Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Responsible Business PlanningLaajuus (7 cr)

Code: MT00CI54


7 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Petra Blinnikka
  • Tomi Hiltunen
  • Minna Tunkkari-Eskelinen


The purpose of this course is to deepen your understanding in business planning. During your studies you have learned different perspectives of responsibility and tourism business operations, for example, marketing, accounting, strategic thinking, human resources management, customer understanding and experience design. During this course you will apply that knowledge into practice by creating a business plan. You will learn the process of business planning and utilize different tools in the process.

Proactive development, Tourism business, Operating in workplace, Sustainable development

Learning objectives
After this course you understand how business idea can be created and how to produce a viable, responsible and realistic business plan to address existing demand. You know different concepts of business planning and understand the logic and process of business planning. You are able to apply the theoretical knowledge into practice in creating a business plan.


- Creation of new business idea
- Strategic decisions in business planning
- Responsibility as part of the new business
- Process and tools of business planning
- Market research
- Business models
- Business finances and calculations
- Advisory services for start-ups


Understanding the basics of business
Understanding the basics in responsible tourism
Understanding the special features of the tourism and hospitality industry

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 (Sufficient) You know different concepts of business planning, and understand the logic and process of business planning. You are able to apply the knowledge into practice in creating a business plan.

2 (Satisfactory) You understand different concepts of business planning and the logic and process of business planning. You apply the knowledge into practice in creating a business plan.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 (Good) You can explain the difference on the concepts, services and business level, and demonstrate the logic in processing a new business. You can demonstrate multiple perspectives in creating a business plan on responsible tourism markets. You are able to analyze the sustainability balance in a business concept.

4 (Very Good) You can compare different concepts and its services and evaluate the logic in processing a new business. You can demonstrate and argue for multiple perspectives in creating a business plan on responsible tourism markets. You are able to approach critically and innovative way the practice- and responsibility-oriented and business plan.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent) You can critically analyze the different concepts and its services and evaluate the logic in processing a new business. You can demonstrate and evaluate multiple perspectives in creating a business plan on responsible tourism markets. You are able to make a critical, innovative yet a realistic business plan, which demonstrates a balanced in responsibility matter.