Human rights, social inclusion and recovery approachLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: YS00BY71
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Katja Kokkinen
After the course you can:
- critically evaluate mental health and substance abuse work in accordance with international and national human rights recommendations and regulations
- evaluate and develop his/her own activities and the activities of their work community from the perspective of human rights, inclusion and recovery orientation
- critically examine mental health and mental health challenges from different theoretical perspectives
- develop and implement customer-oriented, inclusion-enhancing and stigma-reducing operating methods
- Ethical principles of mental health and substance abuse work
- Human rights and participation in mental health and substance abuse work
- Stigma and prevention of exclusion
- Theoretical starting points of mental health and mental health challenges (e.g. biomedical, experiential and trauma-informed care)
- Client and person centeredness, and citizenship
- Experience - and recovery orientation
Mielenterveys- ja päihdetyön YAMK-opintojen opintokokonaisuuden opiskelijalta edellytetään
sairaanhoitajan, terveydenhoitajan, kätilön tai ensihoitajan perustutkintoa.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student:
-is able to search for information in the subject area and use national and international sources.
-is able to apply the collected information at a descriptive level when reviewing current practices and operating methods.
-does not show a critical evaluation of the subject area.
Participation in the course varies.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student:
-is able to search for evidence-based information in the subject area from both national and international sources of information and evaluate the sources with a critical approach.
-is able to do analysis and synthesis of the subject area.
-can use the acquired knowledge in the critical evaluation and development of current practices and operating methods.
Participation in the course is mainly active and professional.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
-is able to search for evidence-based information in the subject area from several national and international information sources.
-is able to evaluate studies with a critical approach and to form synthesis of the collected information.
-shows his/her in-depth view of the subject area.
-can critically evaluate current practices and create new evidence-based procedures.
Participation in the course is active and professional as a whole.
Further information
The course is a part of deepening Mental health - and addiction care Master´s degree -studies and it cannot be studied separately.
01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 08.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Katja Kokkinen
Teacher in charge
Katja Kokkinen
ZJAYSI24S1Avoin AMK, sote, YAMK-väylät,Kliininen asiantuntija (MTP)
YSI24S1Kliinisen asiantuntijan tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
After the course you can:
- critically evaluate mental health and substance abuse work in accordance with international and national human rights recommendations and regulations
- evaluate and develop his/her own activities and the activities of their work community from the perspective of human rights, inclusion and recovery orientation
- critically examine mental health and mental health challenges from different theoretical perspectives
- develop and implement customer-oriented, inclusion-enhancing and stigma-reducing operating methods
- Ethical principles of mental health and substance abuse work
- Human rights and participation in mental health and substance abuse work
- Stigma and prevention of exclusion
- Theoretical starting points of mental health and mental health challenges (e.g. biomedical, experiential and trauma-informed care)
- Client and person centeredness, and citizenship
- Experience - and recovery orientation
Time and location
Intensive days will be 23-24.9.2024 in Oulu (OAMK)
Learning materials and recommended literature
Hummelvoll, J,K, & Eriksson, B.G. 2022. Mental Health Care in the Era of Growing Global Risk and Uncertainty: A Recovery and Person-Centred Approach. In: A. Higgins, N.Kilkku & Gristofersson G.K. (eds.), Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing (pp. 394-408). Springer, Switzerland. 221-248
Leamy M, Bird V, Le Boutillier C, Williams J, Slade M (2011) A conceptual framework for personal recovery in mental health: systematic review and narrative synthesis, British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(6):445-52.doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.083733.
Thomas E., Despeaux K. 2018. Person-oriented recovery of individuals with serious mental illnesses: A review and meta-analysis of longitudinal findings. Psychiatric Services 69(3):259-267. doi: 10.1176/
Current articles and other material
Teaching methods
Pre-assignment, two consecutive intensive days in Jyväskylä (includes lectures, group works), written assignment or exam
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The return date of the written assignment / exam is agreed on intensive days. Two replay possibilities (are agreed on intensive days):
1. date (approx. 2 weeks from the original return date)
2. date (approx. 2 weeks from the previous return date)
Returns will not be accepted after these dates
Student workload
Pre-assignment 1 ect, intensive days 1 ect, written assignment 3 ect
Content scheduling
Pre-assignment will be given a month before intensive days. Written assignment or material for exam will be given during the intensive days.
Further information for students
The course is a part of deepening Mental health - and addiction care Master´s degree -studies and it cannot be studied separately.
The education requirement for these studies is a nurse, public health nurse, paramedic or midwife.
The university of applied sciences responsible for organizing the course is responsible for implementing and evaluating the course.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student:
-is able to search for information in the subject area and use national and international sources.
-is able to apply the collected information at a descriptive level when reviewing current practices and operating methods.
-does not show a critical evaluation of the subject area.
Participation in the course varies.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
The student:
-is able to search for evidence-based information in the subject area from both national and international sources of information and evaluate the sources with a critical approach.
-is able to do analysis and synthesis of the subject area.
-can use the acquired knowledge in the critical evaluation and development of current practices and operating methods.
Participation in the course is mainly active and professional.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
-is able to search for evidence-based information in the subject area from several national and international information sources.
-is able to evaluate studies with a critical approach and to form synthesis of the collected information.
-shows his/her in-depth view of the subject area.
-can critically evaluate current practices and create new evidence-based procedures.
Participation in the course is active and professional as a whole.
Mielenterveys- ja päihdetyön YAMK-opintojen opintokokonaisuuden opiskelijalta edellytetään
sairaanhoitajan, terveydenhoitajan, kätilön tai ensihoitajan perustutkintoa.
Further information
The course is a part of deepening Mental health - and addiction care Master´s degree -studies and it cannot be studied separately.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 03.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
- Katja Kokkinen
Teacher in charge
Katja Kokkinen
YSY22SMSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, monialainen kuntoutus
YSY22STSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, terveyden edistäminen
YSY22SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
YSY22SJSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen
After the course you can:
- critically evaluate mental health and substance abuse work in accordance with international and national human rights recommendations and regulations
- evaluate and develop his/her own activities and the activities of their work community from the perspective of human rights, inclusion and recovery orientation
- critically examine mental health and mental health challenges from different theoretical perspectives
- develop and implement customer-oriented, inclusion-enhancing and stigma-reducing operating methods
- Ethical principles of mental health and substance abuse work
- Human rights and participation in mental health and substance abuse work
- Stigma and prevention of exclusion
- Theoretical starting points of mental health and mental health challenges (e.g. biomedical, experiential and trauma-informed care)
- Client and person centeredness, and citizenship
- Experience - and recovery orientation
Time and location
Intensive days 2.-3.10.2023 in Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OAMK)
Learning materials and recommended literature
Hummenvoll, J,K, & Eriksson, B.G. 2022. Mental Health Care in the Era of Growing Global Risk and Uncertainty: A Recovery and Person-Centred Approach Teoksessa A. Higgins, N.Kilkku & Gristofersson G.K. (toim.), Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing (s. 394-408). Springer, Switzerland. 221-248
Leamy M, Bird V, Le Boutillier C, Williams J, Slade M (2011) A conceptual framework for personal recovery in mental health: systematic review and narrative synthesis, British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(6):445-52.doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.083733.
Thomas E., Despeaux K. 2018. Person-oriented recovery of individuals with serious mental illnesses: A review and meta-analysis of longitudinal findings. Psychiatric Services 69(3):259-267. doi: 10.1176/
Current articles and other material
Teaching methods
Pre-assignment, two consecutive intensive days in Oulu (includes lectures, group works), written assignment or exam
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The return date of the written assignment / exam is agreed on intensive days. Two replay possibilities (are agreed on intensive days):
1. date (approx. 2 weeks from the original return date)
2. date (approx. 2 weeks from the previous return date)
Returns will not be accepted after these dates
Student workload
Pre-assignment 1 ect, intensive days 1 ect, written assignment / exam 3 ect
Content scheduling
Pre-assignment will be given a month before intensive days. Written assignment or material for exam will be given during the intensive days.
Further information for students
The course is a part of deepening Mental health - and addiction care Master´s degree -studies and it cannot be studied separately.
The education requirement for these studies is a nurse, public health nurse, paramedic or midwife.
The university of applied sciences responsible for organizing the course is responsible for implementing and evaluating the course.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student:
-is able to search for information in the subject area and use national and international sources.
-is able to apply the collected information at a descriptive level when reviewing current practices and operating methods.
-does not show a critical evaluation of the subject area.
Participation in the course varies.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
The student:
-is able to search for evidence-based information in the subject area from both national and international sources of information and evaluate the sources with a critical approach.
-is able to do analysis and synthesis of the subject area.
-can use the acquired knowledge in the critical evaluation and development of current practices and operating methods.
Participation in the course is mainly active and professional.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
-is able to search for evidence-based information in the subject area from several national and international information sources.
-is able to evaluate studies with a critical approach and to form synthesis of the collected information.
-shows his/her in-depth view of the subject area.
-can critically evaluate current practices and create new evidence-based procedures.
Participation in the course is active and professional as a whole.
Mielenterveys- ja päihdetyön YAMK-opintojen opintokokonaisuuden opiskelijalta edellytetään
sairaanhoitajan, terveydenhoitajan, kätilön tai ensihoitajan perustutkintoa.
Further information
The course is a part of deepening Mental health - and addiction care Master´s degree -studies and it cannot be studied separately.