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Supporting wellbeing and life skillsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SZ00CM31


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Maaret Rutanen


The aim of the course is that you will understand and be able to apply in practice ways of supporting wellbeing and life skills based on, for example, a compassion focused therapy or a recovery orientation approach.

You know how wellbeing and life skills can be supported in different ways, for example through compassion focused therapy or recovery orientation approaches. You will apply the knowledge base of your chosen approach in practical counselling situations. You will interact responsibly and professionally with your supervisees. You will reflect on your own practice as a counsellor in relation to the chosen knowledge base and in relation to the professional ethical principles and values of your field.


The main content of the course is the study of the chosen approach in the supervisor training and independently by reading the literature, as well as the application of the approach in practical counselling situations. In addition, throughout the process, attention is paid to reflection on one's own activities in relation to the knowledge base and one's own professional perspectives in the learning diary and in supervisor meetings.


Osaat kertoa, mitä ovat oman alasi eettiset periaatteet ja työtä ohjaavat arvot sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Osaat kuvata, mitä on sosiaali- ja terveysalalla ammatillinen vuorovaikutus ja ohjaustyö sekä mitä mielenterveys tarkoittaa ja miten sitä tuetaan.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted= The student knows how to support well-being and life skills using the chosen approach, for example. compassion focused therapy approach or recovery orientation. Student will be able to integrate his/her knowledge in practical counselling situations. The student will demonstrate responsible and professional behaviour and describe his/her actions in relation to the knowledge base, professional ethics and values of the field.


01.08.2024 - 31.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Maaret Rutanen
Teacher in charge

Maaret Rutanen


The aim of the course is that you will understand and be able to apply in practice ways of supporting wellbeing and life skills based on, for example, a compassion focused therapy or a recovery orientation approach.

You know how wellbeing and life skills can be supported in different ways, for example through compassion focused therapy or recovery orientation approaches. You will apply the knowledge base of your chosen approach in practical counselling situations. You will interact responsibly and professionally with your supervisees. You will reflect on your own practice as a counsellor in relation to the chosen knowledge base and in relation to the professional ethical principles and values of your field.


The main content of the course is the study of the chosen approach in the supervisor training and independently by reading the literature, as well as the application of the approach in practical counselling situations. In addition, throughout the process, attention is paid to reflection on one's own activities in relation to the knowledge base and one's own professional perspectives in the learning diary and in supervisor meetings.

Time and location

Compassion Mentoring training will be held remotely on 11.9., 25.9. and 9.10.2024 from 15-18 at Zoom. Guided compassion groups will take place on Tuesdays from 29.10. to 3.12. from 16-18 at Zoomi. Guided counselling sessions will take place on 6 November and 4 December from 16-18 in the Zoom.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Forsell, S. 2021. Myötätuntomentorointi. Opas korkeakouluopiskelijoiden vertaisryhmätoimintaan. Nyyti ry. Luettavissa

Juote, M., Rasanen, L. Heimonen, S. & Björkqvist, T. 2018. Pieni myötätunto-opas. Ikäinstituutti. Luettavissa

Grandell, R. 2015. Itsemyötätunto. Edita.

Grandell, R. Irti itsekritiikistä. Löydä terve suhde itseesi. 2018. Tammi.

Teaching methods

The course is based on web-based training in compassion mentoring, independent literature and familiarisation with the working model, practical work as a compassion group facilitator and reflection on the experience through literature. During the practical mentoring supervisiion sessions will be organised to support the work as a facilitator.

Peer learning and sharing of experiences will play a key role in the training and supervision sessions on compassion mentoring.

Student workload

Familiarisation with the course as a whole, defining your own objectives, familiarisation with the compassion mentoring guide 9 h
Training in compassion mentoring and mentoring meetings with facilitator 18 h
Planning and facilitation of a compassion group (6 x 2h) and keeping a learning diary 27 h
Literature study and reflection on learning through literature 27 h
81 h

Content scheduling

raining, literature and familiarisation with the working model will take place in September-October 2024. Guidance of the compassion groups will take place in October-December 2024.
Reflection on lessons learned in December 2024.

Further information for students

Group is for students in social and health care who already have experience of studies and guidance skills. The evaluation of the course is based on self-evaluation, peer evaluation and teacher evaluation.

Compassion groups are facilitated in pairs or groups of three. Groups can be held remotely in Zoom or as contactmeetings on the Dynamo campus.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Accepted= The student knows how to support well-being and life skills using the chosen approach, for example. compassion focused therapy approach or recovery orientation. Student will be able to integrate his/her knowledge in practical counselling situations. The student will demonstrate responsible and professional behaviour and describe his/her actions in relation to the knowledge base, professional ethics and values of the field.


Osaat kertoa, mitä ovat oman alasi eettiset periaatteet ja työtä ohjaavat arvot sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Osaat kuvata, mitä on sosiaali- ja terveysalalla ammatillinen vuorovaikutus ja ohjaustyö sekä mitä mielenterveys tarkoittaa ja miten sitä tuetaan.