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Orientation Practice in Medical NursingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SZYYW203


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Janne Alenius


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


18.11.2024 - 10.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 17.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR25KM2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3

Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari- tai lähiluennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR24K1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3

Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 26.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR24KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3

Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024


28.10.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
  • ZJASOK24K1
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kätilö päivä
  • SOK24K1
    Kätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3

Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 27.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR23S1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3

Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 27.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR23SM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3

Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 11.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR23K1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Buure T., Ekola S., Partamies S., Sulosaari V. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Jokin ammattikorkeakouluun suunnattu lääkelaskukirja. Esim.
1) Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Annos oivallusta. Uusin painos. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3
2) Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. . Lääkelaskenta. Uusin painos. ISBN 9789526317847
3) Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Uusin painos. ISBN 9789513771393
Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä.
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921

Play Kaupasta voi asentaa sovelluksia esim. LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR23KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Buure T., Ekola S., Partamies S., Sulosaari V. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Jokin ammattikorkeakouluun suunnattu lääkelaskukirja. Esim.
1) Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Annos oivallusta. Uusin painos. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3
2) Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. . Lääkelaskenta. Uusin painos. ISBN 9789526317847
3) Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Uusin painos. ISBN 9789513771393
Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä.
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921

Play Kaupasta voi asentaa sovelluksia esim. LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


20.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 19.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR24KM2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Buure T., Ekola S., Partamies S., Sulosaari V. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Jokin ammattikorkeakouluun suunnattu lääkelaskukirja. Esim.
1) Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Annos oivallusta. Uusin painos. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3
2) Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. . Lääkelaskenta. Uusin painos. ISBN 9789526317847
3) Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Uusin painos. ISBN 9789513771393
Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä.
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921

Play Kaupasta voi asentaa sovelluksia esim. LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • SOK23K1
    Kätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus
  • ZJASOK23K1
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kätilö päivä


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Buure T., Ekola S., Partamies S., Sulosaari V. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3
Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 27.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR22S1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • SAR22S2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Buure T., Ekola S., Partamies S., Sulosaari V. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3

Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


26.08.2023 - 27.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Hannu Piispanen
  • Tiia Luotojoki
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR22SM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • SAR22SM2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Buure T., Ekola S., Partamies S., Sulosaari V. 2019. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.
Oppiportin kurssit.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Nikkola, R., Nurkka, N. & Paloposki, S. Uusin painos. Annos oivallusta. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. 978-951-37-7139-3
Muuta hyödyllistä materiaalia:
Lääkelaskenta. Sirpa Ernvall, Antero Pulli, Anne-Marie Salonen ym. ISBN 9789526317847
Lääkelaskut ammattikorkeakouluihin. Anna-Marja Pussinen, Liisa Somerharju, Jani Hannula. ISBN 9789513771393
DOSE - nettisovellus on käytössäsi
Dose- lääkelaskuohjelma on vapaasti käytettävissä. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoululla on lisenssi Dose- lääkelaskuohjelmaan. Kielivalinta on suomi, ruotsi tai englanti. Linkki
Käyttäjätunnus: JAMK
Salasana: JAMK0921
Play Kaupasta voi asentaa kännykkääsi LääkeMaisteri – ja Lääkelaskut (betaversio) - sovellukset.

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu ja webinaari-luennot

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Lääkelaskuista on tentti. Ajankohta ja tenttimuoto ilmoitetaan/sovitaan toteutuksen alussa. Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on Exam-studiossa.

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.11.2022 - 15.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR23KM2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 13.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Janne Pirttinen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Eija Kuisma
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR22K1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu tai webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 02.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Pirttinen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR22KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.

Suositeltava kirja:
Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Ekola S., Partamies S, Sulosaari V., Uski-Tallqvist T. 2019 tai uudempi painos. Kliininen hoitotaito. Sanoma Pro Oy.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu tai webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


31.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Janne Pirttinen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Suvi Aunala
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kätilöt päivä
  • SOK22KS
    Kätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.

Suositeltava kirja:
Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Ekola S., Partamies S, Sulosaari V., Uski-Tallqvist T. 2019 tai uudempi painos. Kliininen hoitotaito. Sanoma Pro Oy.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu tai webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 28.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Pirttinen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR21SM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.

Suositeltava kirja:
Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Ekola S., Partamies S, Sulosaari V., Uski-Tallqvist T. 2019 tai uudempi painos. Kliininen hoitotaito. Sanoma Pro Oy.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu tai webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 28.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Janne Pirttinen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR21S1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu tai webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.08.2022 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Paula Klemola
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 11.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Leena Rasa
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Pirttinen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Salla Grommi
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR21K1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.

Suositeltava kirja:
Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Ekola S., Partamies S, Sulosaari V., Uski-Tallqvist T. 2019 tai uudempi painos. Kliininen hoitotaito. Sanoma Pro Oy.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu tai webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Salla Grommi
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
  • Eija Kuisma
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 11.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Pirttinen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
  • Salla Grommi
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Marika Puttonen
Teacher in charge

Janne Alenius

  • SAR21KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
During the course you learn to evaluate patients' vitals and perform clinical nursing interventions and examinations.

Competences of the course
Clinical competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Ethical competence in nursing
Learning and information management competence
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

Learning outcomes of the course
You are able to apply the central clinical nursing methods, examinations and drug calculation in internal disease nursing, as well as related basic technology, taking into account patient safety and aseptics. You can justify the decisions you make based on evidence.


Monitoring and care of patient vital signs (ECG, monitoring, resuscitation, NIV)
Implementation of intravenous drug and fluid therapy (peripheral cannulation, drug addition, fluid balance calculation)
Sampling (blood sampling)
Patient guidance and interaction skills (motivational interview, threatening patient)
Use of various evaluation and reporting tools (NEWS, ABCDE, ISBAR) and use of medical technology (Medanets, infusion pump, injection pump)
Safe drug calculation (dose rates, drug dilutions, preparation of infusion and drug solutions)

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ajankohtainen työtilassa oleva materiaali.

Suositeltava kirja:
Ahonen O., Blek-Vehkaluoto M., Ekola S., Partamies S, Sulosaari V., Uski-Tallqvist T. 2019 tai uudempi painos. Kliininen hoitotaito. Sanoma Pro Oy.

Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön julkaisemat ajankohtaiset Hotus-hoitosuositukset

Teaching methods

Toiminnallinen oppiminen, simulaatio-opetus, verkko-opiskelu tai webinaari-luennot

Student workload

135 h, sisältäen taitojen harjoittelun laboraatioissa, luennot, itsenäisen verkko-opiskelun ja lääkelaskutentin.

Further information for students

Hyväksilukemisen menettelysäännöt kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

In the practical exam you are able to apply clinical nursing methods in the care of patients with internal diseases. You can apply related basic technology taking into account patient safety and aseptics.
You can justify the solutions you make based on evidence.
In the written test you are able to determine doses of medication without mistakes.


You master the basic nursing interventions and the basics of pharmacotherapy. You are able to document as required by legislation.