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Theoretical foundations of special needs educationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: AE00CQ27


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kaisa Räty


The purpose of the study unit:

During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the value base of special support and knowledge formation in special needs education. You will familiarise yourself with scientific publications and examine the use of applied research data in special education solutions. You will reflect on the practices and pedagogical solutions of special support. You will assess the effectiveness and significance of special support for the individual and the community.

Study unit competences:

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your
Development competence,
which means the ability to explore and use research data about special needs education. Development competence is put into practice when planning and implementing inclusive solutions.

Reflection competence,
which refers to conscious reflection and a critical and investigative approach to implementing education, teaching and special support. It also includes the ability to act in accordance with inclusive principles in the development of vocational special needs teaching and special support.

Learning objectives:
In your work, you will comply with the principles of professional ethics associated with special support. You will be able to use research in the field of special needs education to evaluate and develop the foundations of your own work.


Theory and philosophy of special education: terminology and concepts, paradigms that guide the actions, applied information in practice. Special needs education as a discipline.
Applied research as a tool for developing special support in vocational education and training. Research-based development of vocational special needs teaching.
The importance and practice of scientific research as a tool for the planning, implementation and development of special support. Topical themes in special needs education; special needs teaching, pedagogy in special education, special care. Teachers working with special support; the research-based nature of choices and impact.


This course is part of the curriculum of professional special needs teacher education programme.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Development competence:
You will understand the possibilities of how knowledge building, and applied information in special education research, can facilitate the practical solutions of special support. You will be able to apply research data to the development of your and your work community’s competence in special support.

Reflection competence:
You will be able to reflect on the basic concepts, values and attitudes related to diversity, special support and participation in your own professional field. You will be able to set yourself goals for developing an inclusive operating environment.

Further information

The course is intended for students in vocational special needs teacher education.
The course is also suited for those completing their teacher education and those who work/have already worked as teachers and who want to learn more about special needs education.


04.06.2024 - 03.06.2027

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Professional Teacher Education


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

50 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Vocational Special Needs Teacher Education
  • Tiina Parviainen
  • Leena Selkivuori
  • Kaisa Räty
  • Riikka Hongisto
  • Kaija Peuna-Korpioja
  • AJE24SJE
    Ammatillinen erityisopettajan koulutus


The purpose of the study unit:

During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the value base of special support and knowledge formation in special needs education. You will familiarise yourself with scientific publications and examine the use of applied research data in special education solutions. You will reflect on the practices and pedagogical solutions of special support. You will assess the effectiveness and significance of special support for the individual and the community.

Study unit competences:

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your
Development competence,
which means the ability to explore and use research data about special needs education. Development competence is put into practice when planning and implementing inclusive solutions.

Reflection competence,
which refers to conscious reflection and a critical and investigative approach to implementing education, teaching and special support. It also includes the ability to act in accordance with inclusive principles in the development of vocational special needs teaching and special support.

Learning objectives:
In your work, you will comply with the principles of professional ethics associated with special support. You will be able to use research in the field of special needs education to evaluate and develop the foundations of your own work.


Theory and philosophy of special education: terminology and concepts, paradigms that guide the actions, applied information in practice. Special needs education as a discipline.
Applied research as a tool for developing special support in vocational education and training. Research-based development of vocational special needs teaching.
The importance and practice of scientific research as a tool for the planning, implementation and development of special support. Topical themes in special needs education; special needs teaching, pedagogy in special education, special care. Teachers working with special support; the research-based nature of choices and impact.

Time and location

Verkkokurssi on avoinna 4.6.- 30.10.2024
Opintojakson ingfo kesäopintoina aloitukseen on 4.6.2024 orientaatiopäivän yhteydessä. Sisällöllinen aloituswebinaari on 23./24.8 ohjauspäivien yhteydessä. Koontiwebinaari on 23.10.2024.

Learning materials and recommended literature


Opintojaksolla käytettävät ja tehtäviin suositeltavat tutkimusaineistot, verkkosivut ja -julkaisut kuvataan verkkokurssin sivustoilla

Ei tentittävää kirjallisuutta.

Opintojakson perusteokset:
Moberg, S., Hautamäki, J., Kivirauma, J., Lahtinen, U., Savolainen, H. & Vehmas, S. 2019. Erityispedagogiikan perusteet. Uudistettu 4. painos. Jyväskylä. PS-kustannus.
Ahonen, T., Aro, M., Aro, T., Lerkkanen, M-K., Siiskonen, T. 2019. Oppimisen vaikeudet. Niilo Mäki Instituutti.

Teaching methods

Not available in English

Alternative completion methods

Tässä opintojaksossa tavoitteena olevan osaamisen hankit osallistumalla orientaatioluentoon ja kokoavaan työpajatyöskentelyyn, perehtymällä opintojakson aineistoihin ja tekemällä niihin liittyvät tehtävät.

Osaamisen osoittaminen:

Tavoitteena olevan osaamisen osoitat verkkokurssin tehtävillä. Tehtävistä ilmenee erityispedagogiikan alan tutkimusaineistoihin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen. Opintojakson osaamistavoitteet kokoavassa tehtävässä pohdit tarkastelemasi tutkimuksen menetelmällisiä valintoja, tulosten rakentumista, niiden merkittävyyttä ja sovellettavuutta ammatilliseen koulutukseen. Kirjaat tehtävään myös perusteltuja ehdotuksia jatkotutkimusaiheista. Opintojakson koontityöpajassa osoitat osaamista esittelemällä kokoavasta tehtävästä laatimasi koosteen, osallistumalla asiantuntevasti keskusteluun sekä antamalla kirjallisen vertaispalautteen yhdelle opiskelijakollegalle vastaavasta tehtävästä.

Opintojakson korvaaminen aiemmilla opinnoilla:

- Opintojakson voit korvata aiemmin suoritetuilla:
* Erityispedagogiikan perusopinnoilla, 25 op, jotka on suoritettu 1.8.2014 jälkeen tai
* Jamkin täydennyskoulutuksen tai avoimen amkin kautta suoritetuilla Ammatillisen erityisopetuksen perusteet I, 5 op -opintojaksolla tai Erityispedagoginen tietoperusta, 5 op -opintojaksolla, jotka on suoritettu 1.1.2018 jälkeen.
Korvaavuutta ja sisällyttämistä haet Peppi-järjestelmän eAhot-hakemuksella, johon liität kopion korvaavaksi esittämästäsi opintojen todistuksesta ja tarvittaessa sisältökuvauksen.

Opintojakson osaamisen tunnistaminen ja arviointi:
- Opintojaksosta voi hakea aiemmin hankitun osaamisen tunnistamista ja arviointia omalta kouluttajalta. Hakeminen tehdään erillisellä lomakkeella, johon liitetään 1) se kirjallinen aineisto, jonka perusteella tunnistamista ja arviointia haet ja 2) kirjoitettu arviointiaineiston osoittamasta osaamisesta suhteessa opintojakson osaamistavoitteeseen ja arviointikriteereihin.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 135 h (5 x 27 h) opiskelijan työtä:
- orientaatio 2 h
- koontityöpaja työskentely ja valmistelut 8 h
- itsenäistä työskentelyä 120 h
- vertaisarviointi ja itsearviointi 4 h
- palaute 1 h

Further information for students

Arviointi on osaamistavoitteisiin pohjautuvaa ja laadullista.
Oppimisprosessin arvioinnin välineitä ovat orientaatioluennolla ja koontipajassa aktiivinen osallistuminen, verkkoaineistoon perehtyminen ja sen hyödyntäminen tehtävissä. Arviointiaineistoa ovat myös opintojakson tehtävät ja itsearviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Development competence:
You will understand the possibilities of how knowledge building, and applied information in special education research, can facilitate the practical solutions of special support. You will be able to apply research data to the development of your and your work community’s competence in special support.

Reflection competence:
You will be able to reflect on the basic concepts, values and attitudes related to diversity, special support and participation in your own professional field. You will be able to set yourself goals for developing an inclusive operating environment.


This course is part of the curriculum of professional special needs teacher education programme.

Further information

The course is intended for students in vocational special needs teacher education.
The course is also suited for those completing their teacher education and those who work/have already worked as teachers and who want to learn more about special needs education.