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Corporate Social ResponsibilityLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00CL66


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Anne Törn-Laapio, Liiketoimintayksikkö
  • Marianne Ekonen, Liiketoimintayksikkö


Corporate social responsibility in the management point of view has be-come even more significant in order to face the societal challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation and inequality. By implement-ing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), organisations can respond to the challenges. CSR includes environmental, social, economic and stake-holder aspects.

CSR competence is a key element of modern business and organisations and taking it into account promotes the success of organisations, creates competitive advantage and wellbeing for people, environment, and socie-ty.
This course primarily supports the following Sustainable Development Goals: 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 17

Jamk University of Applied Sciences, School of Business is committed to the Principles of Responsible Management Education initiative (PRME), which aims to develop responsible decision-makers for future and advance sustainable development.

Responsibility management
You have an in-depth command of the knowledge base of sustainable development and are able to evaluate, analyse and apply researched knowledge critically in business development and management. You are able to initiate and implement responsible business with strategic stakeholders and partners.

Operating in a workplace
You are able to develop and manage the comprehensively well-being of a work community. You promote the resilience of a work community.

You are able to promote ethically sustainable activities and the realisation of ethical reflection in their different operating environments. You promote the realisation of diversity and accessibility. You are able to manage societally influential activities based on ethical values.

Sustainable development
You are able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.

Learning outcomes
You master the concepts and key theories of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in different levels (from individual to global). You can critically evaluate, analyse, and apply theoretical knowledge in organizational development and strategic management, taking the goals of different stakeholders into account. You can analyze the importance of implementing corporate social responsibility for the well-being of employ-ees, work communities and society considering also ethical responsibility. You are able to communicate and share your learning and competence with other students in a virtual environment.


Concepts and theory of the Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic CSR Management, Ecological Responsibility, Social Responsibility, Economic Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, Stakeholder Responsibility, Sustainability Reporting and assessment

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You can identify the concepts and key theories of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in different levels including individual (1).
You specify the concepts and key theories of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in different levels including team level (2).
You can apply theoretical knowledge in organizational development and strategic management, taking the goals of different stakeholders into ac-count (1-2).

You describe the importance of implementing corporate social responsibil-ity for the well-being of employees, work communities and society consid-ering also ethical responsibility (1-2).

You are able to communicate and share your learning and competence with other students in a virtual environment (1-2).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You master the concepts and key theories of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in different levels including work community and organisational levels (3).

You master the concepts and key theories of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in different levels including work community, organisational and societal levels (4).

You can analyse and apply theoretical knowledge in organizational devel-opment and strategic management, taking the goals of different stake-holders into account (3).

You can evaluate, analyse, and apply theoretical knowledge in organisa-tional development and strategic management, taking the goals of different stakeholders into account (4).

You can analyze the importance of implementing corporate social respon-sibility for the well-being of employees, work communities and society con-sidering also ethical responsibility (3).

You can evaluate and analyze the importance of implementing corporate social responsibility for the well-being of employees, work communities and society considering also ethical responsibility (4).

You demonstrate expertise in your communication and share your compe-tence with other students in a virtual environment (3-4).

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You master the concepts and key theories of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in different levels including global level (5).

You can critically evaluate, analyse, and apply theoretical knowledge in organizational development and strategic management, taking the goals of different stakeholders into account (5).

You can critically evaluate and analyze the importance of implementing corporate social responsibility for the well-being of employees, work communities and society considering also ethical responsibility (5).

You demonstrate special expertise in your communication and share interactively your competence with other students in a virtual environment (5).