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Electrical SafetyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TS00CC61


5 op

Responsible person

  • Vesa Hytönen
  • Pasi Puttonen


You will become familiar with electrical safety regulations and learn to operate within them. After completing this course, you will be prepared to complete the Electrical Safety Degree 1, which is required when applying for an Electrical Qualification 1. In addition to a degree in electrical safety, obtaining a certificate of competence requires work experience and a degree (eg a bachelor's engineer). The electrical safety degree is valid for 5 years. Electrical qualifications are required of electrical work and operation managers.

You know the electrical safety regulations and know how to act within them. You know how electrical installations are designed and carried out safely (according to standards). You can e.g. choose the right protective equipment for different destinations.

You understand the importance of laws, law-based regulations and standards related to electrical safety. You will also be able to use them in the detailed analysis and design of problems encountered in engineering. The ability to work in an electrical laboratory environment will help you to understand how to transfer theory into practice.


Electrical Safety Act
Government regulations on electrical safety
TUKES instructions
According to standards SFS 6000 (Low voltage electrical installations), SFS 6001 (high voltage electrical installations) and SFS 6002 (Electrical safety)
Working in the laboratory


Basic knowledge of electrical power engineering and electrical engineering

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Passed: Passed the one part (1/2) of the official TUKES electrical safety examination or the exam. In addition, successful completion of the SFS 6002 electrical safety training and laboratory work is required.