. A rehabilitation counselor must also understand the link between different levels of management from the viewpoint of practical work and decision-making.
After completing the course, you will be able to utilize knowledge of evidence-based rehabilitation in your work. You will be able to find information about rehabilitation and its costs by utilizing open-access databases and critically assess the reliability of the data. After completing the course, you will also be able to use the concepts of social economics when discussing the effectiveness of rehabilitation. You will learn to plan your own work and services by utilizing strategy-related knowledge, and will be familiar with factors related to operational and strategic management from the point of view of your own work. After completing the course, you will be able to apply the good administrative procedure in your work and the related liability for acts in office. Based on this knowledge, you will be able to guide rehabilitees in different decision-making situations, taking into account the forms of decision-making of the operating environment concerned.
During the course, the students will examine different kinds of open-access statistical databases and practice the use of the Kelasto statistical database in particular. Additionally, the students will familiarize themselves with rehabilitation impact assessment practices and search for various impact studies by using domestic and foreign article databases. During the course, the students will explore the theoretical basis of management and examine management at different levels from the rehabilitation management point of view. The students will also explore the strategic guidelines of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, among other things, and consider how they are reflected in everyday work. During the course, the students will become familiar with good administrative procedure, examining, in particular, the Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) and the ways in which the Administrative Procedure Act guides decision-making in different situations.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003)
Strategic guidelines of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Kelasto statistical database
Different kinds of open-access statistical databases and articles of evidence based rehabilitation
Teaching methods
The course is organized in the virtual learning environment as online studies
Webinnars: Flipped learning, initialization lectures, dialogue
Independent familiarising with course materials and literature
Learning assignments
Student workload
Getting familiar with the material 40 h
Webinars 14 h
Learning assignments 54 h
Total workload 108 h (4 ects)
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You will be familiar with the principles of good decision-making and good administrative practice and be able to apply different decision-making methods in an appropriate and reasoned way in example cases where a decision is needed. You will be able to examine the different levels of management from the perspective of the management of rehabilitation services. You will be able to identify some statistical databases on rehabilitation and be able to locate and interpret key rehabilitation cost statistics. You will be able to use the concepts of effectiveness and efficiency in rehabilitation appropriately and critically evaluate the results of effectiveness studies.
You will be familiar with the main aspects of rehabilitation service systems, legislation, rehabilitation needs assessment, the rehabilitation process and counselling.