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Programming for business professionalsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: HTLT2001


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The aim is to give business professionals skills and knowledge that helps them to work in an ICT-company. After the course student
- Understand the significance of software development in an ICT-company
- Knows different phases in software development process
- Knows basic terms, methods and tools in software development


Basics, of
- HTML-programming
- Java Script-programming
- PHP –programming
- SQL - databases


- ICT-skills

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

5 (excellent): The student can design and program an interactive website independently.
4 (very good): The student can design and program a static website independently.
3 (good): The student can design and program a website under guidance.
2 (satisfactory): The student need a lot of guidance when designing and programming a website.
1 (passable): The student need a lot of guidance when designing and programming a website. The website has functional errors.
0 (fail): The student can’t design and program a website.