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Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnotLaajuus (1 - 5 cr)

Code: ZZ00CQ62


1 - 5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Suvi Salminen, Vastuuopettaja


The students have deepened their entrepreneurship competence in accordance with their personal study plan.


For entrepreneurship development studies, you can credit or include 1-5 credits of entrepreneurship-related coaching, studies completed elsewhere or participation in events and event organisation. The credits are determined by the workload of the assignment.

Examples of coaching you can include in your studies:
- Product development funding for a Yritystehdas
- Product development training for a Yritystehdas
- K-S Yritysidea Coaching
- Jamk Entrepreneur Coaching
- Participation in Jyväskylä Entrepreneurship Society (JES ry) activities, e.g. working in a project team

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: The assessment criteria will be defined in the beginning of the course.

Further information

For apprenticeship or integration, evidence of competence is always required for the JAMK business coach. The contact person is Suvi Salminen,