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FF Ticorporate Demo Lab 2Laajuus (20 op)

Tunnus: HTGP0470


20 op


  • englanti
  • suomi


  • Jere Lamberg
  • Risto Koskenkorva, BIT
  • Antony Smal


The object of the course
Understanding how to work with multiple persons in agile environment is crucial for everyone in the ICT-field. During Ticorporate Demo Lab 2 you will work with a small to medium sized team towards finishing a product demo from a concept (that is developed in tandem on Ticorporate DemoLab 1 course). At the end of the course the product demo is presented to peers, business information technology lecturers and industry professionals. This product demo is either a game or a software.

You will work in a designated role within the team. Roles consists from project management (product owner, scrum master) and a productive role (or multiple) (tester, programmer, businessperson, audio or graphics developer, etc based on project needs). You will also make a career portfolio, which contents mirror your roles and accomplishments during the course.

Course Competences
Business competence
Software engineering competence
System and methods in ICT
Cross-disciplinary competence in games
Game production competence
Software development competence
Specialization in ICT
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The learning objectives of the course
When you complete this course, you are able to work in a designated productive role within a scrum team working on a product demo. You know how to apply agile processes in practice to a software or a game project. You know how release a product demo. You know how to build a personal career portfolio.


In the course you will work independently on an agile team that works on a product demo. You will be working in a selected roles from a practical standpoint.

During the course there will be lectures that apply to your selected roles.


Understanding of project management, project processes and software engineering. Completed basic studies of own field. Knowledge of at least one of these

- Technological skills (e.g. programming, testing, infrastructure)
- Content production skills (e.g. 2D/3D/SFX/Level Design/UI design)
- Business skills (e.g. marketing, sales)

Collaboration Tools -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Software engineering -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Sufficient 1: You have base knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You know the basic parts of the process, and can be a part of the planning on a limited capacity. Your personal skills have developed only a small amount on the roles you have chosen and you have hard time reflecting your know-how. You can work independently on a limited role.

Satisfactory 2: You have knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You can work with others to plan the project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline. Your skills have somewhat developed on the roles you have chosen. Your reflecting skills on your know-how are limited. You can work on a selected role and be productive.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Good 3: You have knowledge on the scrum and agile processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline.Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can reflect your know-how realistically.
You can work on a selected role and be productive and help others.

Very good 4: You have understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5: You have deep understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can analytically solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

20 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Risto Koskenkorva
  • Kalle Raijonkari
  • Mika Karhulahti
  • Jere Lamberg
  • Ilari Miikkulainen
  • Nina Viertorinne
  • HTG22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology


The object of the course
Understanding how to work with multiple persons in agile environment is crucial for everyone in the ICT-field. During Ticorporate Demo Lab 2 you will work with a small to medium sized team towards finishing a product demo from a concept (that is developed in tandem on Ticorporate DemoLab 1 course). At the end of the course the product demo is presented to peers, business information technology lecturers and industry professionals. This product demo is either a game or a software.

You will work in a designated role within the team. Roles consists from project management (product owner, scrum master) and a productive role (or multiple) (tester, programmer, businessperson, audio or graphics developer, etc based on project needs). You will also make a career portfolio, which contents mirror your roles and accomplishments during the course.

Course Competences
Business competence
Software engineering competence
System and methods in ICT
Cross-disciplinary competence in games
Game production competence
Software development competence
Specialization in ICT
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The learning objectives of the course
When you complete this course, you are able to work in a designated productive role within a scrum team working on a product demo. You know how to apply agile processes in practice to a software or a game project. You know how release a product demo. You know how to build a personal career portfolio.


In the course you will work independently on an agile team that works on a product demo. You will be working in a selected roles from a practical standpoint.

During the course there will be lectures that apply to your selected roles.

Teaching methods

You will work in groups in a specialized role to create a software project. Every participant gets to utilize the skills they have acquired during their previous studies, and learn more about software project work in practical environment. The participants will take care of everything from the initial designs all the way down to publishing.

Employer connections

You will be working from Digi & Game Center. You are able (and encouraged) to present your work and project to industry specialists.

Exam schedules

Group evaluation will take place during December.
Individual evaluation will take place during January.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of 20 credits is approximately 540 hours.

The participant is expected to work approximately 6 hours per day for the duration of the course.

Further information

The participant will be evaluated in two ways: Group evaluation & individual evaluation. The group evaluation assesses the performance of the entire group during the course. The individual evaluation assesses the participant’s own development and achievement of goals. The total grade for the course will come from the two put together.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Sufficient 1: You have base knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You know the basic parts of the process, and can be a part of the planning on a limited capacity. Your personal skills have developed only a small amount on the roles you have chosen and you have hard time reflecting your know-how. You can work independently on a limited role.

Satisfactory 2: You have knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You can work with others to plan the project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline. Your skills have somewhat developed on the roles you have chosen. Your reflecting skills on your know-how are limited. You can work on a selected role and be productive.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3: You have knowledge on the scrum and agile processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline.Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can reflect your know-how realistically.
You can work on a selected role and be productive and help others.

Very good 4: You have understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You have deep understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can analytically solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.


Understanding of project management, project processes and software engineering. Completed basic studies of own field. Knowledge of at least one of these

- Technological skills (e.g. programming, testing, infrastructure)
- Content production skills (e.g. 2D/3D/SFX/Level Design/UI design)
- Business skills (e.g. marketing, sales)

Collaboration Tools -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Software engineering -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024


20 op





  • Suomi

20 - 35

  • Tietojenkäsittely (AMK)
  • Heikki Sateila
  • Jere Lamberg
  • Antony Smal
  • Jarkko Immonen
  • Juha-Tapio Teno
  • Tommi Tuikka
  • HTK22S1
    Tietojenkäsittely (AMK)


The object of the course
Understanding how to work with multiple persons in agile environment is crucial for everyone in the ICT-field. During Ticorporate Demo Lab 2 you will work with a small to medium sized team towards finishing a product demo from a concept (that is developed in tandem on Ticorporate DemoLab 1 course). At the end of the course the product demo is presented to peers, business information technology lecturers and industry professionals. This product demo is either a game or a software.

You will work in a designated role within the team. Roles consists from project management (product owner, scrum master) and a productive role (or multiple) (tester, programmer, businessperson, audio or graphics developer, etc based on project needs). You will also make a career portfolio, which contents mirror your roles and accomplishments during the course.

Course Competences
Business competence
Software engineering competence
System and methods in ICT
Cross-disciplinary competence in games
Game production competence
Software development competence
Specialization in ICT
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The learning objectives of the course
When you complete this course, you are able to work in a designated productive role within a scrum team working on a product demo. You know how to apply agile processes in practice to a software or a game project. You know how release a product demo. You know how to build a personal career portfolio.


In the course you will work independently on an agile team that works on a product demo. You will be working in a selected roles from a practical standpoint.

During the course there will be lectures that apply to your selected roles.

Aika ja paikka

Syksy 2025 Digi&Game Center


Työskentelet osana ryhmää jossakin roolissa sovelluskehitysprojektien saralla. Jokainen osallistuja tulee käyttämään aikaisemmilla opinnoilla kerryttämiään taitojaan, sekä oppimaan lisää sovelluskehitysprojektityöstä käytännön ympäristössä. Osallistujat toteuttavat kaiken ensimmäisistä suunnitelmista itse julkaisuun asti.

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Työskentelytilat sijaitsevat Digi & Game Centerillä. Pääset esittelemään työtäsi ja projektiasi työelämän edustajille

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Ryhmäarviointi tapahtuu joulukuussa.
Henkilökohtaiset arvioinnit ovat tammikuussa.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Sinulla on oikeus hakea osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista, jos sinulla on aiemmin hankittua osaamista (esimerkiksi muualla suoritettuja korkeakouluopintoja), joita voidaan katsoa hyväksi nyt suoritettavaan tutkintoon.

Osaamisen tunnistamisessa ja tunnustamisessa on kolme päätapaa: hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen, sisällyttäminen) ja muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen sekä opinnollistaminen. Lisätietoa JAMKin tutkintosäännössä, luku 17.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Yksi opintopiste vastaa keskimäärin 27 työtuntia, mikä tarkoittaa, että 20 opintopisteen kuormitus on noin 540 tuntia.

Osallistujien oletetaan työskentelevän noin 6 tuntia päivässä koko opintojakson ajan.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Osallistujat arvioidaan kahdella tavalla: Ryhmäarviointi ja henkilökohtainen arviointi. Ryhmäarvioinnissa arvioidaan koko ryhmä suoriutumista opintojakson aikana. Henkilökohtaisessa arvioinnissa arvioidaan osallistujan omaa kehitystä sekä tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Opintojakson kokonaisarvosana määräytyy näistä kahdesta arvosanasta.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Sufficient 1: You have base knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You know the basic parts of the process, and can be a part of the planning on a limited capacity. Your personal skills have developed only a small amount on the roles you have chosen and you have hard time reflecting your know-how. You can work independently on a limited role.

Satisfactory 2: You have knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You can work with others to plan the project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline. Your skills have somewhat developed on the roles you have chosen. Your reflecting skills on your know-how are limited. You can work on a selected role and be productive.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3: You have knowledge on the scrum and agile processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline.Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can reflect your know-how realistically.
You can work on a selected role and be productive and help others.

Very good 4: You have understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5: You have deep understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can analytically solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.


Understanding of project management, project processes and software engineering. Completed basic studies of own field. Knowledge of at least one of these

- Technological skills (e.g. programming, testing, infrastructure)
- Content production skills (e.g. 2D/3D/SFX/Level Design/UI design)
- Business skills (e.g. marketing, sales)

Collaboration Tools -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Software engineering -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

20 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Risto Koskenkorva
  • Jere Lamberg
  • HTG21S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology


The object of the course
Understanding how to work with multiple persons in agile environment is crucial for everyone in the ICT-field. During Ticorporate Demo Lab 2 you will work with a small to medium sized team towards finishing a product demo from a concept (that is developed in tandem on Ticorporate DemoLab 1 course). At the end of the course the product demo is presented to peers, business information technology lecturers and industry professionals. This product demo is either a game or a software.

You will work in a designated role within the team. Roles consists from project management (product owner, scrum master) and a productive role (or multiple) (tester, programmer, businessperson, audio or graphics developer, etc based on project needs). You will also make a career portfolio, which contents mirror your roles and accomplishments during the course.

Course Competences
Business competence
Software engineering competence
System and methods in ICT
Cross-disciplinary competence in games
Game production competence
Software development competence
Specialization in ICT
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The learning objectives of the course
When you complete this course, you are able to work in a designated productive role within a scrum team working on a product demo. You know how to apply agile processes in practice to a software or a game project. You know how release a product demo. You know how to build a personal career portfolio.


In the course you will work independently on an agile team that works on a product demo. You will be working in a selected roles from a practical standpoint.

During the course there will be lectures that apply to your selected roles.

Teaching methods

You will work in groups in a specialized role to create a software project. Every participant gets to utilize the skills they have acquired during their previous studies, and learn more about software project work in practical environment. The participants will take care of everything from the initial designs all the way down to publishing.

Employer connections

You will be working from Digi & Game Center. You are able (and encouraged) to present your work and project to industry specialists.

Exam schedules

Group evaluation will take place during December 2023.
Individual evaluation will take place during December 2023 - January 2024.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of 20 credits is approximately 540 hours.

The participant is expected to work approximately 6 hours per day for the duration of the course.

Further information

The participant will be evaluated in two ways: Group evaluation & individual evaluation. The group evaluation assesses the performance of the entire group during the course. The individual evaluation assesses the participant’s own development and achievement of goals. The total grade for the course will come from the two put together.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Sufficient 1: You have base knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You know the basic parts of the process, and can be a part of the planning on a limited capacity. Your personal skills have developed only a small amount on the roles you have chosen and you have hard time reflecting your know-how. You can work independently on a limited role.

Satisfactory 2: You have knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You can work with others to plan the project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline. Your skills have somewhat developed on the roles you have chosen. Your reflecting skills on your know-how are limited. You can work on a selected role and be productive.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3: You have knowledge on the scrum and agile processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline.Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can reflect your know-how realistically.
You can work on a selected role and be productive and help others.

Very good 4: You have understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You have deep understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can analytically solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.


Understanding of project management, project processes and software engineering. Completed basic studies of own field. Knowledge of at least one of these

- Technological skills (e.g. programming, testing, infrastructure)
- Content production skills (e.g. 2D/3D/SFX/Level Design/UI design)
- Business skills (e.g. marketing, sales)

Collaboration Tools -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Software engineering -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023


20 op





  • Suomi

0 - 35

  • Tietojenkäsittely (AMK)
  • Jere Lamberg
  • Tommi Tuikka
  • HTK21S1
    Tietojenkäsittely (AMK)


The object of the course
Understanding how to work with multiple persons in agile environment is crucial for everyone in the ICT-field. During Ticorporate Demo Lab 2 you will work with a small to medium sized team towards finishing a product demo from a concept (that is developed in tandem on Ticorporate DemoLab 1 course). At the end of the course the product demo is presented to peers, business information technology lecturers and industry professionals. This product demo is either a game or a software.

You will work in a designated role within the team. Roles consists from project management (product owner, scrum master) and a productive role (or multiple) (tester, programmer, businessperson, audio or graphics developer, etc based on project needs). You will also make a career portfolio, which contents mirror your roles and accomplishments during the course.

Course Competences
Business competence
Software engineering competence
System and methods in ICT
Cross-disciplinary competence in games
Game production competence
Software development competence
Specialization in ICT
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The learning objectives of the course
When you complete this course, you are able to work in a designated productive role within a scrum team working on a product demo. You know how to apply agile processes in practice to a software or a game project. You know how release a product demo. You know how to build a personal career portfolio.


In the course you will work independently on an agile team that works on a product demo. You will be working in a selected roles from a practical standpoint.

During the course there will be lectures that apply to your selected roles.


Työskentelet osana ryhmää jossakin roolissa sovelluskehitysprojektien saralla. Jokainen osallistuja tulee käyttämään aikaisemmilla opinnoilla kerryttämiään taitojaan, sekä oppimaan lisää sovelluskehitysprojektityöstä käytännön ympäristössä. Osallistujat toteuttavat kaiken ensimmäisistä suunnitelmista itse julkaisuun asti.

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Työskentelytilat sijaitsevat DIgi & Game Centerillä. Pääset esittelemään työtäsi ja projektiasi työelämän edustajille

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Ryhmäarviointi tapahtuu joulukuussa 2023.
Henkilökohtaiset arvioinnit ovat joulukuussa 2023 - tammikuussa 2024.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Sinulla on oikeus hakea osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista, jos sinulla on aiemmin hankittua osaamista (esimerkiksi muualla suoritettuja korkeakouluopintoja), joita voidaan katsoa hyväksi nyt suoritettavaan tutkintoon.

Osaamisen tunnistamisessa ja tunnustamisessa on kolme päätapaa: hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen, sisällyttäminen) ja muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen sekä opinnollistaminen. Lisätietoa JAMKin tutkintosäännössä, luku 17.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Yksi opintopiste vastaa keskimäärin 27 työtuntia, mikä tarkoittaa, että 20 opintopisteen kuormitus on noin 540 tuntia.

Osallistujien oletetaan työskentelevän noin 6 tuntia päivässä koko opintojakson ajan.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Osallistujat arvioidaan kahdella tavalla: Ryhmäarviointi ja henkilökohtainen arviointi. Ryhmäarvioinnissa arvioidaan koko ryhmä suoriutumista opintojakson aikana. Henkilökohtaisessa arvioinnissa arvioidaan osallistujan omaa kehitystä sekä tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Opintojakson kokonaisarvosana määräytyy näistä kahdesta arvosanasta.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Sufficient 1: You have base knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You know the basic parts of the process, and can be a part of the planning on a limited capacity. Your personal skills have developed only a small amount on the roles you have chosen and you have hard time reflecting your know-how. You can work independently on a limited role.

Satisfactory 2: You have knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You can work with others to plan the project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline. Your skills have somewhat developed on the roles you have chosen. Your reflecting skills on your know-how are limited. You can work on a selected role and be productive.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3: You have knowledge on the scrum and agile processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline.Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can reflect your know-how realistically.
You can work on a selected role and be productive and help others.

Very good 4: You have understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5: You have deep understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can analytically solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.


Understanding of project management, project processes and software engineering. Completed basic studies of own field. Knowledge of at least one of these

- Technological skills (e.g. programming, testing, infrastructure)
- Content production skills (e.g. 2D/3D/SFX/Level Design/UI design)
- Business skills (e.g. marketing, sales)

Collaboration Tools -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Software engineering -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

20 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Risto Koskenkorva
  • Teemu Pölkki
  • HTG20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology


The object of the course
Understanding how to work with multiple persons in agile environment is crucial for everyone in the ICT-field. During Ticorporate Demo Lab 2 you will work with a small to medium sized team towards finishing a product demo from a concept (that is developed in tandem on Ticorporate DemoLab 1 course). At the end of the course the product demo is presented to peers, business information technology lecturers and industry professionals. This product demo is either a game or a software.

You will work in a designated role within the team. Roles consists from project management (product owner, scrum master) and a productive role (or multiple) (tester, programmer, businessperson, audio or graphics developer, etc based on project needs). You will also make a career portfolio, which contents mirror your roles and accomplishments during the course.

Course Competences
Business competence
Software engineering competence
System and methods in ICT
Cross-disciplinary competence in games
Game production competence
Software development competence
Specialization in ICT
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The learning objectives of the course
When you complete this course, you are able to work in a designated productive role within a scrum team working on a product demo. You know how to apply agile processes in practice to a software or a game project. You know how release a product demo. You know how to build a personal career portfolio.


In the course you will work independently on an agile team that works on a product demo. You will be working in a selected roles from a practical standpoint.

During the course there will be lectures that apply to your selected roles.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Needed studymaterials change depending on your role. Lecturers and coaches provide their own material.

Teaching methods

- Design thinking
- Project-based learning
- Specialized study groups
- Groupwork

You will work in groups in a specialized role to create a software project.

Employer connections

You will be working from Digi & Game Center. You are able (and encouraged) to present your work and project to industry specialists.

Exam schedules

Groupwork part of the course will be evaluated mid december.

Career portfolios will be evaluated on december-january timeframe

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of twenty credits is approximately 540 hours. The load is distributed roughly the following way:

The required amount of hours will be approximately 6 hours per day for the duration of the course.

Content scheduling

The group will plan their work in two week sprints, and work according to those from the start of the project till the end of it.

Further information

The assessment is performed as a group assessment and a career portfolio assessment. Group assessment assesses the performance of the entire group during the course. Portfolio evaluation assesses an individual's own development and achievement of goals. The total grade for the course, comprises of these two put together.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Sufficient 1: You have base knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You know the basic parts of the process, and can be a part of the planning on a limited capacity. Your personal skills have developed only a small amount on the roles you have chosen and you have hard time reflecting your know-how. You can work independently on a limited role.

Satisfactory 2: You have knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You can work with others to plan the project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline. Your skills have somewhat developed on the roles you have chosen. Your reflecting skills on your know-how are limited. You can work on a selected role and be productive.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3: You have knowledge on the scrum and agile processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline.Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can reflect your know-how realistically.
You can work on a selected role and be productive and help others.

Very good 4: You have understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You have deep understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can analytically solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.


Understanding of project management, project processes and software engineering. Completed basic studies of own field. Knowledge of at least one of these

- Technological skills (e.g. programming, testing, infrastructure)
- Content production skills (e.g. 2D/3D/SFX/Level Design/UI design)
- Business skills (e.g. marketing, sales)

Collaboration Tools -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Software engineering -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022


20 op





  • Suomi

0 - 35

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Teemu Pölkki
  • HTK20S1


The object of the course
Understanding how to work with multiple persons in agile environment is crucial for everyone in the ICT-field. During Ticorporate Demo Lab 2 you will work with a small to medium sized team towards finishing a product demo from a concept (that is developed in tandem on Ticorporate DemoLab 1 course). At the end of the course the product demo is presented to peers, business information technology lecturers and industry professionals. This product demo is either a game or a software.

You will work in a designated role within the team. Roles consists from project management (product owner, scrum master) and a productive role (or multiple) (tester, programmer, businessperson, audio or graphics developer, etc based on project needs). You will also make a career portfolio, which contents mirror your roles and accomplishments during the course.

Course Competences
Business competence
Software engineering competence
System and methods in ICT
Cross-disciplinary competence in games
Game production competence
Software development competence
Specialization in ICT
Ethical competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

The learning objectives of the course
When you complete this course, you are able to work in a designated productive role within a scrum team working on a product demo. You know how to apply agile processes in practice to a software or a game project. You know how release a product demo. You know how to build a personal career portfolio.


In the course you will work independently on an agile team that works on a product demo. You will be working in a selected roles from a practical standpoint.

During the course there will be lectures that apply to your selected roles.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Tarvittavat oppimateriaalit riippuvat roolistasi. Luennoitsijat ja valmentajat tarjoavat oman materiaalinsa.


- Design thinking
- Projektioppiminen
- Roolitetut oppimistiimit
- Ryhmätyöt

Opiskelet osana ryhmää erikoistuneessa roolissa.

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Työskentelytilat sijaitsevat DIgi & Game Centerillä. Pääset esittelemään työtäsi ja projektiasi työelämän edustajille

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Ryhmän arviointitapahtuma on joulukuun puolivälissä.

Henkilökohtaiset portfoliot esitellään joulu-tammikuussa.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Sinulla on oikeus hakea osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista, jos sinulla on aiemmin hankittua osaamista (esimerkiksi muualla suoritettuja korkeakouluopintoja), joita voidaan katsoa hyväksi nyt suoritettavaan tutkintoon.

Osaamisen tunnistamisessa ja tunnustamisessa on kolme päätapaa: hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen, sisällyttäminen) ja muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen sekä opinnollistaminen. Lisätietoa JAMKin tutkintosäännössä, luku 17.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Yksi opintopiste vastaa keskimäärin 27 työtuntia, mikä tarkoittaa, että kahdenkymmenen opintopisteen kuormitus on noin 540 tuntia. Kuorma jakautuu suunnilleen seuraavasti:

Vaadittu tuntimäärä on noin 6 tuntia päivässä kurssin keston ajan.

Sisällön jaksotus

Ryhmä jaksoittaa itse työnsä kahden viikon sprintteihin, ja työskentelee niiden mukaisesti suunnitelmallisesti projektin alusta loppuun

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Arviointi suoritetaan ryhmäarviointina ja portfolioarviointina. Ryhmäarvioinnissa arvioidaan koko ryhmän suoriutumista kurssin aikana. Portfolioarvioinnissa arvioidaan yksilön omaa kehittymistä ja tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Kurssin loppuarvosana koostuu näistä kahdesta arvosanasta.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Sufficient 1: You have base knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You know the basic parts of the process, and can be a part of the planning on a limited capacity. Your personal skills have developed only a small amount on the roles you have chosen and you have hard time reflecting your know-how. You can work independently on a limited role.

Satisfactory 2: You have knowledge on what different parts there are to an agile scrum project. You can work with others to plan the project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline. Your skills have somewhat developed on the roles you have chosen. Your reflecting skills on your know-how are limited. You can work on a selected role and be productive.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3: You have knowledge on the scrum and agile processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems in the project pipeline.Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can reflect your know-how realistically.
You can work on a selected role and be productive and help others.

Very good 4: You have understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes you can apply to a real life project. You can solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Excellent 5: You have deep understanding of scrum and agile principles and processes that you can apply to a real life project. You can question the presented information and give valid options. You can analytically solve problems and develop procedures within the project and production pipeline. Your skills have developed on the roles you have chosen and you can analytically discuss about your know-how. You can work on different roles and be productive. You are essential part of the teams success.


Understanding of project management, project processes and software engineering. Completed basic studies of own field. Knowledge of at least one of these

- Technological skills (e.g. programming, testing, infrastructure)
- Content production skills (e.g. 2D/3D/SFX/Level Design/UI design)
- Business skills (e.g. marketing, sales)

Collaboration Tools -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.

Software engineering -course needs to be passed before attending this course. If you have not passed the course, you need to provide sufficient evidence about the skills required in the course in question.