Basic of Service BusinessLaajuus (10 cr)
Code: MP00BA24
10 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Tomi Hiltunen
After the course you recognize service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You are familiar with the concept of service and hospitality and their implementation into practice. You know also what means customer, consumer and user. You recognize the relevance of needs and diversity as factors influencing customers' actions. You recognize your own role as service designer and your customer service abilities.
Service company's operational environment
Hospitality business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Customer service person and service provider
Interaction with customers and challenging situations
Concepts of customer, consumer and user
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
1: You recognize operational environments and business models. You are familiar with the concept of service and its implementation into practice. You are familiar with the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You recognize the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and some of your own customer service abilities.
2: You apply your knowledge of the operational environments of service businesses and their business models into practice. You can describe the concept of service and its real world meaning. You can explain the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and your customer service abilities, and can affect your own actions in said tasks.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
3: You can analyse the operational environment and the business models of a service company. You manage the concept of service and its real world meaning. You manage the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can analyse the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You manage both your own role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
4: In addition to all above, you can analyse your knowledge and create a holistic understanding of the courses themes.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
5: You can assess the operational environment and the business models of a service business. You can assess the terminology of service and their real world meaning. You can rationalise and explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You can critically evaluate both your role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 19.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Tomi Hiltunen
MPT24KMPalveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJAMPT24KMAvoin AMK, marata, AMK-polut, palveluliiketoiminta, monimuotototeutus
After the course you recognize service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You are familiar with the concept of service and hospitality and their implementation into practice. You know also what means customer, consumer and user. You recognize the relevance of needs and diversity as factors influencing customers' actions. You recognize your own role as service designer and your customer service abilities.
Service company's operational environment
Hospitality business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Customer service person and service provider
Interaction with customers and challenging situations
Concepts of customer, consumer and user
Time and location
Learning materials and recommended literature
- Viitala, R. & Jylhä, E.2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen – menestyvän yrityksen perusta. Edita Publishing Oy.
- Matkailualalla positiiviset näkymät. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2023
- PT-toimialabarometri: Matkailu, syksy 2023. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2023
Teaching methods
Webinaarit, pienryhmätehtävät, oppimistehtävä (ryhmässä) sekä tentti.
Practical training and working life connections
Etävierailuja ja -haastatteluja webinaarien yhteydessä
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Ilmoitetaan kurssilla myöhemmin
Alternative completion methods
Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Työn opinnollistaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta
Student workload
- Kurssi on kuormitukseltaan 10 op, vastaten 270 tunnin työmäärää.
- Webinaareihin osallistumisen, ryhmätyön tekemisen ja tentin lisäksi opiskelijan ajankäyttöön vaikuttaa omatoiminen kirjallisuuden lukeminen.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 5 sisältyy max-paikkoihin.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1: You recognize operational environments and business models. You are familiar with the concept of service and its implementation into practice. You are familiar with the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You recognize the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and some of your own customer service abilities.
2: You apply your knowledge of the operational environments of service businesses and their business models into practice. You can describe the concept of service and its real world meaning. You can explain the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and your customer service abilities, and can affect your own actions in said tasks.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
3: You can analyse the operational environment and the business models of a service company. You manage the concept of service and its real world meaning. You manage the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can analyse the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You manage both your own role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
4: In addition to all above, you can analyse your knowledge and create a holistic understanding of the courses themes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
5: You can assess the operational environment and the business models of a service business. You can assess the terminology of service and their real world meaning. You can rationalise and explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You can critically evaluate both your role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Tomi Hiltunen
ZJAG23SMPAvoin AMK, marata, korkeakoulupolku
MPT23S1Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJAMPT23S1Avoin AMK, marata, AMK-polut, palveluliiketoiminta, päivätoteutus
After the course you recognize service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You are familiar with the concept of service and hospitality and their implementation into practice. You know also what means customer, consumer and user. You recognize the relevance of needs and diversity as factors influencing customers' actions. You recognize your own role as service designer and your customer service abilities.
Service company's operational environment
Hospitality business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Customer service person and service provider
Interaction with customers and challenging situations
Concepts of customer, consumer and user
Learning materials and recommended literature
- Viitala, R. & Jylhä, E.2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen – menestyvän yrityksen perusta. Edita Publishing Oy.
- Matkailun suuntana kestävä ja turvallinen tulevaisuus. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
- Toimialojen näkymät: Matkailuala. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
Teaching methods
Luennot, ryhmätehtävät, pienryhmätehtävät, projektioppiminen, ilmiölähtöinen oppiminen
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tullaan tutustumaan opintojakson ilmiöihin käytännön tasolla kentän yhteistyöyrityksissä
Lisäksi opintojaksolla voi käydä vierailijoita elinkeinoelämän yrityksistä.
Alternative completion methods
Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen)
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Työn opinnollistaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta
Student workload
- Kurssi on kuormitukseltaan 10 op, vastaten 270 tunnin työmäärää. Työmäärä jakautuu seuraavasti:
- Luennot 20 h
- Demot 20 h
- Ilmiölähtöinen oppiminen kentällä 160 h
- Raportin ohjaus 8 h
- Loppuraportti ja materiaaleihin tutustuminen 62 h
- Kurssiin tulee liittymään kentällä suoritettava jakso, joissa tarkastellaan kurssin aiheita käytännön tasolla
- Luokkahuoneopetuksen, tapahtumiin osallistumisen ja ryhmätöiden lisäksi opiskelijan ajankäyttöön vaikuttaa omatoiminen kirjallisuuden lukeminen.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 5 (sisältyy max-määrään)+
Avoin amk 5 (Gradian korkeakoulupolkulaiset sis. max-määrään)
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1: You recognize operational environments and business models. You are familiar with the concept of service and its implementation into practice. You are familiar with the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You recognize the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and some of your own customer service abilities.
2: You apply your knowledge of the operational environments of service businesses and their business models into practice. You can describe the concept of service and its real world meaning. You can explain the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and your customer service abilities, and can affect your own actions in said tasks.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
3: You can analyse the operational environment and the business models of a service company. You manage the concept of service and its real world meaning. You manage the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can analyse the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You manage both your own role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
4: In addition to all above, you can analyse your knowledge and create a holistic understanding of the courses themes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
5: You can assess the operational environment and the business models of a service business. You can assess the terminology of service and their real world meaning. You can rationalise and explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You can critically evaluate both your role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Virtual portion
10 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Jaana Kovanen
ZJAMPT23KMAvoin AMK, marata, AMK-polut, palveluliiketoiminta, monimuotototeutus
MPT23KMPalveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
After the course you recognize service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You are familiar with the concept of service and hospitality and their implementation into practice. You know also what means customer, consumer and user. You recognize the relevance of needs and diversity as factors influencing customers' actions. You recognize your own role as service designer and your customer service abilities.
Service company's operational environment
Hospitality business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Customer service person and service provider
Interaction with customers and challenging situations
Concepts of customer, consumer and user
Learning materials and recommended literature
- Viitala, R. & Jylhä, E.2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen – menestyvän yrityksen perusta. Edita Publishing Oy.
- Matkailun suuntana kestävä ja turvallinen tulevaisuus. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
- Toimialojen näkymät: Matkailuala. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
Teaching methods
Webinaarit, pienryhmätehtävät, oppimistehtävä (ryhmässä) sekä tentti.
Student workload
- Kurssi on kuormitukseltaan 10 op, vastaten 270 tunnin työmäärää.
- Webinaareihin osallistumisen, ryhmätyön tekemisen ja tentin lisäksi opiskelijan ajankäyttöön vaikuttaa omatoiminen kirjallisuuden lukeminen.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 10 (sisältyy max-määrään)
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1: You recognize operational environments and business models. You are familiar with the concept of service and its implementation into practice. You are familiar with the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You recognize the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and some of your own customer service abilities.
2: You apply your knowledge of the operational environments of service businesses and their business models into practice. You can describe the concept of service and its real world meaning. You can explain the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and your customer service abilities, and can affect your own actions in said tasks.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
3: You can analyse the operational environment and the business models of a service company. You manage the concept of service and its real world meaning. You manage the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can analyse the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You manage both your own role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
4: In addition to all above, you can analyse your knowledge and create a holistic understanding of the courses themes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
5: You can assess the operational environment and the business models of a service business. You can assess the terminology of service and their real world meaning. You can rationalise and explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You can critically evaluate both your role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
24.10.2022 - 26.03.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Virtual portion
10 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Tomi Hiltunen
ZJAMPT22SMAvoin AMK, marata, AMK-polut, palveluliiketoiminta, monimuotototeutus
MPT22SMPalveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
After the course you recognize service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You are familiar with the concept of service and hospitality and their implementation into practice. You know also what means customer, consumer and user. You recognize the relevance of needs and diversity as factors influencing customers' actions. You recognize your own role as service designer and your customer service abilities.
Service company's operational environment
Hospitality business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Customer service person and service provider
Interaction with customers and challenging situations
Concepts of customer, consumer and user
Time and location
Learning materials and recommended literature
- Viitala, R. & Jylhä, E.2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen – menestyvän yrityksen perusta. Edita Publishing Oy.
- Matkailun suuntana kestävä ja turvallinen tulevaisuus. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
- Toimialojen näkymät: Matkailuala. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
Teaching methods
Webinaarit, pienryhmätehtävät, oppimistehtävä (ryhmässä) sekä tentti.
Practical training and working life connections
Etävierailuja ja -haastatteluja webinaarien yhteydessä
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Ilmoitetaan kurssilla myöhemmin
Alternative completion methods
Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Työn opinnollistaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta
Student workload
- Kurssi on kuormitukseltaan 10 op, vastaten 270 tunnin työmäärää.
- Webinaareihin osallistumisen, ryhmätyön tekemisen ja tentin lisäksi opiskelijan ajankäyttöön vaikuttaa omatoiminen kirjallisuuden lukeminen.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 10 sisältyy max-paikkoihin.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1: You recognize operational environments and business models. You are familiar with the concept of service and its implementation into practice. You are familiar with the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You recognize the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and some of your own customer service abilities.
2: You apply your knowledge of the operational environments of service businesses and their business models into practice. You can describe the concept of service and its real world meaning. You can explain the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and your customer service abilities, and can affect your own actions in said tasks.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
3: You can analyse the operational environment and the business models of a service company. You manage the concept of service and its real world meaning. You manage the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can analyse the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You manage both your own role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
4: In addition to all above, you can analyse your knowledge and create a holistic understanding of the courses themes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
5: You can assess the operational environment and the business models of a service business. You can assess the terminology of service and their real world meaning. You can rationalise and explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You can critically evaluate both your role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
29.08.2022 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Tomi Hiltunen
MPT22S1Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJAG22SMPAvoin AMK, marata, korkeakoulupolku
ZJAMPT22S1Avoin AMK, marata, AMK-polut, palveluliiketoiminta, päivätoteutus
After the course you recognize service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You are familiar with the concept of service and hospitality and their implementation into practice. You know also what means customer, consumer and user. You recognize the relevance of needs and diversity as factors influencing customers' actions. You recognize your own role as service designer and your customer service abilities.
Service company's operational environment
Hospitality business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Customer service person and service provider
Interaction with customers and challenging situations
Concepts of customer, consumer and user
Learning materials and recommended literature
- Viitala, R. & Jylhä, E.2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen – menestyvän yrityksen perusta. Edita Publishing Oy.
- Matkailun suuntana kestävä ja turvallinen tulevaisuus. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
- Toimialojen näkymät: Matkailuala. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
Teaching methods
Luennot, ryhmätehtävät, pienryhmätehtävät, projektioppiminen, ilmiölähtöinen oppiminen
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tullaan tutustumaan opintojakson ilmiöihin käytännön tasolla kentän yhteistyöyrityksissä
Lisäksi opintojaksolla voi käydä vierailijoita elinkeinoelämän yrityksistä.
Alternative completion methods
Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen)
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Työn opinnollistaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta
Student workload
- Kurssi on kuormitukseltaan 10 op, vastaten 270 tunnin työmäärää.
- Kurssiin tulee liittymään kentällä suoritettavia jaksoja, joissa tarkastellaan kurssin aiheita käytännön tasolla
- Luokkahuoneopetuksen, tapahtumiin osallistumisen ja ryhmätöiden lisäksi opiskelijan ajankäyttöön vaikuttaa omatoiminen kirjallisuuden lukeminen.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 5 (Gradian korkeakoulupolkulaiset sis. max-määrään)
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1: You recognize operational environments and business models. You are familiar with the concept of service and its implementation into practice. You are familiar with the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You recognize the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and some of your own customer service abilities.
2: You apply your knowledge of the operational environments of service businesses and their business models into practice. You can describe the concept of service and its real world meaning. You can explain the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and your customer service abilities, and can affect your own actions in said tasks.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
3: You can analyse the operational environment and the business models of a service company. You manage the concept of service and its real world meaning. You manage the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can analyse the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You manage both your own role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
4: In addition to all above, you can analyse your knowledge and create a holistic understanding of the courses themes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
5: You can assess the operational environment and the business models of a service business. You can assess the terminology of service and their real world meaning. You can rationalise and explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You can critically evaluate both your role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021
30.08.2021 - 31.03.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Anne-Maria Raitio
- Tomi Hiltunen
ZJA21SMGAvoin amk, marata, korkeakoulupolku, Gradia
MPT21S1Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
After the course you recognize service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You are familiar with the concept of service and hospitality and their implementation into practice. You know also what means customer, consumer and user. You recognize the relevance of needs and diversity as factors influencing customers' actions. You recognize your own role as service designer and your customer service abilities.
Service company's operational environment
Hospitality business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Customer service person and service provider
Interaction with customers and challenging situations
Concepts of customer, consumer and user
Time and location
Tiistaisin klo 15-17:30 syksyn ajan, jatkuen keväällä myöhemmin päätettävän aikataulun mukaan.
Learning materials and recommended literature
- Viitala, R. & Jylhä, E.2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen – menestyvän yrityksen perusta. Edita Publishing Oy.
- Matkailun suuntana kestävä ja turvallinen tulevaisuus. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
- Toimialojen näkymät: Matkailuala. Työ-, ja elinkeinoministeriö. 2021
Teaching methods
Luennot, tentti, ryhmätehtävät, pienryhmätehtävät, projektioppiminen, tapahtumatuotanto
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojakson toteutus on integroitu työelämään opiskelijoiden osallistuessa Resto 2021-tietotaitokilpailun toteutukseen.
Lisäksi opintojaksolla voi käydä vierailijoita elinkeinoelämän yrityksistä.
Alternative completion methods
Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen)
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Työn opinnollistaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta
Student workload
- Kurssi on kuormitukseltaan 10 op, vastaten 270 tunnin työmäärää.
- Syksyn luokkahuoneopetus tapahtuu tiistaisin klo 15-17:30.
- Keväällä järjestettävän Resto 2021-tapahtuman osalta tullaan järjestämään alkuvuodesta 2021 käytännön harjoittelua, joka tapahtuu iltaisin ja mahdollisesti viikonloppuisin.
- Luokkahuoneopetuksen, tapahtumiin osallistumisen ja ryhmätöiden lisäksi opiskelijan ajankäyttöön vaikuttaa omatoiminen kirjallisuuden lukeminen.
Further information for students
Avoin AMK 5
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1: You recognize operational environments and business models. You are familiar with the concept of service and its implementation into practice. You are familiar with the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You recognize the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and some of your own customer service abilities.
2: You apply your knowledge of the operational environments of service businesses and their business models into practice. You can describe the concept of service and its real world meaning. You can explain the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You recognize your own role as a service provider and your customer service abilities, and can affect your own actions in said tasks.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
3: You can analyse the operational environment and the business models of a service company. You manage the concept of service and its real world meaning. You manage the terms customer, consumer, user and customership. You can analyse the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You manage both your own role as a service provider and your customer service skills.
4: In addition to all above, you can analyse your knowledge and create a holistic understanding of the courses themes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
5: You can assess the operational environment and the business models of a service business. You can assess the terminology of service and their real world meaning. You can rationalise and explain the meaning of customers' needs and diversity as factors that influence their actions. You can critically evaluate both your role as a service provider and your customer service skills.