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Talousjohtamisen kansainväliset ulottuvuudetLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00CL71


5 op


The object of the course

In an international operating environment, financial management can involve various complex issues related to, among other things, financing, taxation, budgeting and reporting practices, risk management, and corporate transactions. In this course, you delve into the international dimension of financial management, share your observations with fellow students, and learn from others' findings.

Course competences

Learning to learn: The student is able to ac-quire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
Operating in a workplace: The student is able to develop the communication and interaction culture of work communities.
Internationality and multiculturalism: The student is able to anticipate the impacts and opportunities of global development and phenomena.
Proactive development: The student is able to analyze the current situation and anticipate the future of their field and changes in the operating environment.

The learning objectives of the course

You acquire, evaluate, and generate information related to the phenomenon of international financial management. You identify the key factors and impacts of the phenomenon on the specific area of financial management. You assess perspectives related to the phenomenon and possible solution/action alternatives with a forward-looking approach. You share your observations with others and comment on the observations of the others interactively.


Aspects related to international financial management, such as financing, taxation, accounting, budgeting and reporting practices, risk management, and corporate transactions.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You identify the key factors and impacts of the phenomenon on the specific area of financial management. You acknowledge perspectives related to the phenomenon and possible solution/action alternatives with a forward-looking approach. You present your observations to others and name the observations of the others.

Satisfactory 2
You understand the key factors and impacts of the phenomenon on the specific area of financial management. You describe perspectives related to the phenomenon and possible solution/action alternatives with a forward-looking approach. You discuss your and the others’ observations.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You illustrate the key factors and impacts of the phenomenon on the specific area of financial management. You explain perspectives related to the phenomenon and possible solution/action alternatives with a forward-looking approach. You illustrate your own observations to others and apply the observations of the others.

Very good 4
You analyze the key factors and impacts of the phenomenon on the specific area of financial management. You specify perspectives related to the phenomenon and possible solution/action alternatives with a forward-looking approach. You compare your own and the others’ observations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You assess the key factors and impacts of the phenomenon on the specific area of financial management. You relate perspectives related to the phenomenon and possible solution/action alternatives with a forward-looking approach. You draw conclusions on the basis of your own and the others’ observations.