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Introduction to Multiplayer Game ProgrammingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HG00CH07


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Jere Lamberg
  • Kalle Raijonkari


The object of the course

Have you ever wondered what it takes to make an online game? What different aspects relates to multiplayer games? What tools are there available to help you in creating a multiplayer experience?
In this course, you will learn about the needs, restrictions, and processes of online game development. The functionality and technical choices made vary a lot between different kinds of online games. In addition, the course will also include basic understanding of required hardware environments and their setup that is required to run such games.

Course competences

Game production competence: Can produce content for a game project and can work with the tools in meaningful and systematic way. Can implement assets with a game engine. Can program with an engine-specific language and understand the role of assets and/or middleware.

The learning objectives of the course

After completing this course, you have an understanding on technical requirements and techniques to develop online games. You will also have basic experience on developing simple online games.


This course will focus on developing online games with selected game engine middleware. The course will include going through theory and implementing prototypes for most common types of online game functionality. The course will also teach the required information about hardware systems needed to set up environment for running your own online game.


In order to apply for this course, you need to possess basic skills in game programming and game engines, as well as other related tools.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You have the basic knowledge of the needs, restrictions and creation processes of online game development.

Satisfactory 2: You understand the needs, restrictions and creation processes of online game development. You are able to use a ready project related to online game development or you are capable of creating a simple online game prototype that can be played by two or more players.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You are able to identify the needs, restrictions and creation processes of online game development from online game projects. You are able to use a ready project related to online game development or you are capable of creating a simple online game prototype that can be played by two or more players. You are able to analyze a ready project related to online game development.

Very Good 4: You thoroughly understand the needs, restrictions and creation processes of online game development. You are capable of creating an advanced online game prototype.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You are able to evaluate the needs, restrictions and creation processes of online games. You are capable of creating an advanced online game (prototype) or incorporate online game features to a group game prototype. The game should also provide mechanics for online matchmaking.