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2D BasicsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HG00CF52


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Mika Karhulahti
  • Risto Koskenkorva


The object of the course
After completing this course, you will be prepared to work as 2D artist in a game development project. You will be introduced to most important tools and techniques for 2D graphic creation and animation.

Course competences

Game production competence
Student can produce content for a game project and can work with the tools in meaningful and systematic way.
Student can implement assets with a game engine.
Student can produce value for a game project while working in a specific specialist role.

The learning objectives of the course

The student who completes the course is able to produce simple graphical assets for a 2D game: create a 2D animation using his or her own designs, design UI elements and produce background assets. The student understands basic principles of visual design as a part of game development and design. The student learns the basic tools and methods for producing assets. The student is able to work in game development team.


In the course you will be introduced to advanced software and hardware tools, technical requirements and workflow for creating 2D and UI assets in a game development project.


Ability to use image processing and vector graphic software and understanding of basic concepts in visual communication and game art.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1): You understand the importance of 2D asset creation and technical requirements. You can work in a game development project to produce and design technically valid assets.

Satisfactory (2): You have knowledge in the 2D asset creation and technical requirements. You understand different tools and techniques. You can work in a game development project and design and produce technically valid assets for different purposes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): You can make design decisions with 2D asset creation and technical requirements. You know how to use tools and techniques. You can work in a game development project and design and produce assets for different purposes based on your own design decisions.

Very good (4): You understand working methods, tools and technical requirements of 2D asset creation well. You know how to pick the most effective tools and methods for the task at hand. You can work in a game development project and design and produce assets for different purposes, as well as direct other team members in the process.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You can analytically discuss about the working methods, tools and technical requirements in game development and 2D asset production. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can evaluate the processes and improve on working methods and technical details. You can find novel methods and solutions for asset production when working in a game development project.