Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Understanding and Developing UNESCO World Heritage SitesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MT00CH09


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Susanna Nuijanmaa


The purpose of the course is to create an understanding about the Unesco World Heritage concept and its international goals. The course is implemented in the cooperation between Jamk, Humak and JYU, that creates a great possibility for students to co-operate in multidiciplinary environment and multicultural group. You will join the development of the local Unesco sites in multi disciplinary groups.

Internationalization and multiculturalism, Sustainable development, Learning to learn

Learning objectives
The goal for the course is that you understand the Unesco World Heritage concept and its international nature. You understand its international goals but at the same time also the importance locally. You will learn about the development of the local Unesco sites and its influence at local communities and stakeholders.


Unesco World Heritage concept
International World heritage related contracts
Responsible management of Unesco sites
Project work



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment methods are based on learning objectives.
A course accepted as completed is assessed on the following five-step scale:

If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail)

1 (Sufficient) You identify Unesco World Heritage concept and know some International World heritage related contracts. You know the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management. You participate the development project.
2 (Satisfactory) You understand Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You understand the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 (Good) You can explain Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You understand the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management and can apply it in project work. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.
4 (Very Good) You can explain Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You discuss the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management and can apply it in project work. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent) You can critically discuss Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You discuss the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management and can critically and creatively apply it in project work. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.

Further information

The course is planned and implemented in co-operation between Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä University and Humak University of Applied Sciences. The course is targeted to the students interested in developing the cultural tourism destinations and attractions.


20.11.2023 - 10.03.2024


18.03.2024 - 19.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
  • Susanna Nuijanmaa
  • MTM21S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
  • MTM22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management


The purpose of the course is to create an understanding about the Unesco World Heritage concept and its international goals. The course is implemented in the cooperation between Jamk, Humak and JYU, that creates a great possibility for students to co-operate in multidiciplinary environment and multicultural group. You will join the development of the local Unesco sites in multi disciplinary groups.

Internationalization and multiculturalism, Sustainable development, Learning to learn

Learning objectives
The goal for the course is that you understand the Unesco World Heritage concept and its international nature. You understand its international goals but at the same time also the importance locally. You will learn about the development of the local Unesco sites and its influence at local communities and stakeholders.


Unesco World Heritage concept
International World heritage related contracts
Responsible management of Unesco sites
Project work

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Smith, Laurajane (2021): Emotional Heritage: Visitor Engagement at Museums and Heritage Sites. Routledge.

Teaching methods

There will be several teaching methods used in the course. Flipped learning is applied through out the course. The studying methods include independent studying, online studying, lectures, workshops and group work related to the development project.

Employer connections

This course is related to the development of the Unesco sites in Central Finland. The course is planned in co-operation with three higher education institutes and together with Unesco World Heritage sites in Central Finland - project.

Exam schedules

No exam

International connections

The course and the topics are international in their nature.

Student workload

The total workload for the students is 135 hours.
Independent studying 55 hours
Group work 50 hours
Lectures and workshops 30 hours

Further information

Assessment is based to the individual work 50% and the group work related to the development project 50%

Note that the detailed schedule and locations will be informed later, before the course start. The location for the lectures and workshops will be both in Jyväskylä University's and Jamk University of Applied Sciences's campuses.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Assessment methods are based on learning objectives.
A course accepted as completed is assessed on the following five-step scale:

If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail)

1 (Sufficient) You identify Unesco World Heritage concept and know some International World heritage related contracts. You know the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management. You participate the development project.
2 (Satisfactory) You understand Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You understand the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

3 (Good) You can explain Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You understand the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management and can apply it in project work. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.
4 (Very Good) You can explain Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You discuss the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management and can apply it in project work. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent) You can critically discuss Unesco World Heritage concept and International World heritage related contracts. You discuss the role of responsibility in Unesco sites management and can critically and creatively apply it in project work. You participate the multidisciplinary development project actively.



Further information

The course is planned and implemented in co-operation between Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä University and Humak University of Applied Sciences. The course is targeted to the students interested in developing the cultural tourism destinations and attractions.