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Programming with C++Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: HTG410W1


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


The students master software design, the basics of data and command structures and are able to produce small-scale software in a software development environment. The students are familiar with the representation of information in a computer, data types, the basics of algorithms and logic. 
Students master the principles of object-oriented programming, they are able to design and implement classes and use class libraries.


C++ as a programming language
Variables and data types, Type conversion & Casting
Control Structures
Functions, Parameters, Return values, Overloading, Inline
Memory allocation, Pointers and References
Exception & Error management
Basics for Classes & Objects


Basics of ICT.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

When the final assignment is developed a video is created where the student
- use of the developed application and its functionalities,
- go through the code and explain how he/she understand the structure and the syntax and
- all this in 8-10 minutes.

The final assignment evaluation is based on the following criteria:

1: The student knows how to use the programming environment appropriately (projects, classes, debugger) and understands and uses variables, operators and condition statements. The student understands decision, loop and branch structures and can use them appropriately. The student can use pre-made classes of the API and create objects from them.
2: The student can produce a simple application with a couple of self-made classes. There are objects created and used in the main method. The basic concepts of object-oriented programming are understood.
3: In addition to the above, the student understands the meaning and use of arrays as a programming tool and is able to use them appropriately. The student has done the assignment according to language practice and commented the assignments properly.
4: In addition to the above, the student will master exceptions and error handling. The student uses multiple classes, inheritance, polymorphism and interactions between objects in the application.
5: In addition to the above, the student understand the dynamic memory management and the use of pointers. The student is able to show excellent understanding of he subjects and concepts of C++ widely and thoroughly.


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Peter Ciszek
  • ZJK22KI
    Korkeakoulujen välinen yhteistyö, TIKO
  • ZJA22KI
    Avoin AMK, tiko


The students master software design, the basics of data and command structures and are able to produce small-scale software in a software development environment. The students are familiar with the representation of information in a computer, data types, the basics of algorithms and logic. 
Students master the principles of object-oriented programming, they are able to design and implement classes and use class libraries.


C++ as a programming language
Variables and data types, Type conversion & Casting
Control Structures
Functions, Parameters, Return values, Overloading, Inline
Memory allocation, Pointers and References
Exception & Error management
Basics for Classes & Objects

Teaching methods

Online learning. Theory (daily) will be broadcasted live using Zoom. The feed is also recorded and disseminated through Moodle.

Exam schedules

No exams in this course.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

The course includes 9 different subjects and every subject has mandatory assignments. Learning those subjects requires quite much additional research and you should reserve minimum 10 hours/subject.

The final assignment is a small-scale console application where you show the skills and understanding of the subjects. You should reserve a weeks work (40h) to implement the final assignment.

Further information

The evaluation is carried out with every subject having automated validators that will tell if the implementation/answer is correct and how correct it is. The final assignment is evaluated and the feedback is given through the LMS. We encourage the students to discuss about their programming problems in Teams (XR Developer: Cplusplus channel) to learn and to find solutions.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

When the final assignment is developed a video is created where the student
- use of the developed application and its functionalities,
- go through the code and explain how he/she understand the structure and the syntax and
- all this in 8-10 minutes.

The final assignment evaluation is based on the following criteria:

1: The student knows how to use the programming environment appropriately (projects, classes, debugger) and understands and uses variables, operators and condition statements. The student understands decision, loop and branch structures and can use them appropriately. The student can use pre-made classes of the API and create objects from them.
2: The student can produce a simple application with a couple of self-made classes. There are objects created and used in the main method. The basic concepts of object-oriented programming are understood.
3: In addition to the above, the student understands the meaning and use of arrays as a programming tool and is able to use them appropriately. The student has done the assignment according to language practice and commented the assignments properly.
4: In addition to the above, the student will master exceptions and error handling. The student uses multiple classes, inheritance, polymorphism and interactions between objects in the application.
5: In addition to the above, the student understand the dynamic memory management and the use of pointers. The student is able to show excellent understanding of he subjects and concepts of C++ widely and thoroughly.


Basics of ICT.