Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Organisaatioiden, kulttuurin ja sukupuolen vertaileva tutkimus: Suomi ja YhdysvallatLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TK00CT76


3 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Marjo Turunen


Drawing on organizational theories and research on workplace structures, this course will examine variations in business practices and policies and how these influence employment experiences and reward systems across industries, economies, and cultural contexts. The course will also explore variations in earnings, career advancement, and job assignments by gender.


Gain valuable insights about business leadership and hierarchy, work processes, cultural imprints, work-life policies, and the shaping of opportunity structures around gender including pay, promotions, and job roles.

Key themes of the course:
• Comparative work culture and employment policies: US and Finland
• Organizational hierarchy and leadership in industrial business
• Gender variation in employment opportunities and rewards
• Insights for developing rewarding and equitable work structures


No prerequisites on this course.