ValmistusautomaatioLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: TKTP0100
5 op
- suomi
- englanti
- Markku Ström
Nykyaikaisen konepaja on täynnä tietokoneen ohjaamia koneita ja laitteita. Näiden automaattisten koneiden toiminnan tunteminen on oleellisen tärkeä, jotta pystyt toimimaan valmistuksen suunnittelu ja kehittämistehtävissä.
Opit tyydyttävästi NC-koneiden toimintaperiaatteen ja osaat tehdä manuaalisesti NC-ohjelmia yksinkertaisille koneistettaville kappaleille. Opit perusteet tietokoneavusteisesta NC-koneiden ohjelmoinnista. Opit myös auttavasti käyttämään NC-koneita.
Opit perusteet robottitekniikasta ja tekemään yksinkertaisen robottiohjelman.
Tekniikan soveltaminen käytäntöön:
Osaat soveltaa oman alan suunnittelukäytäntöjä koskevia teknisiä standardeja ja vakiintuneita ohjeita koneenrakennuksen tyypillisten osien valmistuksessa.
Tutkimukset ja tiedonhaku:
Pystyt työskentelemään konepajaympäristössä suunnitellen ja valmistaen itse yksinkertaisia koneenosia NC-tekniikka hyväksi käyttäen.
NC-tekniikka, NC-koneen käyttö ja ohjelmointi, tietokoneavusteinen NC-ohjelmointi, Robotiikan perusteet ja ohjelmointi.
Hallitset teknisten dokumenttien lukemisen. Hallitset tuotantotekniikan perusteet.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Kokonaisarviointi muodostuu tentistä 50 % ja harjoitus- ja laboratoriotöistä 50 %.
Numerollisen arvosanan saadakseen sinun on osallistuttava valvottuun kokeeseen.
Kokeet järjestetään kolmesti tutkintosäännön mukaisesti.
Välttävä (1): Kykenet tunnistamaan pääosin tuotantoautomaation perusasiat
-käsitteet ja tekniikan, mutta sinulla on merkittäviä puutteita niiden yksilöinti ja valintatehtävissä.
Tyydyttävä (2): Tunnet tuotantoautomaation perusasiat ja -käsitteet, mutta sinulla on puutteita niiden yksilöinti ja valintatehtävissä.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Hyvä (3): Hallitset opintojakson keskeiset asiat:
-tunnet konepajan tuotantoautomaation peruslaitteet
- tunnet tuotantoautomaation käsitteet ja niiden periaatteet
- osaat ohjelmoida konepajan tuotantoautomaatiolaitteita.
- saat aikaan teknisestä piirustuksesta lähtien toimivan NC-ohjelman sorville ja koneistuskeskukselle.
Kiitettävä (4): Hallitset keskeiset asiat ja osaa soveltaa niitä kriittisesti soveltamistehtävien ratkaisemisessa.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Erinomainen (5): Hallitset keskeiset asiat ja osaat soveltaa niitä kriittisesti ja innovatiivisesti soveltamistehtävien ratkaisemisessa. Pystyt tekemään yksinkertaista synteesiä ja johtopäätöksiä.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Arjo Forsman
TKN23SBKonetekniikka (AMK)
TKN24VSDDKonetekniikka (AMK), DD
TKN25VKDDKonetekniikka (AMK), DD
TKN25VKKonetekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
TKN24VSKonetekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
The modern workshop is full of computer-controlled machines and equipment. Knowing the operation of these automated machines is essential to be able to work in manufacturing design and development tasks.
You know the principals of NC technology, you can prepare NC part program manual way, you can operate NC machine tool. You know the principals of robotics and can prepare simple robot program. You know basics of computer aided NC part programming and you can prepare NC part program computer aided for simple work piece.
Engineering practice:
You are able to apply technical standards and established guidelines for design practices in your field in the manufacture of typical parts of mechanical engineering.
Investigation and information retrieval:
You can work in a workshop environment by designing and manufacturing simple machine parts yourself using NC technology.
NC-technology, operating and programming NC machine tool, basics of robotics and programming, working with workshop automation.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Lecture materials, exercises
Teaching methods
Lessons, assignments and laboratory exercises
Exam schedules
Examination at the end of the course
Student workload
Lectures 54h, exercises 40h, independent study 40h.
Content scheduling
Content of the course:
NC technology for machining
Reverse engineering
3D printing
Evaluation scale
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the training and laboratory work.
To get a numerical grade, you need to take a supervised exam.
The exams are arranged three times in accordance with the degree rules.
Adequate (1): You are able to identify mainly the basics of production automation
concepts and technology, but you have significant flaws in their identification and selection tasks.
Satisfactory (2): You are familiar with the basics and concepts of production automation, but you have shortcomings in their identification and choice
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good (3): You master the key issues of the course:
-you know the basic equipment of machine workshop production automation
- you are familiar with the concepts of production automation and their principles
- you are able to program machine workshop production automation equipment.
- you will have a functioning NC program for lathes and machining centers from the technical drawing onwards.
Very good (4): You know the key issues and know how to apply them critically in solving your application tasks.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent (5): You know the key issues and are able to apply them critically and innovatively in solving your application tasks. You can draw simple synthesis and conclusions.
You have the technical basic abilities with which you can e.g. understand technical documentation and technical publications and you can apply them in your own work. In addition, the you have basic abilities of production technology. You have basic knowledge of NC machine tools and manual programming NC machine tools.
20.11.2023 - 14.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 18
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Hannu Kivistö
- Arjo Forsman
TKN22SBKonetekniikka (AMK)
TKN23VSKonetekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
TKN24VKKonetekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
The modern workshop is full of computer-controlled machines and equipment. Knowing the operation of these automated machines is essential to be able to work in manufacturing design and development tasks.
You know the principals of NC technology, you can prepare NC part program manual way, you can operate NC machine tool. You know the principals of robotics and can prepare simple robot program. You know basics of computer aided NC part programming and you can prepare NC part program computer aided for simple work piece.
Engineering practice:
You are able to apply technical standards and established guidelines for design practices in your field in the manufacture of typical parts of mechanical engineering.
Investigation and information retrieval:
You can work in a workshop environment by designing and manufacturing simple machine parts yourself using NC technology.
NC-technology, operating and programming NC machine tool, basics of robotics and programming, working with workshop automation.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Lecture material. Specified at the beginning of the course
Teaching methods
Lectures, information retrieval and applied learning assigments.
Assignments in groups are based on Problem-based learning.
In the middle of the course, you give anonymous feedback.
Exam schedules
Written exam at the end of season.
Student workload
Lectures 40 h, learning assignments 50 h and Independent learning work 45 h. Total 135 h learning work
Evaluation scale
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the training and laboratory work.
To get a numerical grade, you need to take a supervised exam.
The exams are arranged three times in accordance with the degree rules.
Adequate (1): You are able to identify mainly the basics of production automation
concepts and technology, but you have significant flaws in their identification and selection tasks.
Satisfactory (2): You are familiar with the basics and concepts of production automation, but you have shortcomings in their identification and choice
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good (3): You master the key issues of the course:
-you know the basic equipment of machine workshop production automation
- you are familiar with the concepts of production automation and their principles
- you are able to program machine workshop production automation equipment.
- you will have a functioning NC program for lathes and machining centers from the technical drawing onwards.
Very good (4): You know the key issues and know how to apply them critically in solving your application tasks.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent (5): You know the key issues and are able to apply them critically and innovatively in solving your application tasks. You can draw simple synthesis and conclusions.
You have the technical basic abilities with which you can e.g. understand technical documentation and technical publications and you can apply them in your own work. In addition, the you have basic abilities of production technology. You have basic knowledge of NC machine tools and manual programming NC machine tools.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 21.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Hannu Kivistö
Teacher in charge
Hannu Kivistö
TKN21SBKonetekniikka (AMK)
The modern workshop is full of computer-controlled machines and equipment. Knowing the operation of these automated machines is essential to be able to work in manufacturing design and development tasks.
You know the principals of NC technology, you can prepare NC part program manual way, you can operate NC machine tool. You know the principals of robotics and can prepare simple robot program. You know basics of computer aided NC part programming and you can prepare NC part program computer aided for simple work piece.
Engineering practice:
You are able to apply technical standards and established guidelines for design practices in your field in the manufacture of typical parts of mechanical engineering.
Investigation and information retrieval:
You can work in a workshop environment by designing and manufacturing simple machine parts yourself using NC technology.
NC-technology, operating and programming NC machine tool, basics of robotics and programming, working with workshop automation.
Evaluation scale
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the training and laboratory work.
To get a numerical grade, you need to take a supervised exam.
The exams are arranged three times in accordance with the degree rules.
Adequate (1): You are able to identify mainly the basics of production automation
concepts and technology, but you have significant flaws in their identification and selection tasks.
Satisfactory (2): You are familiar with the basics and concepts of production automation, but you have shortcomings in their identification and choice
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good (3): You master the key issues of the course:
-you know the basic equipment of machine workshop production automation
- you are familiar with the concepts of production automation and their principles
- you are able to program machine workshop production automation equipment.
- you will have a functioning NC program for lathes and machining centers from the technical drawing onwards.
Very good (4): You know the key issues and know how to apply them critically in solving your application tasks.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent (5): You know the key issues and are able to apply them critically and innovatively in solving your application tasks. You can draw simple synthesis and conclusions.
You have the technical basic abilities with which you can e.g. understand technical documentation and technical publications and you can apply them in your own work. In addition, the you have basic abilities of production technology. You have basic knowledge of NC machine tools and manual programming NC machine tools.